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File metadata and controls

1459 lines (1060 loc) · 54.9 KB

Finit Configuration


Finit is a process starter and service monitor designed to run as PID 1 on Linux. It consists of plugins and configuration files. Plugins start at hook points and can run various set up, or install event handlers that later provide runtime services, e.g., PID file monitoring, or conditions.


See SysV Init Compatibility for help to quickly get going with an existing SysV or BusyBox init setup.

Configuration Files

Originally Finit was configured using a single file, /etc/finit.conf, and although still possible to use a single configuration file, today the following layout is recommended:

|- etc/
|  |- finit.d/
|  |   |- available/
|  |   |  `- my-service.conf
|  :   |- enabled/
|  :   |  `- my-service.conf -> ../available/my-service.conf
|  :   :
|  :   |- static-service.conf
|  :   `- another-static.conf
|  :
|  `- finit.conf
|- lib
|   `- finit/
|       `- system/
|           |- 10-hotplug.conf
|           `- ...
`- run/
    `- finit/
        `- system/
            |- dbus.conf
            |- keventd.conf
            |- runparts.conf
            |- watchdogd.conf
            `- ...

Configuration files in /etc are provided by the user, or projects like finit-skel and extended by the user.

The files in /lib/finit/system/*.conf are system critical services and setup provided by Finit, e.g. udev/mdev that must run very early at system bootstrap. This system directory was introduced in Finit v4.4 to replace the hard-coded services provided by plugins before. All .conf files in this directory be either replaced by a system administrator or overridden by a file with the same name in /etc/finit.d/.

The files in /run/finit/system/*.conf are created by plugins and Finit bundled services like runparts, the watchdog, and keventd if they are enabled. Like /lib/finit/system/*.conf, these files can be overridden by file with the same name in /etc/finit.d/.

Services in the available/ and enabled/ sub-directories are called dynamic services, in contrast to static services -- the only difference being where they are installed and if the initctl tool can manage them with the enable and disable commands. An administrator can always create files and symlinks manually.

At bootstrap, and initctl reload, all .conf files are read, starting with finit.conf, then /lib/finit/system/*.conf, finit.d/*.conf, and finally all finit.d/enabled/*.conf files. Each directory is a unique group, where files within each group are sorted alphabetically.



The resulting combined configuration is read line by line, each run, task, and service added to an ordered list that ensures they are started in the same order. This is important because of the blocking properties of the run statement. For an example on the relation of service and run statements, and dependency handling between them, see Conditional Loading, below.


The names finit.conf and finit.d/ are only defaults. They can be changed at compile-time with two configure options: --with-config=/etc/foo.conf and --with-rcsd=/var/foo.d.

They can also be overridden from the kernel command line using: -- finit.config=/etc/bar.conf and in that file use the top-level configuration directive rcsd /path/to/finit.d.

Filesystem Layout

Finit is most comfortable with a traditional style Linux filesystem layout, as specified in the FHS:

 |- bin/
 |- dev/          # Mounted automatically if devtmpfs is available
 |   |- pts/      # Mounted automatically by Finit if it exists
 |   `- shm/      # Mounted automatically by Finit if it exists
 |- etc/
 |   |- finit.d/
 |   |   |- available/
 |   |   `- enabled/
 |    `- finit.conf
 |- home/
 |- lib/
 |- libexec/
 |- mnt/
 |- proc/         # Mounted automatically by Finit if it exists
 |- root/
 |- run/          # Mounted automatically by Finit if it exists
 |   `- lock/     # Created automatically if Finit mounts /run
 |- sbin/
 |- sys/          # Mounted automatically by Finit if it exists
 |- tmp/          # Mounted automatically by Finit if it exists
 |- usr/
 `- var/
     |- cache/
     |- db/
     |- lib/
     |   `- misc/
     |- lock/
     |- log/
     |- run -> ../run
     |- spool/
     `- tmp/

Finit starts by mounting the critical file systems /dev, /proc/, and /sys, unless they are already mounted. When all plugins and other, core Finit functions, have been set up, all relevant filesystems (where PASS > 0) are checked and mounted from the selected fstab, either the default /etc/fstab, or any custom one selected from the command line, or at build time.

To provide a smooth ride, file system not listed in the given fstab, e.g. /tmp and /run, are automatically mounted by Finit, as listed above, provided their respective mount point exists.

With all filesystems mounted, Finit calls swapon.


To see what happens when all filesystems are mounted, have a look at the plugin.

At shutdown, and after having stopped all services and other lingering processes have been killed, filesystems are unmounted in the reverse order, and swapoff is called.


Finit supports runlevels, but unlike other init systems runlevels are declared per service/run/task/sysv command. When booting up a system Finit pass through three phases:

  1. Setting up the console, parsing any command line options, and other housekeeping tasks like mounting all filesystems, and calling fsck
  2. Starting all run/task/services in runlevel S, then waiting for all services to have started, and all run/tasks to have completed
  3. Go to runlevel 2, or whatever the user has set in the configuration

Available runlevels:

  • S: bootStrap
  • 1: Single user mode
  • 2-5: traditional multi-user mode
  • 6: reboot
  • 7-9: multi-user mode (extra)
  • 0: shutdown

Runlevel S (bootStrap), is for tasks supposed to run once at boot, and services like syslogd, which need to start early and run throughout the lifetime of your system.


task [S] /lib/console-setup/
service [S12345] env:-/etc/default/rsyslog rsyslogd -n $RSYSLOGD_ARGS

When bootstrap has completed, Finit moves to runlevel 2. This can be changed in /etc/finit.conf using the runlevel N directive, or by a script running in runlevel S that calls, e.g., initctl runlevel 9. The latter is useful if startup scripts detect problems outside of Finit's control, e.g., critical services/devices missing or hardware problems.

