Torch and TorchVision, for your Node servers. Get up and running with PyTorch models within your NodeJS infrastructure in seconds.
Getting Started • Key Features • Development • Misc • License
Your models must be exported to torchscript in order to work with pytorchjs. Check this out for an example!
Assuming nothing's broken: yarn add pytorchjs
Run your PyTorch models in Javascript, just like you would in Python.
import { torch, torchvision } from 'pytorchjs';
const { load } = torch;
const { DataLoader } = torch.utils.data;
const { ImageFolder } = torchvision.datasets;
const { Compose, Resize, InvertAxes, Normalize } = torchvision.transforms;
const squeezeNet = load("./test/resources/squeezenet_ts.pt");
const transforms = new Compose([
new Resize({height: 224, width: 224}),
new Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
new InvertAxes()
const loader = new DataLoader(new ImageFolder("./test/resources/dataset"), 1, transforms);
const results = await squeezeNet(loader);
Additional examples of both setup and usage involving features like Torchvision Transforms and CUDA (in development) may be found here.
- Run your PyTorch models in a Javascript environment, without worrying about setting up Torchscript or downloading custom binaries
- Deploy your model using configurations identical to what you used during training
- Built-in CUDA support
- CUDA support is a work in progress
- Support for TorchVision, including transforms, dataset classes, and pre-trained models
- Support for TorchVision models is a work in progress
yarn install
should allow you to install project dependenciesyarn test
to run the test suite for this project
- This project uses arition's fork of torch-js to run TorchScript - check the project out if you're curious about how we do it!
- Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
- This project was originally developed as a part of COMSW4995 - Open Source Development at Columbia University.