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Given the name of a property or attribute like 'BrandName' or 'AmountReceived', try to predict a data type like String, Boolean, Integer...


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Given the name of a property or attribute like 'BrandName' or 'AmountReceived', try to predict a data type like String, Boolean, Integer...


python3 -m pip install --upgrade parameterized==0.7.5 levenshtein==0.20.8 Flask==2.2.2

Usage - Prediction

python3 ./src/ <name> [--help --fuzzy]

Example - passing a property name on the command line

python3 ./src/ Actve --fuzzy



Example - REPL to try it out

python3 ./src/


Enter a property name like 'Color' or 'BrandName' or 'CreatedOn'
(just press ENTER to exit) ->ExportedOn
(just press ENTER to exit) ->ItemWidth

Example - running as a REST API


Open a URL with a property-name at the end:


property_name: Branded -> predicted type=Boolean

Usage - Evaluation

python3 ./src/ <path or glob to JSON data file(s)> [--help --fuzzy]


python3 ./src/ ./data/names-and-types.small.1.json


# Accuracy:

45% correctly predicted
5% incorrectly predicted
50% not predicted
Data set size: 66 words

Usage - Training

A small element of Machine Learning is used to optimize the parameters used to predict, for a given data set.

The Accuracy measure is used (TP/(TP+FP)). The Cost function is defined simply to maximise the accuracy.


python3 ./src/ ./data/ip-xxx-big.json
Optimal config:
is_fuzzy=False, max_distance=0, min_length=2, cost=29, accuracy=71

Unfortunately, Machine Learning indicates that the optimal configuration can be acheived WITHOUT fuzzy matching! However, for UX reasons, fuzzy matching still seems useful, given the accuracy against data is the same.


  1. The property name (the word) is stemmed into smaller tokens, assuming camelCase or PascalCase
  2. Heuristics are run to try and recognise the first or last token. Example: is or can indicates Boolean. If match is found, exit.
  3. [If fuzzy matching is enabled] Levenshtein distance is then allowed on the longer tokens, to try to get a fuzzy match.

Evaluation (Validation)

Data set: 66 words

Approach Accuracy Correctly predicted Incorrectly predicated Not predicted Data set Comment
Heuristics, no fuzzy match - 45% 5% 50% 66 words 'Safe' predications
Heuristics, with fuzzy match (min length 3, max distance 5) - 47% 48% 5% 66 words 'Unsafe' fuzzy predications: small gain in true positives with cost of much more false positives.
Heuristics, with fuzzy match (min length 2, max distance 2) - 50% 14% 36% 66 words 'Safer' fuzzy predications.
Heuristics, with fuzzy match (min length 5, max distance 2) 91% 47% 5% 48% 66 words 'Safer' fuzzy predications.
ML Optimized Heuristics, with NO fuzzy match (min length 2) 91% 45% 5% 50% Machine Learning optimized the 5600 item data set -> Fuzzy is OFF.

Data set: 5640 words

Approach Accuracy Correctly predicted Incorrectly predicated Not predicted Data set Comment
Heuristics, no fuzzy match - 16% 7% 77% 5640 words 'Safe' predications.
Heuristics, with fuzzy match (min length 2, max distance 2) - 24% 30% 46% 5640 words Fuzzy predications.
Heuristics, with fuzzy match (min length 2, max distance 2) - 24% 30% 46% 5640 words Fuzzy predications.
Heuristics, with fuzzy match (min length 5, max distance 2) 68% 17% 8% 75% 5640 words Fuzzy predications.
ML Optimized Heuristics, with forced fuzzy match (min length 6, max distance 1) 71% 16% 7% 77% 5640 Machine Learning optimized THIS data set Fuzzy is forced ON, learned optimal token length.
ML Optimized Heuristics, with NO fuzzy match 71% 16% 7% 77% 5640 Machine Learning optimized THIS data set -> Fuzzy is OFF.


Given the name of a property or attribute like 'BrandName' or 'AmountReceived', try to predict a data type like String, Boolean, Integer...





