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Rosette Cloud Community

Check out how people are using the Rosette Cloud -- and contact us if you have a project you want to share!

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  1. rosettepedia rosettepedia Public

    Augment Rosette API entity extraction results with information from Wikipedia.

    Python 7

  2. document-summarization document-summarization Public

    Summarize documents based on content extracted via Rosette API

    Python 6 2

  3. chrome-ext-entities chrome-ext-entities Public

    Google Chrome extension analyzing the category of and entities within text in a webpage using the Rosette API.

    JavaScript 4

  4. text-embeddings-sample text-embeddings-sample Public

    A little python code to show how to get similarity between word embeddings returned from the Rosette API's new /text-embedding endpoint.

    Python 4

  5. visualize-syntactic-dependencies visualize-syntactic-dependencies Public

    Visualize Rosette API syntactic dependency parse results via GraphViz.

    Python 4

  6. rosette-for-excel rosette-for-excel Public

    Microsoft Excel add-in that implements many endpoints through ribbon functions and formula support

    2 4


Showing 10 of 15 repositories
  • visualize-syntactic-dependencies Public

    Visualize Rosette API syntactic dependency parse results via GraphViz.

    Python 4 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Feb 15, 2022
  • rosette-named-entity-conversion-sample Public

    Python example for converting Rosette named entity extraction results to other formats.

    Python 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Apr 22, 2019
  • Jupyter Notebook 2 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Apr 22, 2019
  • document-summarization Public

    Summarize documents based on content extracted via Rosette API

    Python 6 MIT 2 0 0 Updated Apr 22, 2019
  • identity-masker Public

    Mask entities that potentially reveal personally identifying information.

    Python 1 MIT 1 0 0 Updated Apr 22, 2019
  • rosettepedia Public

    Augment Rosette API entity extraction results with information from Wikipedia.

    Python 7 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Apr 22, 2019
  • rosette-for-excel Public

    Microsoft Excel add-in that implements many endpoints through ribbon functions and formula support

    2 4 1 0 Updated May 17, 2017
  • visualize-embeddings Public

    A simple Python script for transforming a corpus of documents into text vectors suitable for visualization

    Python 1 1 0 0 Updated Mar 16, 2017
  • text-embeddings-sample Public

    A little python code to show how to get similarity between word embeddings returned from the Rosette API's new /text-embedding endpoint.

    Python 4 0 1 0 Updated Mar 16, 2017
  • chrome-ext-sentiment Public

    Google Chrome extension analyzing the sentiment of twitter and facebook posts using the Rosette API.

    JavaScript 1 0 0 0 Updated Jul 6, 2016


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