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Extracting embedded JSON objects with rogue elements #2805

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Hi, @forthrin, thanks for asking this question!

Nokogiri specifically wraps XML and HTML parsers, and so unfortunately has no capability to parse Javascript.

That said, you may want to look at something like which is a pure-Ruby javascript parser! You should be able to use it to examine the contents of a <script> tag:

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

require "bundler/inline"

gemfile do
  source ""
  gem "rkelly-remix"
  gem "nokogiri"

require "rkelly"

markup = '<script>foo={"a": 1, "b": undefined, "c": function(){}};</script><script>bar={"baz": 2};</script>'
html_doc = Nokogiri.HTML5(markup)

script = html_doc.at_css("script")…

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This discussion was converted from issue #2804 on March 01, 2023 13:32.