Each runlevel must be allowed to "complete". Meaning, all services in runlevel S must have started and all run/tasks have been started and collected (exited). Finit waits 120 seconds for all run/tasks in S to complete before proceeding to 2.

Finit first stops everything that is not allowed to run in 2, and then brings up networking. Networking is expected to be available in all runlevels except: S, 1 (single user level), 6, and 0. Networking is enabled either by the network script directive, or if you have an /etc/network/interfaces file, Finit calls ifup -a -- at the very least the loopback interface is brought up.


When moving from runlevel S to 2, all run/task/services that were constrained to runlevel S only are dropped from bookkeeping. So when reaching the prompt, initctl will not show these run/tasks. This is a safety mechanism to prevent bootstrap-only tasks from accidentally being run again. E.g., above.

Managing Services

Using initctl disable my-service the symlink (above) is removed and the service is queued for removal. Several changes can be made to the system, but it is not until initctl reload is called that the changes are activated.

To add a new static service, drop a .conf file in /etc/finit.d/ and run initctl reload. (It is also possible to SIGHUP PID 1, or call finit q, but that has been deprecated with the initctl tool). Finit monitors all known active .conf files, so if you want to force a restart of any service you can touch its corresponding .conf file in /etc/finit.d and call initctl reload. Finit handles all conditions and dependencies between services automatically, see below section on Service Synchronization for more details.

On initctl reload the following is checked for all services:

  • If a service's .conf file has been removed, or its conditions are no longer satisfied, the service is stopped.
  • If the file is modified, or a service it depends on has been reloaded, the service is reloaded (stopped and started).
  • If a new service is added it is automatically started — respecting runlevels and return values from any callbacks.

For more info on the different states of a service, see the separate document Finit Services.

Environment Variables

In Finit v4.3 support for setting environment variables in finit.conf, and any *.conf, was added. It is worth noting that these are global and shared with all services -- the only way to have service-local environment is detailed in the next section.

The syntax for global environment variables is straight forward. In Finit v4.4 the set keyword was added for completeness, but the old syntax (without the set prefix) is still honored:

set foo=bar
set baz="qux"

On reload of .conf files, all tracked environment variables are cleared so if foo=bar is removed from finit.conf, or any finit.d/*.conf file, it will no longer be used by Finit or any new (!) started run/tasks or services. The environment of already started processes can not be changed.

The only variables reset to sane defaults on .conf reload are:


It is entirely possible to override these as well from the .conf files, but be careful. Changing SHELL changes the behavior of system() and a lot of other commands as well.

Service Environment

Finit supports sourcing environment variables from /etc/default/*, or similar --with-sysconfig=DIR. This is a common pattern from SysV init scripts, where the start-stop script is a generic script for the given service, foo, and the options for the service are sourced from the file /etc/default/foo. Like this:

  • /etc/default/foo:

      FOO_OPTIONS=--extra-arg="bar" -s -x
  • /etc/finit.conf:

      service [2345] env:-/etc/default/foo foo -n $FOO_OPTIONS -- Example foo daemon

Here the service foo is started with -n, to make sure it runs in the foreground, and the with the options found in the environment file. With the ps command we can see that the process is started with:

foo -n --extra-arg=bar -s -x


The leading - in env: determines if Finit should treat a missing environment file as blocking the start of the service or not. When - is used, a missing environment file does not block the start.

Service Synchronization

Finit was created for fast booting systems. Faster than a regular SysV Init based system at the time. Early on the need for a guaranteed start order of services (daemons) arose. I.e., service A must be guaranteed to have started (and be ready!) before B. The model that was chosen to determine this was very simple: PID files.

Early on in UNIX daemons were controlled with basic IPC like signals, and the way for a user to know that a daemon was ready to respond to signals (minimally having set up its signal handler), was to tell the user;

"Hey, you can send signals to me using the PID in this file: /var/run/".

Since most systems run fairly unchanged after boot, Finit could rely on the PID file for A being created before launching B. This method has worked well for a long time, and for systems based on Open Source it was easy to either add PID file support to a daemon without support for it, or fix ordering issues (PID file created before signal handler is set up) in existing daemons.

However, with the advent of other Init systems (Finit is rather old), most notably systemd and s6, other methods for signaling "readiness" arrived and daemons were adapted to these new schemes to a larger extent.

As of Finit v4.4 partial support for systemd and s6 style readiness notification is available, and the native PID file mode of operation is, as of Finit v4.6 optional, by default it is still enabled, but this can be changed in finit.conf:

readiness none

This will be made the default in Finit 5.0. In this mode of operation, every service needs to explicitly declare their readiness notification, like this:

service notify:pid     watchdogd
service notify:systemd foo
service notify:s6      bar
service notify:none    qux

The notify:none syntax is for completeness in systems which run in readiness pid mode (default). Services declared with notify:none will assert ready condition as soon as Finit has started them, e.g., service/qux/ready.

To synchronize two services the following condition can be used:

service notify:pid                 watchdogd
service <service/watchdogd/ready>  stress-ng --cpu 8

For details on the syntax and options, see below.


