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How to compile the server

VChar64 client and server

Install 3rd party tools

  • Download and install cc65 from github (C compiler for 6502)
  • Download Contiki OS from github (TCP/IP stack plus other utilities)
  • Download and install c1541 bundled with VICE (needed to create the .d64 and .d71 images)
  • Setup the following environtment variables:
    • CONTIKI: Path to Contiki OS root
    • CC65_HOME: Path to cc65 root
    • C1541: Filepath (not just path) to the c1541 utility (bundled with VICE)


export CONTIKI=~/src/contiki
export CC65_HOME=~/src/cc65
export C1541=~/bin/VICE/tools/c1541

Mac only

  • Install make from brew, since the make that comes with Xcode doesn't parse Contiki's makefiles correctly

brew install make

  • Use gmake instead of make

Compiling the server

Once all the needed 3rd party tools were installed and setup correctly, just do:

  • make c64: to generate a .d64 file for the c64
  • make c128: to generate a .d71 file for the c128

Running the server

Hardware requirements

Emulator requirements

  • Compile VICE with --enable-ethernet or download a nightly build which already has ethernet support
  • Windows only: Install WinPCAP
  • Mac & Linux only: Run x64 / x128 as root

And in case you are lost, here is a tutorial


$ sudo x64 vchar64d-c64.d64

IMPORTANT: Don't run the client and the server (by using VICE) in the same machine since most probably they won't see each other. VICE uses PCAP to "listen to" incoming packets, but it won't see packets that are emitted by that same machine.

What's inside the .d64 / .d71 images

  • vchar64-server: the server
  • ethconfig: to setupt the ethernet driver. Not needed if you are already have an RR-Net card
  • ipconfig: the DHCP client, needed in order to setup the IP address. Only run it once.
  • contiki.cfg: Configuration file that stores the IP address and the ethernet driver to be used
  • cs8900a.eth: TFE / RR-Net driver
  • lan91c96.eth: ETH64 driver

Running the server and its utilities

  1. Setup the Ethernet card with ethconfig (not needed if your card is RR-Net):
  1. Setup the IP address with ipconfig:
  1. Run the server

There is no need to run steps 1) and 2) again once you have setup the ethernet card and IP address.