Its an application which allows the user to automate saving the "Discover Weekly" Playlist into a new playlist called as- "Saved Weekly". Since new songs are added every week, the user wont have to add songs everytime.
Make sure you have made the "Discover Weekly" Playlist public by selecting the playlist to be displayed on profile.
Browse to
Log in with your Spotify account.
Click on ‘Create an app’.
Pick an ‘App name’ and ‘App description’ of your choice and mark the checkboxes.
After creation, you see your ‘Client Id’ and you can click on ‘Show client secret` to unhide your ’Client secret’
- Install the dependencies via the requirements txt file:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
After installation, Update the client_id and secret_key in the configuration file to authenticate the spotipy api
After updation run the file in the terminal
Click on the link which is generated. It is basically running the app on the port locally.