On initctl reload conditions are set in "flux", while figuring out which to stop, start or restart. Services that need to be restarted have their ready condition removed prior to Finit sending them SIGHUP (if they support that), or stop-starting them. A daemon is expected to reassert its readiness, e.g. systemd style daemons to write READY=1\n.

However, the s6 notify mode does not support this because in s6 you are expected to close your notify descriptor after having written \n. This means s6 style daemons currently must be stop-started. (Declare the service with <!> in its condition statement.)

For native PID file style readiness notification a daemon is expected to either create its PID file, if it does not exist yet, or touch it using utimensat() or similar. This triggers both the <pid/> and <.../ready> conditions.

Service Wrapper Scripts

If your service requires to run additional commands, executed before the service is actually started, like the systemd ExecStartPre, you can use a wrapper shell script to start your service.

The Finit service .conf file can be put into /etc/finit.d/available, so you can control the service using initctl. Then use the path to the wrapper script in the Finit .conf service stanza. The following example employs a wrapper script in /etc/start.d.


  • /etc/finit.d/available/program.conf:

      service [235] <!> /etc/start.d/program -- Example Program
  • /etc/start.d/program:

      # Prepare the command line options
      OPTIONS="-u $(cat /etc/username)"
      # Execute the program
      exec /usr/bin/program $OPTIONS


The example sets <!> to denote that it doesn't support SIGHUP. That way Finit will stop/start the service instead of sending SIGHUP at restart/reload events.


Finit comes with rudimentary support for templating, similar to that of systemd. Best illustrated with an example:

$ initctl show avahi-autoipd@
service :%i avahi-autoipd --syslog %i -- ZeroConf for %i

To enable ZeroConf for, e.g., eth0, use

$ initctl enable avahi-autoipd@eth0.conf

The enabled symlink will be set up to avahi-autoipd@.conf and every in‐ stance of %i will in the instantiated directive be replaced with eth0. Inspect the result with:

$ initctl status avahi-autoipd:eth0


There are three major cgroup configuration directives:

  1. Global top-level group: init, system, user, or a custom group
  2. Selecting a top-level group for a set of run/task/services
  3. Per run/task/service limits

Top-level group configuration.

# Top-level cgroups and their default settings.  All groups mandatory
# but more can be added, max 8 groups in total currently.  The cgroup
# 'root' is also available, reserved for RT processes.  Settings are
# as-is, only one shorthand 'mem.' exists, other than that it's the
# cgroup v2 controller default names.
cgroup init   cpu.weight:100
cgroup user   cpu.weight:100
cgroup system cpu.weight:9800

Adding an extra cgroup maint/ will require you to adjust the weight of the above three. We leave init/ and user/ as-is reducing weight of system/ to 9700.

cgroup system cpu.weight:9700

# Example extra cgroup 'maint'
cgroup maint  cpu.weight:100

By default, the system/ cgroup is selected for almost everything. The init/ cgroup is reserved for PID 1 itself and its closest relatives. The user/ cgroup is for local TTY logins spawned by getty.

To select a different top-level cgroup, e.g. maint/, one can either define it for a group of run/task/service directives in a .conf or per each stanza:

service [...] <...> /path/to/foo args -- description
service [...] <...> /path/to/bar args -- description


service [...] <...> cgroup.maint /path/to/foo args -- description

The latter form also allows per-stanza limits on the form:

service [...] <...> cgroup.maint:cpu.max:10000,mem.max:655360 /path/to/foo args -- description

Notice the comma separation and the mem. exception to the rule: every cgroup setting maps directly to cgroup v2 syntax. I.e., cpu.max maps to the file /sys/fs/cgroup/maint/foo/cpu.max. There is no filtering, except for expanding the shorthand mem. to memory., if the file is not available, either the cgroup controller is not available in your Linux kernel, or the name is misspelled.

A daemon using SCHED_RR currently need to run outside the default cgroups.

service [...] <...> cgroup.root /path/to/daemon arg -- Real-Time process


Linux cgroups and details surrounding values are not explained in the Finit documentation. The Linux admin-guide cover this well:

Configuration File Syntax

The file format is line based, empty lines and comments, lines starting with #, are ignored. A configuration directive starts with a keyword followed by a space and the rest of the line is treated as the value.

As of Finit v4.4, configuration directives can be broken up in multiple lines using the continuation character \, and trailing comments are also allowed. Example:

# Escape \# chars if you want them literal in, e.g., descriptions
service name:sysklogd [S123456789]   \
    env:-/etc/default/sysklogd       \
    syslogd -F $SYSLOGD_ARGS         \
    -- System log daemon \# 1   # Comments allowed now

The .conf files /etc/finit.conf and /etc/finit.d/* support the following directives. Some directives have restrictions, e.g., only available at bootstrap, runlevel S, see Limitations below for details.


Syntax: host <NAME>, or hostname <NAME>

Set system hostname to NAME, unless /etc/hostname exists in which case the contents of that file is used.

Deprecated. We recommend using /etc/hostname instead.


Only read and executed in runlevel S (bootstrap).

Kernel Modules

Syntax: module <MODULE> [ARGS]

Load a kernel module, with optional arguments. Similar to insmod command line tool.

