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Kepler (Kubernetes Efficient Power Level Exporter) uses eBPF to probe energy-related system stats and exports them as Prometheus metrics.

As a CNCF Sandbox project, Kepler uses CNCF Code of Conduct


Kepler Exporter exposes a variety of metrics about the energy consumption of Kubernetes components such as Pods and Nodes.

flowchart BT
    classDef kernel fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#4a90e2,color:#000
    classDef collector fill:#f0fff0,stroke:#2ecc71,color:#000
    classDef hardware fill:#fff0f5,stroke:#e74c3c,color:#000
    classDef estimator fill:#fff5e6,stroke:#f39c12,color:#000
    classDef mapping fill:#f5f0ff,stroke:#9b59b6,color:#000
    classDef calculator fill:#f0f5ff,stroke:#3498db,color:#000
    classDef attribution fill:#fff0f0,stroke:#e74c3c,color:#000
    classDef export fill:#f5fff0,stroke:#27ae60,color:#000

    classDef kernelLevel fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#999,color:#000
    classDef userSpace fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#999,color:#000
    classDef resourceCollection fill:#f0fff0,stroke:#999,color:#000
    classDef hardwareMetrics fill:#fff0f5,stroke:#999,color:#000
    classDef estimatorMetrics fill:#fff5e6,stroke:#999,color:#000
    classDef powerModel fill:#f0f0ff,stroke:#999,color:#000

    subgraph KL[Kernel Level]
        direction BT
        TP[Kernel Tracepoint]:::kernel --> EBPF[Kepler eBPF Program]:::kernel
        EBPF --> |Performance Counter Stats|OM[Output Map]:::kernel

    subgraph UP[Userspace Program]
        direction BT
        subgraph RC[Resource Info Collection]
            direction BT
            P1[Process Info Collector]:::collector --> |PID, Names|INFO[Process/Container/VM Info]:::collector
            C1[Container Info Collector]:::collector --> |Container/Pod ID, Namespace|INFO
            V1[VM Info Collector]:::collector --> |VM ID|INFO

        subgraph HM[Hardware Metrics]
            direction BT
            H1[RAPL or hwmon]:::hardware --> |CPU/DRAM/Package Power|PWR[Hardware Power Readings]:::hardware
            H2[NVIDIA/Intel GPU API]:::hardware --> |GPU Power|PWR
            H3[Redfish or ACPI Power Meter]:::hardware --> |Platform Power|PWR

        subgraph EM[Estimator Metrics]
            direction BT
            E1[ML Features: CPU Time]:::estimator --> |CPU/DRAM/Package Power|PWR
            E2[ML Features: CPU Time]:::estimator --> |Platform Power|PWR

        OM --> |Read Map Data|MAP[Activity Mapping]:::mapping
        INFO --> MAP
        MAP --> |Map via PID/cgroup ID|CALC[Energy Calculator]:::calculator
        PWR --> CALC

    subgraph PM[Power Model]
        direction BT
        CALC --> |Process Activity Ratio|ATTR[Idle and Dynamic Energy Attribution]:::attribution
        ATTR --> |Per Process/Container/VM|EXP[Energy Metrics]:::attribution

    EXP --> PROM[Prometheus Export]:::export

    class KL kernelLevel
    class UP userSpace
    class RC resourceCollection
    class HM hardwareMetrics
    class EM estimatorMetrics
    class PM powerModel

Install Kepler

Instructions to install Kepler can be found in the Kepler docs.

Visualise Kepler metrics with Grafana

To visualise the power consumption metrics made available by the Kepler Exporter, import the pre-generated Kepler Dashboard into Grafana: Sample Grafana dashboard

Contribute to Kepler

Interested in contributing to Kepler? Follow the Contributing Guide to get started!

Talks & Demos

A full list of talks and demos about Kepler can be found here.

Community Meetings

Please join the biweekly community meetings. The meeting calendar and agenda can be found here


With the exception of eBPF code, everything is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (version 2.0).


All eBPF code is distributed under either:

The exact license text varies by file. Please see the SPDX-License-Identifier header in each file for details.

Files that originate from the authors of kepler use (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause). Files generated from the Linux kernel i.e vmlinux.h use GPL-2.0-only.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the GPL-2 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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