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Examples using wolfSSL with Platform Security Architecture (PSA)


Example lists

- client/server TLS1.3 ECC example
- Trusted Firmware-M TLS1.3 on Nucleo-l552ZE-Q board

client/server TLS1.3 ECDH-ECC example

These examples are modified versions of client/server examples found in tls/ but using PSA for ECDH, ECDSA, HKDF, AES-GCM and SHA256.


To build the client/server examples you must provide the path to a static library that implements the PSA interface using the environment variable PSA_LIB_PATH. You can optionally specify the location of the PSA headers with PSA_INCLUDE. After that you can run make to build the client-tls13-ecc-psa and server-tls13-ecc-psa.

PSA_INCLUDE=/path/to/psa/include PSA_LIB_PATH=/path/to/psa/library.a make

wolfSSL must be built with PSA (--enable-psa) and public key callbacks (--enable-pkcallbacks) support and must be built using the same PSA headers used to compile the examples.

Using MbedTLS PSA implementation

You can test these examples with mbedTLS PSA implementation. For this task the helper script is provided. It must run from the wolfSSL source root directory and it compiles the mbedTLS library in /tmp/mbedtls . To use the script and then compile the examples use these commands:

cd /path/to/wolfSSL/src;
make install
cd /path/to/wolfssl-examples/psa/
export PSA_INCLUDE=/tmp/mbedtls/build/include
export PSA_LIB_PATH=/tmp/mbedtls/build/library/libmbedcrypto.a 

Trusted Firmware-M TLS1.3

TLS1.3 client/server exchange a small message over memory in PSA enabled Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) on Nucleo-l552ZE-Q board.

This example is provided as a patch to the TF-M test repo, which is normally used as the default Non Secure app in the TF-M repo. This way the example integrates smoothly inside the TF-M build system.

The general requirements to build TF-M are listed here TF-M doc

To compile TF-M on Nucleo-l552ZE-Q board you additionally need: - GNU Arm compiler v7.3.1+ toolchain - STM32_Programmer_CLI see here

To have all the needed binary artifacts to flash on the board you need three interacting parts: the main TF-M repo (for bootloader and Secure world), wolfSSL PSA-enabled library, and the modified TF-M test repo (for Non-Secure world). The provided script automatically downloads and compile all the needed components and produces the final build artifacts. The toolchain needs to be available on the default path for the script to work.

CAVEATS: The example only works with TF-M commit ID f07cc31545bbba3bad1806ed078c3aee3a09dc52

After running you can flash the binaries artifacts from the TF-M build directory (defaults to /tmp/wolfssl_tfm/tfm/build) and run:

./ && ./

to flash on the nucelo board. Remember that this step needs STM32_Programmer_CLIinstalled and on the default PATH.

After that you will see client and server interacting on the UART of the board:

[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M FP mode: Software
Booting TFM v1.5.0
Non-Secure system starting...
wolfSSL demo
wolfSSL_Init Success
wolfSSL provisioning server secret key
Server is starting
Client is starting
Overriding cert date error as example for bad clock testing
Received message from client:
hello wolfssl!