Deprecated, there is both a and a plugin that can handle module loading better. The former supports loading from /etc/modules-load.d/, the latter uses kernel modinfo to automatically load (or coldplug) every required module. For hotplug we recommend the BusyBox mdev tool, add to /etc/mdev.conf:

$MODALIAS=.*  root:root       0660    @modprobe -b "$MODALIAS"


Only read and executed in runlevel S (bootstrap).


Syntax: network <PATH>

Script or program to bring up networking, with optional arguments.

Deprecated. We recommend using dedicated task/run stanzas per runlevel, or /etc/network/interfaces if you have a system with ifupdown, like Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, or an embedded BusyBox system.


Only read and executed in runlevel S (bootstrap).

Alternate finit.d/

Syntax: rcsd /path/to/finit.d

The Finit rcS.d directory is set at compile time with:

./configure --with-rcsd=/etc/finit.d

A system with multiple use-cases may be bootstrapped with different configurations, starting with the kernel command line option:

-- finit.config=/etc/factory.conf

This file in turn can use the rcsd directive to tell Finit to use another set of .conf files, e.g.:

rcsd /etc/factory.d


This directive is only available from the top-level bootstrap .conf file, usually /etc/finit.conf.

Resource Limits

Syntax: rlimit [hard|soft] RESOURCE <LIMIT|unlimited>

Set the hard or soft limit for a resource, or both if that argument is omitted. RESOURCE is the lower-case RLIMIT_ string constants from setrlimit(2), without prefix. E.g. to set RLIMIT_CPU, use cpu.

LIMIT is an integer that depends on the resource being modified, see the man page, or the kernel /proc/PID/limits file, for details. Finit versions before v3.1 used infinity for unlimited, which is still supported, albeit deprecated.

# No process is allowed more than 8MB of address space
rlimit hard as 8388608

# Core dumps may be arbitrarily large
rlimit soft core infinity

# CPU limit for all services, soft & hard = 10 sec
rlimit cpu 10

rlimit can be set globally, in /etc/finit.conf, or locally per each /etc/finit.d/*.conf read. I.e., a set of task/run/service stanzas can share the same rlimits if they are in the same .conf.


Syntax: runlevel <N>

The system runlevel to go to after bootstrap (S) has completed. N is the runlevel number 0-9, where 6 is reserved for reboot and 0 for halt. Completed in this context means all services have been started and all run/tasks have been started and collected.

It is recommended to keep runlevel 1 as single-user mode, because Finit disables networking in this mode.

Default: 2


Only read and executed in runlevel S (bootstrap).

One-shot Commands (sequence)

Syntax: run [LVLS] <COND> /path/to/cmd ARGS -- Optional description

<COND> is described in the Services section.

One-shot command to run in sequence when entering a runlevel, with optional arguments and description. run commands are guaranteed to be completed before running the next command. Useful when serialization is required.


Try to avoid the run command. It blocks much of the functionality in Finit, like (re)starting other (perhaps crashing) services while a run task is executing. Use other synchronization mechanisms instead, like conditions.

Incomplete list of unsupported initctl commands in run tasks:

  • initctl runlevel N, setting runlevel
  • initctl reboot
  • initctl halt
  • initctl poweroff
  • initctl suspend

To prevent initctl from calling Finit when enabling and disabling services from inside a run task, use the --force option. See also the --quiet and --batch options.

One-shot Commands (parallel)

Syntax: task [LVLS] <COND> /path/to/cmd ARGS -- Optional description

<COND> is described in the Services section.

One-shot like 'run', but starts in parallel with the next command.

Both run and task commands are run in a shell, so basic pipes and redirects can be used:

task [s] echo "foo" | cat >/tmp/bar

Please note, ;, &&, ||, and similar are not supported. Any non-trivial constructs are better placed in a separate shell script.

SysV Init Scripts

Syntax: sysv [LVLS] <COND> /path/to/init-script -- Optional description

<COND> is described in the Services section.

Similar to task is the sysv stanza, which can be used to call SysV style scripts. The primary intention for this command is to be able to reuse much of existing setup and init scripts in Linux distributions.

When entering an allowed runlevel, Finit calls init-script start, when entering a disallowed runlevel, Finit calls init-script stop, and if the Finit .conf, where sysv stanza is declared, is modified, Finit calls init-script restart on initctl reload. Similar to how service stanzas work.

Forking services started with sysv scripts can be monitored by Finit by declaring the PID file to look for: pid:!/path/to/ Notice the leading !, it signifies Finit should not try to create the file, but rather watch that file for the resulting forked-off PID. This syntax also works for forking daemons that do not have a command line option to run it in the foreground, more on this below in service.


Syntax: service [LVLS] <COND> /path/to/daemon ARGS -- Optional description

Service, or daemon, to be monitored and automatically restarted if it exits prematurely. Finit tries to restart services that die, by default 10 times before giving up and marking them as crashed. After which they have to be manually restarted with initctl restart NAME. The limits controlling this are configurable, see the options below.


To allow endless restarts, see below option respawn

For daemons that support it, we recommend appending --foreground, --no-background, -n, -F, or similar command line argument to prevent them from forking off a sub-process in the background. This is the most reliable way to monitor a service.

