Our pytorch module is easily integrated into any GAN models with three following simple steps. We use this wgan-gp pytorch code for illustration.
To copy our dag module into your workspace and include the module into your code as follows:
from dag.dag import DAG
dag = DAG(D_loss_func, G_loss_func, policy=['rotation'], policy_weight=[1.0])
n_augments = dag.get_num_of_augments_from_policy()
loss_d += dag.compute_discriminator_loss(x_real, x_fake, netD)
loss_g += dag.compute_generator_loss(x_real, x_fake, netD)
- augument_type: the augmentation methods to be used in DAG.
- policy_weight: the corresponding weights for the augmentions to used in DAG.
- D_loss_func: the function of the discriminator loss (see step 3).
- G_loss_func: the function of the generator loss (see step 3).
- get_num_of_augments_from_policy(): to return the number of heads to implement DAG in the discriminator.
- netD: the discriminator network (see step 2)
- x_real: the batch of original real samples.
- x_fake: the batch of original fake samples.
To modify the discriminator architecture according to the number of augmentations used in the DAG. For example:
The original discriminator:
class Discriminator(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Discriminator, self).__init__()
self.linear = nn.Linear(4*4*4*DIM, 1)
def forward(self, input):
output = output.view(-1, 4*4*4*DIM)
output = self.linear(output)
return output
The modified discriminator:
class Discriminator(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_augments):
super(Discriminator, self).__init__()
self.n_augments = n_augments
self.linear = nn.Linear(4*4*4*DIM, 1)
self.linears_dag = []
for i in range(self.n_augments):
self.linears_dag.append(nn.Linear(4*4*4*DIM, 1))
self.linears_dag = nn.ModuleList(self.linears_dag)
def forward(self, input):
feature = output.view(-1, 4*4*4*DIM)
output = self.linear(feature)
# dag heads
outputs_dag = []
for i in range(self.n_augments):
return output, outputs_dag
Note that the modified discriminator has mulitple outputs, you need to modify the number of outputs when calling discriminator function. For example:
netD = Discriminator()
d_real = netD(x_real)
netD = Discriminator(n_augments=n_augments)
d_real, _ = netD(x_real)
To use DAG, we need the functions of computing losses of D and G to apply it automatically on augmented samples. Followings are examples of GAN and WGAN losses:
def D_loss_func(x_real, x_fake, netD, dag=False, dag_idx=0):
if dag==False:
d_real, _ = netD(x_real)
d_fake, _ = netD(x_fake)
_, d_reals = netD(x_real)
d_real = d_reals[dag_idx]
_, d_fakes = netD(x_fake)
d_fake = d_fakes[dag_idx]
d_real = d_real.mean()
d_fake = d_fake.mean()
# train with gradient penalty
gp = calc_gradient_penalty(netD, x_real, x_fake, dag=dag, dag_idx=dag_idx)
d_cost = d_fake - d_real + gp
return d_cost
def G_loss_func(x_real, x_fake, netD, dag=False, dag_idx=0):
if dag==False:
d_fake, _ = netD(x_fake)
_, d_fakes = netD(x_fake)
d_fake = d_fakes[dag_idx]
d_fake = d_fake.mean()
g_cost = -d_fake
return g_cost
- dag: the flag get the discriminator output of original or dag.
- dag_idx: the index of dag output to be used when dag=True
To use more augmentation techniques:
from dag.dag import DAG
dag = DAG(D_loss_func, G_loss_func, policy=['rotation', 'cropping'], policy_weight=[1.0, 1.0])
n_augments = dag.get_num_of_augments_from_policy()