A summary of each issue fixed should be documented here along with the code changes.
For a details of release notes see GitHub Release
This release is still work in progress under master
#161 depen: Upgrade to use JDK8
#304 depen: Upgrade HikariCP 3.2.0 to jdk8 compatible
#334 test: Make test database port configurable through CI props
This release is still work in progress under quartz-2.3.x
#294 depen: Update hikaricp-java6:2.3.13 to hikaricp-java7:2.4.13
#316 depen: Updated C3P0 version to
#147 bugfix: Fix BINARY to BLOG type for job data for hsqldb
#156 bugfix: Fix null string used in thread name with DirectSchedulerFactory
#159 bugfix: Fix extra bad char tick on drop table qurtz_fired_triggers for postgres
#146 bugfix: Release BLOCKED triggers in releaseAcquiredTrigger
#212 bugfix: QuartzInitializerListener: fix a typo
#193 bugfix: Job execution context impl returns incorrect recovering job key
#172 bugfix: Miss notify SchedulerListeners in QuartzScheduler.java
#220 bugifx: DailyTimeIntervalTrigger failed to set endingDailyAfterCount = 1
#160 improv: Add drop table if exists check in sql script for postgres
#214 improv: Reuse JobBuilder.storeDurably(boolean) in JobBuilder
#281 improv: Fix no setter for dataSource property validateOnCheckout
#264 improv: Fix no setter for dataSource property discardIdleConnectionsSeconds
#245 improv: Sybase: Changed varchar length TRIGGER_NAME from 80 to 200
#340 improv: Use all-caps table names in the liquibase script
#189 improv: NPE thrown when acquiring next trigger due to null next fire time value
#268 improv: Add configurable params for StdRowLockSemaphore for Failure obtaining db row lock
#293 build: Setup Azure CI server for Quartz project
#66 build: Remove unused 'svn' requirement during maven package build
#301 build: Improve project with readme, and license changes log
#302 build: Update mvnw wrapper to use Maven 3.6.0
#226 build: Replace maven-forge-plugin with maven-jar-plugin
#170 docs: Minor fix and improvement on Javadoc
#203 docs: Minor fix and improvement on Javadoc
#360 docs: Update docs and migrate it into main source repository
Released on 19-Apr-2017
#9 build: Fix the Java 8 javadoc issue with 'doclint:none'
#6 bugfix: Fix cannot create tables in MySQL with InnoDB and UTF8mb4
#93 bugfix: Fix the jobs recovering (on scheduler startup)
#76 improv: Add missing foreign key for BLOB triggers table for ms sql server
#114 improv: Add 'if exists' clause to drop tables command for postgres
#25 feat: Add resetTriggerFromErrorState functionality
#126 feat: Add support for hikari cp, upgrade c3p0 library, break static dependencies
quartz-2.2.3 14-Apr-2016 quartz-2.2.2 13-Oct-2015 quartz-2.2.1 26-Sep-2013 quartz-2.2.0 29-Jun-2013 quartz-2.1.7 08-Mar-2013 quartz-2.1.6 13-Aug-2012 quartz-2.1.5 27-Apr-2012 quartz-2.1.4 16-Apr-2012 quartz-2.1.3 30-Jan-2012 quartz-2.1.2 22-Dec-2011 quartz-2.1.1 14-Nov-2011 quartz-2.1.0 16-Sep-2011 quartz-2.0.2 26-May-2011 quartz-2.0.1 12-Apr-2011 quartz-2.0.0 28-Mar-2011 quartz-1.8.6 12-Jan-2012 quartz-1.8.5 12-Apr-2011 quartz-1.8.4 19-Jul-2010 quartz-1.8.3 22-Jun-2010 quartz-1.8.2 18-Jun-2010 quartz-1.8.1 11-Jun-2010 quartz-1.8.0 23-Apr-2010 quartz-1.7.3 24-Feb-2010 quartz-1.7.2 10-Feb-2010
Changes for build, release and project management etc -
Changes for third-party dependencies update -
Changes for bug fix -
Changes for code improvement, refactoring and reformat etc -
Changes for new feature -
Changes for documentation only -
Changes for tests only