However, not all daemons support running in the foreground, or they may start logging to the foreground as well, these are forking daemons and are supported using the same syntax as forking sysv services, using the pid:!/path/to/ syntax. There is an alternative syntax that may be more intuitive, where Finit can also guess the PID file based on the daemon's command name:

service type:forking ntpd -- NTP daemon

This example lets BusyBox ntpd daemonize itself. Finit uses the basename of the binary to guess the PID file to watch for the PID: /var/run/ If Finit guesses wrong, you have to submit the full pid:!/path/to/


In the case of ospfd (below), we omit the -d flag (daemonize) to prevent it from forking to the background:

service [2345] <pid/zebra> /sbin/ospfd -- OSPF daemon

[2345] denote the runlevels ospfd is allowed to run in, they are optional and default to level 2-5 if omitted.

<...> is the condition for starting ospfd. In this example Finit waits for another service, zebra, to have created its PID file in /var/run/quagga/ before starting ospfd. Finit watches all files in /var/run, for each file named *.pid, or */pid, Finit opens it and find the matching NAME:ID using the PID.

Some services do not maintain a PID file and rather than patching each application Finit provides a workaround. A pid keyword can be set to have Finit automatically create (when starting) and later remove (when stopping) the PID file. The file is created in the /var/run directory using the basename(1) of the service. The default can be modified with an optional pid:-argument:


For example, by adding pid:/run/ to the service /sbin/bar, that PID file will, not only be created and removed automatically, but also be used by the Finit condition subsystem. So a service/run/task can depend on <pid/bar>, like this foo will not be started until bar has started:

service pid:/run/ bar -- Bar Service
service <pid/bar> foo -- Foo Service

Needless to say, it is better if bar creates its own PID file when it has completed starting up and is ready for service.

As an alternative "readiness" notification, Finit supports both systemd and s6 style notification. This can be enabled by using the notify option:

  • notify:systemd -- tells Finit the service uses the sd_notify() API to signal PID 1 when it has completed its startup and is ready to service events. The sd_notify() API expects NOTIFY_SOCKET to be set to the socket where the application can send "READY=1\n" when it is starting up or has processed a SIGHUP.

  • notify:s6 -- puts Finit in s6 compatibility mode. Compared to the systemd notification, s6 expect compliant daemons to send "\n" and then close their socket. Finit takes care of "hard-wiring" the READY state as long as the application is running, events across any SIGHUP. Since s6 can give its applications the descriptor number (must be >3) on then command line, Finit provides the following syntax (%n is replaced by Finit with then descriptor number):

    service [S12345789] notify:s6 mdevd -O 4 -D %n

When a service is ready, either by Finit detecting its PID file, or their respective readiness mechanism has been triggered, Finit creates then service's ready condition which other services can depend on:

$ initctl -v cond get service/mdevd/ready

This can be used to synchronize the start of another run/task/service:

task [S] <service/mdevd/ready> @root:root mdevd-coldplug

Finit waits for mdevd to notify it, before starting mdevd-coldplug. Notice how both start in runlevel S, and the coldplug task only runs in S. When the system moves to runlevel 2 (the default), coldplug is no longer part of the running configuration (initctl show), this is to ensure that coldplug is not called more than once.

For a detailed description of conditions, and how to debug them, see the Finit Conditions document.

If a service should not be automatically started, it can be configured as manual with the optional manual argument. The service can then be started at any time by running initctl start <service>.


The name of a service, shown by the initctl tool, defaults to the basename of the service executable. It can be changed with the optional name argument:


If multiple instances of a service, with the same name, exist. Set the identifier :ID to prevent Finit from replacing previous instances:

service :eth1 ssdpd eth1 -- Windows discovery on eth1
service :eth2 ssdpd eth2 -- Windows discovery on eth2

If you have conflicting services and want to prevent them from starting, use the conflict: argument:

service [S12345789] udevd -- Device event management daemon
run [S] conflict:udevd mdev -s -- Populating device tree

Multiple conflicting services can be separated using ,:

service :1 abc
service :2 abc
service conflict:abc:1,abc:2 cde

As mentioned previously, services are automatically restarted, this is configurable with the following options:

  • restart:NUM -- number of times Finit tries to restart a crashing service, default: 10, max: 255. When this limit is reached the service is marked crashed and must be restarted manually with initctl restart NAME
  • restart_sec:SEC -- number of seconds before Finit tries to restart a crashing service, default: 2 seconds for the first five retries, then back-off to 5 seconds. The maximum of this configured value and the above (2 and 5) will be used
  • restart:always -- no upper limit on the number of times Finit tries to restart a crashing service. Same as restart:-1
  • norestart -- dont restart on failures, same as restart:0
  • respawn -- bypasses the restart mechanism completely, allows endless restarts. Useful in many use-cases, but not what service was originally designed for so not the default behavior
  • oncrash:reboot -- when all retries have failed, and the service has crashed, if this option is set the system is rebooted.
  • oncrash:script -- similarly, but instead of rebooting, call the post:script action if set, see below.

When stopping a service (run/task/sysv/service), either manually or when moving to another runlevel, Finit starts by sending SIGTERM, to allow the process to shut down gracefully. However, if the process has not been collected within 3 seconds, Finit will send SIGKILL. To stop the process using a different signal than SIGTERM, use halt:SIGNAL, e.g., halt:SIGPWR. To change the delay between the stop signal and KILL, use the option kill:<1-60>, e.g., kill:10 to wait 10 seconds before sending SIGKILL.

Services, including the sysv variant, support pre/post/ready and cleanup scripts:

  • pre:[0-3600,]script -- called before the sysv/service is stated
  • post:[0-3600,]script -- called after the sysv/service has stopped
  • ready:[0-3600,]script -- called when the sysv/service is ready
  • cleanup:[0-3600,]script -- called when run/task/sysv/service is removed

The optional number (0-3600) is the timeout before Finit kills the script, it defaults to the kill delay value and can be disabled by setting it to zero. These scripts run as the same @USER:GROUP as the service itself, with any env:file sourced. The scripts are executed from the $HOME of the given user. The scripts are not called with any argument, but get a set of environment variables:


The post:script is called with an additional set of environment variables. Yes, the text is correct, the naming was an accident:

  • EXIT_CODE=[exited,signal,crashed]: normal exit, signaled, or crashed
  • EXIT_STATUS=[num,SIGNAME]: set to one of exit status code from the program, if it exited normally, or the signal name (HUP, TERM, etc.) if it exited due to signal

When a run/task/sys/service is removed (disable + reload) it is first stopped and then removed from the runlevel. The post:script always runs when the process has stopped, and the cleanup:script runs when the the stanza has been removed from the runlevel.


These script actions are intended for setup, cleanup, and readiness notification. It is up to the user to ensure the scripts terminate.

Conditional Loading

Finit support conditional loading of stanzas. The following example is take from the system/hotplug.conf file in the Finit distribution. Here we only show a simplified subset.

Starting with the nowarn option.

service nowarn name:udevd pid:udevd /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
service nowarn name:udevd pid:udevd udevd

When loading the .conf file Finit looks for /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd if that is not found Finit automatically logs a warning. The nowarn option disables this warning so that the second line can be evaluated, which also provides a service named udevd.

run nowarn if:udevd <pid/udevd> :1 udevadm settle -t 0

This line is only loaded if we know of a service named udevd. Again, we do not warn if udevadm is not found, Execution will also stop here until the PID condition is asserted, i.e., Finit detecting udevd has started.

run nowarn conflict:udevd [S] mdev -s -- Populating device tree

If udevd is not available, we try to run mdev, but if that is not found, again we do not warn.

Conditional loading statements can also be negated, so the previous stanza can also be written as:

run nowarn if:!udevd [S] mdev -s -- Populating device tree

The reason for using confict in this example is that a conflict can be resolved. Stanzas marked with conflict:foo are rechecked at runtime.

Conditional Execution

Similar to conditional loading of stanzas there is conditional runtime execution. This can be confusing at first, since Finit already has a condition subsystem, but this is more akin to the qualification to a runlevel. E.g., a task [123] is qualified to run only in runlevel 1, 2, and 3. It is not considered for other runlevels.

Conditional execution qualify a run/task/service based on a condition. Consider this (simplified) example from the Infix operating system:

run [S]                       name:startup <pid/sysrepo> confd -b --load startup-config
run [S] if:<usr/fail-startup> name:failure <pid/sysrepo> confd    --load failure-config

The two run statements reside in the same .conf file so Finit runs them in true sequence. If loading the file startup-config fails confd sets the condition usr/fail-startup, thus allowing the next run statement to load failure-config.

Notice critical the difference between <pid/sysrepo> condition and if:<usr/fail-startup>. The former is a condition for starting and the latter is a condition to check if a run/task/service is qualified to even be considered.

Conditional execution statements can also be negated, so provided the file loaded did the opposite, i.e., set a condition on success, the previous stanza can also be written as:

run [S] if:<!usr/startup-ok> name:failure <pid/sysrepo> confd ...

Run-parts Scripts

Syntax: runparts [progress] [sysv] <DIR>

Call run-parts(8) on DIR to run start scripts. All executable files in the directory are called, in alphabetic order. The scripts in this directory are executed at the very end of runlevel S.

A common use-case for runparts scripts is to create and enable/disable services, which Finit will then apply when changing runlevel from S to whatever the next runlevel is set to be (default 2). E.g., generate a /etc/chrony.conf and call initctl enable chronyd.


  • progress: display the progress of each script being executed
  • sysv: run only SysV style scripts, i.e., SNNfoo, or KNNbar, where NN is a number (0-99).

If global debug mode is enabled, the runparts program is also called with the debug flag.


Scripts called from runparts, or hook scripts (see below), are limited in their interaction with Finit. Like the standalone run stanza and the /etc/rc.local shell script, Finit waits for their completion before continuing. None of them can issue commands to start, stop, or restart other services. Also, ensure all your services and programs either terminate or start in the background or you will block Finit.


runparts scripts are only read and executed in runlevel S. See hook scripts for other ways to run scripts at certain points during the complete lifetime of the system.


It can be beneficial to use 01-name, 02-othername, etc., to ensure the scripts are started in that order, e.g., if there is a dependency order between scripts. Symlinks to existing daemons can talso be used, but make sure they daemonize (background) themselves properly, otherwise Finit will lock up.

If S[0-9]foo and K[0-9]bar style naming is used, the executable will be called with an extra argument, start and stop, respectively. E.g., S01foo will be called as S01foo start. Of course, S01foo and K01foo may be a symlink to to another/directory/foo.

Including Finit Configs

Syntax: include <CONF>

Include another configuration file. Absolute path required.

General Logging

Syntax: log size:200k count:5

Log rotation for run/task/services using the log sub-option with redirection to a log file. Global setting, applies to all services.

The size can be given as bytes, without a specifier, or in k, M, or G, e.g. size:10M, or size:3G. A value of size:0 disables log rotation. The default is 200k.

The count value is recommended to be between 1-5, with a default 5. Setting count to 0 means the logfile will be truncated when the MAX size limit is reached.

TTYs and Consoles

Syntax: tty [LVLS] <COND> DEV [BAUD] [noclear] [nowait] [nologin] [TERM]
tty [LVLS] <COND> CMD <ARGS> [noclear] [nowait]
tty [LVLS] <COND> [notty] [rescue]

The first variant of this option uses the built-in getty on the given TTY device DEV, in the given runlevels. DEV may be the special keyword @console, which is expanded from /sys/class/tty/console/active, useful on embedded systems.

The default baud rate is 0, i.e., keep kernel default.

The tty stanza inherits runlevel, condition (and other feature) parsing from the service stanza. So TTYs can run in one or many runlevels and depend on any condition supported by Finit. This is useful e.g. to depend on <pid/elogind> before starting a TTY.


tty [12345] /dev/ttyAMA0 115200 noclear vt220

The second tty syntax variant is for using an external getty, like agetty or the BusyBox getty.

The third variant is for board bringup and the rescue boot mode. No device node is required in this variant, the same output that the kernel uses is reused for stdio. If the rescue option is omitted, a shell is started (nologin, noclear, and nowait are implied), if the rescue option is set the bundled /libexec/finit/sulogin is started to present a bare-bones root login prompt. If the root (uid:0, gid:0) user does not have a password set, no rescue is possible. For more information, see the Rescue Mode section.

By default, the first two syntax variants clear the TTY and wait for the user to press enter before starting getty.


tty [12345] /sbin/getty  -L 115200 /dev/ttyAMA0 vt100
tty [12345] /sbin/agetty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100 nowait

The noclear option disables clearing the TTY after each session. Clearing the TTY when a user logs out is usually preferable.

The nowait option disables the press Enter to activate console message before actually starting the getty program. On small and embedded systems running multiple unused getty wastes both memory and CPU cycles, so wait is the preferred default.

The nologin option disables getty and /bin/login, and gives the user a root (login) shell on the given TTY <DEV> immediately. Needless to say, this is a rather insecure option, but can be very useful for developer builds, during board bringup, or similar.

Notice the ordering, the TERM option to the built-in getty must be the last argument.

Embedded systems may want to enable automatic DEV by supplying the special @console device. This works regardless weather the system uses ttyS0, ttyAMA0, ttyMXC0, or anything else. Finit figures it out by querying sysfs: /sys/class/tty/console/active. The speed can be omitted to keep the kernel default.

Most systems get by fine by just using console, which will evaluate to /dev/console. If you have to use @console to get any output, you may have some issue with your kernel config.


tty [12345] @console noclear vt220

On really bare bones systems, or for board bringup, Finit can give you a shell prompt as soon as bootstrap is done, without opening any device node:

tty [12345789] notty

This should of course not be enabled on production systems. Because it may give a user root access without having to log in. However, for board bringup and system debugging it can come in handy.

One can also use the service stanza to start a stand-alone shell:

service [12345] /bin/sh -l

Non-privileged Services

Every run, task, or service can also list the privileges the /path/to/cmd should be executed with. Prefix the command with @USR[:GRP], group is optional, like this:

run [2345] @joe:users logger "Hello world"

For multiple instances of the same command, e.g. a DHCP client or multiple web servers, add :ID somewhere between the run, task, service keyword and the command, like this:

service :80  [2345] httpd -f -h /http -p 80   -- Web server
service :8080[2345] httpd -f -h /http -p 8080 -- Old web server

Without the :ID to the service the latter will overwrite the former and only the old web server would be started and supervised.

Redirecting Output

The run, task, and service stanzas also allow the keyword log to redirect stderr and stdout of the application to a file or syslog using the native logit tool. This is useful for programs that do not support syslog on their own, which is sometimes the case when running in the foreground.

The full syntax is:


Default prio is and default tag is the basename of the service or run/task command.

Log rotation is controlled using the global log setting.


service log:prio:user.warn,tag:ntpd /sbin/ntpd -- NTP daemon

Misc Settings

Syntax: reboot-delay <0-60>

Optional delay at reboot (or shutdown or halt) to allow kernel filesystem threads to complete after calling sync(2) before rebooting. This applies primarily to filesystems that do not have a reboot notifier implemented. At the point of writing, the only known filesystems affected are: ubifs, jffs2.

Default: 0 (disabled)

When enabled (non-zero), this delay runs after file systems have been unmounted and the root filesystem has been remounted read-only, and sync(2) has been called, twice.

"On Linux, sync is only guaranteed to schedule the dirty blocks for writing; it can actually take a short time before all the blocks are finally written.

SysV Init Compatibility

It is not possible to run unmodified SysV init systems with Finit. This was never the intention and is not the strength of Finit. However, it comes with a few SysV Init compatibility features to ease the transition from a serialized boot process.

runparts DIRECTORY

For a directory with traditional start/stop scripts that should run, in order, at bootstrap, Finit provides the runparts directive. It runs in runlevel S, at the very end of it (before calling /etc/rc.local) making it perfect for most scenarios.

For syntax details, see Run-parts Scripts above. Here is an example take from a Debian installation:

runparts /etc/rc2.d

Files in these directories are usually named SNNfoo and KNNfoo, which Finit knows about and automatically appends the correct argument:

/bin/sh -c /etc/rc2.d/S01openbsd-inetd start


/bin/sh -c /etc/rc0.d/K01openbsd-inetd stop

Files that do not match this pattern are started similarly but without the extra command line argument.

