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⚠️ Dont try it until 25 !!! (until Your brain connections are crystalized)!! With or without additives, marijuana impairs Your brain ⚠️

Marijuana in Ukraine

In Ukraine, because marijuana is not legalized, it is actually sold out with chemicals (bosses should be in jail, previous mayor of Pokrovsk city is a drug lord), that cause damage to the brain. And then, stupid children like me buy it, cause damage, and then think "WOW, i think I am less smart than I was"


How marijuana works

Question: what will happen if I will try?

Answer: nothing interesting

You will sink into the kind of "Shephard tone" illusion (this is the sound-illusion, it makes you think that pitch is always increasing)

But this "Shephard tone" is for the thoughts. It will make You think:

  1. "Wow, this thought I have right now is the most interesting thought/idea I had in my life"
  2. "Oh, no, the thought I had before is NOT the most interesting. NOW is the most interesting thought in my life!!!"
  3. "No, no, no.... these two are not the most interesting. NOW is the most interesting"
  4. ....... and so on, until infinity


Summary: dont try it, nothing interesting, just makes "You can be mesmerized by our universe infinitively" feature of our universe more visible by making you more stupid

But one interesting thought I indeed had:

  1. is it possible to suffer indefinitely in our universe? (now, we know that the universe will end, check my post about universe!!, so ♾️ not possible?).
  2. to create a brain, put it to the machine of suffering, send it to the space with near light velocity, so that no good human could catch it and disable suffering
  3. what is the maximum of the suffering? Suffering Force = Suffering Time (until the end of the universe?) * Suffering Power (neutral networks become accustomed to pain OR is it possible to make pain feel novel all the time?)


⚠️ It will not make you better/more compassionate person (without reading Eliezer Yudkowsky), as it didnt make Charles Manson a better person ⚠️


Once, my friend have shown me one very bad video that someone posted on 2ch, that I couldn't watch it even for a second. It was a child-porn video, it involves an forehand-sized infant (female), a table and a man.

My first thought was: This should not be forgotten!

And then, in the subconsiousness, unknown to me:

  1. Am I capable for these actions?
  2. How badly I should be treated by this universe and inhabitants to desire to do this?
  • IF some person has such desires THEN what should he do?
  • Should he go to the doctor?
  • Should he rewire his brain to stop wanting this (maybe it's like an alcohol addiction? sociopaths tell this is how they feel when the see weak person, that can be "used" ) ? (this desire clearly warps the fabric of reality / breaks fabric of interhuman relations)
  • Should humans follow their natural wiring at all? (the whole plot of Doctor House, who the whole series cannot decide what is better: to be a psychopath and have everything OR follow natural wiring and be good. Suffering in both cases, bc Chingiz khan had everything and wasnt happy)


So, one day I tried mushrooms, then was walking in the woods, then laid and slept and had a dream:

I was in a Kavin Spacy body, but I was hating this universe. I went to the kindergarten and started pouring hot water on the hands of kindergarten teachers until the flash started to peel off from their hands (inspired by ¨Men Behind the Sun¨ film, which I didnt watch).

So, I was torturing the grown up people, but I couldnt torture children. Instead, I made them watch, so that they too hate this universe, as I/Kavin Spacy hate it.


  1. I understood, that even though I can do horrible stuff, there is some "safety lock/circuit breaker/fuse" that doesnt allow me to hurt children. (Jordan Peterson: too much order - tyranny, too little - chaos. without a theme you will not write a poem. Stephen Hawking: it seems like this universe is non-ideal in order for a stuff to exist)
  2. I understood, that IF I was a psychopath (desire to use people, similar to desire for alcohol) OR a child raper OR had some other pathology (created by insufficient amount of blood in brain) THEN I should go to doctor to rewire myself
  3. I understood, that maybe it doesn't make much sence to desire the power too much, bc

Then, when i woke up, (like a cloud of a bomb, and i was in center) universe appeared again around me, i was lying and thought:

ok, probably now the meaning of my life is just to wait for technological singularity (the moment in time, in future, after which the technology will start to advance so fast, that it will not be possible to predict the next advancement, "no light can escape, like from the black hole")

P. S. Why am I telling all this

B.c. IF

  1. Ramez Naam "The Nexus Trilogy" (in future humans will merge all brains with Elon Musk's Neuralink-like technology, will be able to show videos with past, enter each-other's bodies)
  2. AND Erwin Schrodinger "My view of the world" ("in truth, there is only one mind")
  3. AND Sean Carroll ("universe and we will not exist forever.")
  4. AND Michio Kaku ("one day humans will invent 1. The device that makes the food from the air 2. Medicine to live until the end of universe")

are right THEN there is no need:

  1. to lie
  2. to hide information (we can read minds , since human mind is classical computer, but how about mind implemented in quantum computer? is it really true that it is not possible to have secrets in this universe?)
  3. to cheat
  4. to do horrible stuff to advance on the ladder

Alternatives to do in the universe:

  1. Cure death. Live until the end of universe. (Eliezer Yudkowsky: Harry Potter and the methods of rationality)
  2. Construct the "garden of Eden to shelter from the chaos outside" (Jordan Peterson) (bc there will always be chaos and problems. Stephen Hawking “One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist.....Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”. There will always be possibility to improve something? If new devise solves more problems then creates, then we accept it)
  3. Meet everyone, one by one, and say "Yes, this is a life too". Visit wedding of 1000th grandchild on Proxima Centauri(Eliezer Yudkowsky)
  4. Relax, this is just a game (Eliezer Yudkowsky)
  5. Demolish prisons that dont fix the problems. Use neurofeedback to cure "inability to empathize". Use phylosophy (?) to cure "alcohol-like desire to use up people and hop from one group of people to another"
  6. Demolish country borders (Neil deGrasse Tyson: ... bc from aliens point of view, they dont make sense)
  7. Consume energy from the sun (Alexey Arestovich: when we will stop killing animals for food - this will be the turning point) (Neil deGrasse Tyson: cucumber is a baby of a plant, You are committing infanticide 😂)
  8. To find if the science is infinite. will we ever get bored?
  9. Solve problem that Elon Musk have pointed out "old people are hard to change their mind. New people should replace old. That's why people should be dying" (use solution of Eliezer Yudkowsky from "three worlds collide" : "people more than 40 years old should not participate in elections"?)
  10. Solve the graal of all problems: how to increase people's iq (ability to notice more patterns) , so that we become equally intelligent, compared to AI and it will not be able to kill us

There are no "closed topics" for me. I can tell You everything, if You will ask (because why to hide or lie if we will merge our brains, or if we are the parts of one wave function). But I also understand difference between openness and exhibitionism.