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Part 1: Download CCS

(If you already have Code Composer Studio (CCS) installed skip to step 2)
Download CCS here:

Installer will walk you through setting up CCS. Choose options for your platform and desired compiler(s).

expected install location: C:\ti

Part 2: Download tivac

(If you already have TIRTOS for TivaC skip to step 3)
Now in Code Composer Studio, find CCS App Center it will be an option on the "Getting Started"
page or click View -> CCS App Center
Under the title "Code Composer Studio Add-ons" check the box under "TI-RTOS for TivaC"
Now on the top of the page click "Install Software"

expected install location: C:\ti

Part 3: Download wolfSSL

Download wolfSSL from here:
clone wolfSSL development branch from here:

expected install location: C:\ti\wolfssl

Part 4: Build the libraries

At this point we are ready to build wolfssl libraries with TIRTOS

This process will be easiest if you set your environment up in the following

. C:\ti\tirtos_tivac...

File: C:\ti\wolfssl\tirtos\products.mak
Copy and paste the following contents into the C:\ti\wolfssl\tirtos\products.mak
file then browse to C:/ti/ and update all lines with "X_XX_XX_XX" to the correct
version on your system. Also update the "X.X.X" and "X.X.X.XXx"

NOTE: DO NOT forget the "_core" on the end of XDC_INSTALL_DIR if it is present
in your environment, must be exact.

Contents of products.mak BEGIN

#  ======== products.mak ========
# Read the
# for instructions to download the software required.

export XDCTOOLS_JAVA_HOME = c:/ti/ccsv6/eclipse/jre

# XDC_INSTALL_DIR is the path to XDCtools directory.
XDC_INSTALL_DIR        = c:/ti/xdctools_X_XX_XX_XX_core

# BIOS_INSTALL_DIR is the path to TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) directory. If you
# have installed TI-RTOS, it is located in the products/bios_* path.
BIOS_INSTALL_DIR       = c:/ti/tirtos_tivac_X_XX_XX_XX/products/bios_X_XX_XX_XX

# NDK_INSTALL_DIR is the path to TI-RTOS NDK directory. If you have
# installed TI-RTOS, it is located in the products/ndk_* path.
NDK_INSTALL_DIR        = c:/ti/tirtos_tivac_X_XX_XX_XX/products/ndk_X_XX_XX_XX

# TIVAWARE_INSTALL_DIR is the path to Tivaware driverlib directory. If you have
# installed TI-RTOS, it is located in the products/TivaWare_* path.
TIVAWARE_INSTALL_DIR   = c:/ti/tirtos_tivac_X_XX_XX_XX/products/TivaWare_C_Series-X.X.X.XXx

# Define the code generation tools path for TI, IAR and GCC ARM compilers.
# If you have installed Code Composer Studio, the TI and GCC compiler are
# located in the ccsv*/tools/compiler/* path.
# Leave assignment empty to disable any toolchain.
ti.targets.arm.elf.M4F = c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_X.X.X

Contents of products.mak END

Finally from the wolfssl/tirtos directory run this command:
..\..\xdctools_X_XX_XX_XX_core\gmake.exe -f wolfssl.mak

The libraries should build without issues.

Part 5: Loading first example

In CCS click dropdown for "Project" and select "Examples..."

    Locate: TI-RTOS for TivaC
-> Tiva C Series
-> Tiva TM4C1294NCPDT
-> EK-TM4C1294XL Evaluation Kit
-> Network Examples
-> TI Network Examples
-> Ethernet Examples
-> TCP Echo with TLS
In the "TI Resource Explorer window" Click on the link in "Step 1" to import the project.<br/>
NOTE: Do not try to build the project yet. It will fail.<br/>

Part 6: Setting up the environment

Before building we have to do a little setup.

Part 6.a
Right click on the imported project and select Properties

Under Build -> ARM Compiler -> Include Options
You will see a little file with a green "plus" symbol in the browser window
(NOTE: include the quotes)
Click on that and add this line "C:/ti/wolfssl"

Part 6.b
Now still in the Properties window
Under Build -> ARM Linker -> File Search Path

In the browser window on the right under "Include library file or command file as input"
Click the add button and add this line "C:\ti\wolfssl\tirtos\packages\ti\net\wolfssl\lib\wolfssl.aem4f"

In the browser window on the right under "Add dir to library search path"
Click the add button and add this line "C:\ti\wolfssl\tirtos\packages\ti\net\wolfssl\lib"

Hit OK and we're ready to build the example project.

Part 7: Build the project

In the "TI Resource Explorer window" Click on the link in "Step 2" to build the project.

Part 8: Prepare for debugging

(If you have already hooked up your board skip to step 9)
Take a Micro-USB cable and plug the micro-USB end into the port on the Tiva Board labeled "DEBUG"
(This is the Micro-USB port on the opposite end of the board from the Ethernet port)
Insert the USB end into your PC
Plug one end of an Ethernet cable into the Tiva board Ethernet port and the other end
into your local network.

Part 9: Get Debug Working

In the "TI Resource Explorer window" Click on the link in "Step 3"
Click the drop down options and select "Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Interface"

In the "TI Resource Explorer window" Click on the link in "Step 4"
This should alert you to the need for some additional setup. Click OK and a new tab will open.

In the field "Board or Device" type in Tiva TM4C1294NCPDT and check the box

In the right-hand side of this same window click "save" to save the configuration.
Close this tab.

In the "TI Resource Explorer window" Click on the link in "Step 4" a second time.

The project will be flashed onto the Tiva Board. Wait for a few seconds.

Now hit the key "F8" or in the top left of CCS click the green "Play" Button
(The button says "Resume" in the drop down if you scroll over it)

You will see output in the "Console" Window at the bottom of CCS.
A line will read Network Added: or some other IP

This is the IP of the tcpEchoTLS server that is now running on the board in step 10
we will refer to this IP as TCP_ECHO_IP

Part 10: Test the server

Option 1:
To test the server here at wolfSSL we either build the client example in Microsoft Visual Studios
and run it against the IP above and using port 1000 (the default port for the tcpEchoTLS example)
Instructions for building the Visual Studio Client can be found here:

Option 2:
Using Linux or Unix build our libraries and run the following command from the wolfssl root
directory from any computer running on the local network
./examples/client/client -h TCP_ECHO_IP -p 1000

The client should receive the following response:

SSL version is TLS1.2
SSL cipher suite is <whichever suite is set>
Server response: hello wolfssl!

Part 11: Success

If you received that response your server is working correctly.
You are now ready to begin development for your project!

Contact us anytime with questions: