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It's recommended to install the Angular Client Tool and YARN package manager.

Starting the frontend

If you run sbt run in the root folder it will automatically start the Play-backend and Angular-frontend (both with hot-reloading). If you for some reason need to start the frontend independently, install all dependencies via your package manager (e.g. yarn install) and run: ng start.

Updating the dependencies

Run ng update to update the Angular application and its dependencies. (e.g. ng update @angular/cli @angular/core) To update packages to their latest version use your package manager (e.g. yarn upgrade)

Fix linting errors

This application is using ESLint. Use yarn lint to show current linting errors. If you automatically fix minor linting errors you can use: yarn lint --fix


Run yarn test to execute the unit tests using Karma and headless Chrome. Run yarn coverage to check the code test coverage. Run yarn e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.


Run yarn build:dev or yarn build:prod to trigger the development or production build of the frontend. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.