REST::Cypher - Experimental client for using neo4j's REST/Cypher interface
version 0.0.4
use Rest::Cypher::Agent;
use Data::UUID;
my $neo = REST::Cypher::Agent->new({
base_url => '',
my ($response, $nodeType);
# let's create a GUID for a node
my $guid = Data::UUID->new->to_string(Data::UUID->new->create);
$nodeType = 'MyNodeType';
$response = $neo->POST(
query_string => "MERGE (a:${nodeType} {guid: {newGUID}}) RETURN a",
query_params => {
newGUID => $guid,
Interact with a neo4j Cypher API.
Send a Cypher query to the server,
This module was written to scratch an itch after using REST::Neo4p; I liked the REST::Neo4p::Query and wanted to attempt to implement something that felt like it was Cypher driven, and less about specific nodes and indexes.
I may be way off the mark, but this module is currently useful for throwing hand-written Cypher at a neo4j server.
Over time it may even implement more interesting features.
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Chisel Wright.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.