Start/Stop Scripts

For syntax details, see SysV Init Scripts, above. Here follows an example taken from a Debian installation:

sysv [2345] <pid/syslogd> /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd -- OpenBSD inet daemon

The init script header could be parsed to extract Default-Start: and other parameters for the sysv command to Finit. There is currently no way to detail a generic syslogd dependency in Finit, so Should-Start: in the header must be mapped to the condition system in Finit using an absolute reference, here we depend on the sysklogd project's syslogd.


One often requested feature, early on, was a way to run a site specific script to set up, e.g., static routes or firewall rules. A user can add a task or run command in the Finit configuration for this, but for compatibility reasons the more widely know /etc/rc.local is used if it exists, and is executable. It is called very late in the boot process when the system has left runlevel S, stopped all old and started all new services in the target runlevel (default 2).

In Finit releases before v4.5 this script blocked Finit execution and made it as good as impossible to call initctl during that time.

init q

When /sbin/finit is installed as /sbin/init, it is possible to use init q to reload the configuration. This is the same as calling initctl reload.

Rescue Mode

Finit supports a rescue mode which is activated by the rescue option on the kernel command line. See cmdline docs for how to activate it.

This rescue mode can be disabled at configure time using:

configure --without-rescue

The rescue mode comes in two flavors; traditional and fallback.


In this mode initctl will not work. Use the -f flag to force reboot, shutdown, or poweroff.


This is what most users expect. A very early maintenance login prompt, served by the system sulogin program from util-linux, or BusyBox. If that is not found in $PATH, the bundled /libexec/finit/sulogin program is used instead. If a successful login is made, or if the user exits (Ctrl-D), the rescue mode is ended and the system boots up normally.


The bundled sulogin in Finit can at configure time be given another user than the default (root). If the sulogin user does not have a password, or the account is locked, the user is presented with a prompt: "Press enter to enter maintenance mode.", which will open up a root shell without prompting for password!


If no sulogin program is found, Finit tries to bring up as much of its own functionality as possible, yet limiting many aspects, meaning; no network, no fsck of file systems in /etc/fstab, no /etc/rc.local, no runparts, and most plugins are skipped (except those that provide functionality for the condition subsystem).

Instead of reading /etc/finit.conf et al, system configuration is read from /lib/finit/rescue.conf, which can be freely modified by the system administrator.

The bundled default rescue.conf contains nothing more than:

runlevel 1
tty [12345] rescue

The tty has the rescue option set, which works similar to the board bring-up tty option notty. The major difference being that sulogin is started to query for root/admin password. If sulogin is not found, rescue behaves like notty and gives a plain root shell prompt.

If Finit cannot find /lib/finit/rescue.conf it defaults to:

tty [12345] rescue

There is no way to exit the fallback rescue mode.


As of Finit v4 there are no limitations to where .conf settings can be placed. Except for the system/global rlimit and cgroup top-level group declarations, which can only be set from /etc/finit.conf, since it is the first .conf file Finit reads.

Originally, /etc/finit.conf was the only way to set up a Finit system. Today it is mainly used for bootstrap settings like system hostname, early module loading for watchdogd, network bringup and system shutdown. These can now also be set in any .conf file in /etc/finit.d.

There is, however, nothing preventing you from having all configuration settings in /etc/finit.conf.


The default rcsd, i.e., /etc/finit.d, was previously the Finit runparts directory. Finit >=v4.0 no longer has a default runparts directory, make sure to update your setup, or the finit configuration, accordingly.


When built --with-watchdog a separate service is built and installed in /libexec/finit/watchdogd. If this exists at runtime, and the WDT device node exists, Finit will start it and treat it as the elected watchdog service to delegate its reboot to. This delegation is to ensure that the system is rebooted by a hardware watchdog timer -- on many embedded systems this is crucial to ensure all circuits on the board are properly reset for the next boot, in effect ensuring the system works the same after both a power-on and reboot event.

The delegation is performed at the very last steps of system shutdown, if reboot has been selected and an elected watchdog is known, first a SIGPWR is sent to advise watchdogd of the pending reboot. Then, when the necessary steps of preparing the system for shutdown (umount etc.) are completed, Finit sends SIGTERM to watchdogd and puts itself in a 10 sec timeout loop waiting for the WDT to reset the board. If a reset is not done before the timeout, Finit falls back toreboot(RB_AUTOBOOT) which tells the kernel to do the reboot.

An external watchdog service can also be used. The more advanced cousin watchdogd is the recommended option here. It can register itself with Finit using the same IPC as initctl. If the bundled watchdogd is running a hand-over takes place, so it's safe to have both services installed on a system. For the hand-over to work it requires that the WDT driver supports the safe exit functionality where "V" is written to the device before closing the device descriptor. If the kernel driver has been built without this, the only option is to remove /libexec/finit/watchdogd or build without it at configure time.


The kernel event daemon bundled with Finit is a simple uevent monitor for /sys/class/power_supply. It provides the sys/pwr/ac condition, which can be useful to prevent power hungry services like anacron to run when a laptop is only running on battery, for instance.

Since keventd is not an integral part of Finit yet it is not enabled by default. Enable it using ./configuure --with-keventd. The bundled contrib build scripts for Debian, Alpine, and Void have this enabled.

This daemon is planned to be extended with monitoring of other uevents, patches and ideas are welcome in the issue tracker.