An Cheat Sheet for Unreal Engine 4 C++ programming, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Jul 29, 2020 - TeX
LaTeX is a typesetting system used to create technical and scientific documents. It is an alternative to word processing, with an emphasis on content over appearance.
An Cheat Sheet for Unreal Engine 4 C++ programming, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations.
A comprehensive LaTeX template with examples for theses, books and more, employing the 'latest and greatest' (UTF8, glossaries, fonts, ...). The PDF artifact is built using CI/CD, with a Python testing framework.
Learn LaTeX from scratch in an easy-to-follow but highly effective way. Get up to the level of professional document writeup, presentation creation and even generating graphics and figures in LaTeX.
Go vs. Swift: The Languages of The Modern Tech Giants
A Latex template for a Software Requirements Specification that respects the IEEE standards.
LaTeX sources for notes for the maths courses at Cambridge.
A LaTeX document class for lecture notes—for a seminar, for an entire course with several lectures, or for brief talks.
📑 LaTeX Thesis Template for School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | National Technical University of Athens
Template LaTeX de rapports de projets / TDs et stages (ST05,ST09,ST10,ST30) pour l'Université de Technologie de Troyes aka UTT (école d'ingénieur).
A collection of LaTeX templates in English/Chinese, with VS Code settings for LaTeX Workshop.
Plantilla LaTeX para la elaboración de TFG y TFM en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante
A simple and modern template for your [academic] CV
A handmade collection of latex templates, classes and style files
Do calculations and automatically insert them into your document
Created by Leslie Lamport
Released 1985