IDE-like breadcrumbs, out of the box
A polished, IDE-like, highly-customizable winbar for Neovim
with drop-down menu support and multiple backends
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- Configuration
- Developers
- Similar Projects
Opening drop-down menus or go to definition with a single mouse click
Pick mode for quickly selecting a component in the winbar with shortcuts
Automatically truncating long components
- Better truncation when winbar is still too long after shortening all components
Multiple backends that support fall-backs
comes with five builtin sources:-
lsp: gets symbols from language servers using nvim's builtin LSP framework
markdown: a custom incremental parser that gets symbol information about markdown headings
path: gets current file path
treesitter: gets symbols from treesitter parsers using nvim's builtin treesitter integration
terminal: easily switch terminal buffers using the dropdown menu
To make a new source yourself, see making a new source.
For source fall-backs support, see bar options.
Zero config & Zero dependency
does not require nvim-lspconfig, nvim-treesitter or any third-party UI libraries to work. As long as the language server or the treesitter parser is installed, it should work just fine.Optionally, you can install telescope-fzf-native to add fuzzy search support to dropbar menus.
Drop-down menu components and winbar symbols that response to mouse/cursor hovering:
- This features requires
:h mousemoveevent
to be enabled.
- This features requires
Preview symbols in their source windows when hovering over them in the drop-down menu
Reorient the source window on previewing or after jumping to a symbol
Add scrollbar to the menu when the symbol list is too long
- Neovim >= 0.10.0
- Optional
- nvim-web-devicons, if you want to see icons for different filetypes
- telescope-fzf-native, if you want fuzzy search support
- Working language server installation for the lsp source to work
- Working treesitter parser installation for the treesitter source to work
Using lazy.nvim
require('lazy').setup({ { 'Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim', -- optional, but required for fuzzy finder support dependencies = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', build = 'make' }, config = function() local dropbar_api = require('dropbar.api') vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>;', dropbar_api.pick, { desc = 'Pick symbols in winbar' }) vim.keymap.set('n', '[;', dropbar_api.goto_context_start, { desc = 'Go to start of current context' }) vim.keymap.set('n', '];', dropbar_api.select_next_context, { desc = 'Select next context' }) end } })
Using packer.nvim
require('packer').startup(function(use) use({ 'Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim', requires = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', run = 'make' }, config = function () local dropbar_api = require('dropbar.api') vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>;', dropbar_api.pick, { desc = 'Pick symbols in winbar' }) vim.keymap.set('n', '[;', dropbar_api.goto_context_start, { desc = 'Go to start of current context' }) vim.keymap.set('n', '];', dropbar_api.select_next_context, { desc = 'Select next context' }) end }) end)
Using native package manager
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packages/ git clone ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packages/start/dropbar.nvim
Lazy-loading is unneeded as it is already done in plugin/dropbar.lua.
- Basics
- Moves the cursor around and see the winbar reflects your current context
- Mouse support
- Click on a component in the winbar to open a drop-down menu of its siblings
- Click on an entry in the drop-down menu to go to its location
- Click on the indicator in the drop-down menu to open a sub-menu of its children
- Pick mode
- Use
to enter interactive pick mode orrequire('dropbar.api').pick(<idx>)
to directly select a component atidx
. - Inside interactive pick mode, press the corresponding pivot shown before each component to select it
- Use
- Fuzzy finder
- Use
to interactively filter, select and preview entries using fzf <Esc>
: exit fzf mode<Up>/<Down>
: move the cursor in fzf mode<CR>
: call the on_click callback of the symbol under the cursor
- Use
- Default keymaps in drop-down menu
: call theon_click
callback of the symbol at the mouse click<CR>
: find the first clickable symbol in the current drop-down menu entry and call itson_click
: enter fzf mode from the menuq
: close current menu- To disable, remap or add new keymaps in the drop-down menu, see menu options
Dropbar can be used as a drop-in replacement for Neovim's builtin
To enable this functionality, simply replace
: = require('').select
For all available options and their default values, see lua/dropbar/configs.lua.
Below are the detailed explanation of the options.
These options live under
and are used to control the behavior of the
:boolean|fun(buf: integer?, win: integer?, info: table?): boolean
- Controls whether to attach dropbar to the current buffer and window
- If a function is provided, it will be called with the current bufnr and winid and should return a boolean
- Default:
function(buf, win, _) if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) or not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(win) or vim.fn.win_gettype(win) ~= '' or vim.wo[win].winbar ~= '' or[buf].ft == 'help' then return false end local stat = vim.uv.fs_stat(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)) if stat and stat.size > 1024 * 1024 then return false end return[buf].ft == 'markdown' or pcall(vim.treesitter.get_parser, buf) or not vim.tbl_isempty(vim.lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = buf, method = 'textDocument/documentSymbol', })) end,
- Controls when to evaluate the
function and attach the plugin to corresponding buffer or window - Default:
{ 'OptionSet', 'BufWinEnter', 'BufWritePost', }
- Controls when to evaluate the
- Wait for a short time before updating the winbar, if another update
request is received within this time, the previous request will be
cancelled, this improves the performance when the user is holding
down a key (e.g.
) to scroll the window - If you encounter performance issues when scrolling the window, try
setting this option to a number slightly larger than
1000 / key_repeat_rate
- Default:
- Wait for a short time before updating the winbar, if another update
request is received within this time, the previous request will be
cancelled, this improves the performance when the user is holding
down a key (e.g.
- List of events that should trigger an update on the dropbar attached to a single window
- Default:
{ 'CursorMoved', 'WinEnter', 'WinResized', }
- List of events that should trigger an update on all dropbars attached to a buffer
- Default:
{ 'BufModifiedSet', 'FileChangedShellPost', 'TextChanged', 'ModeChanged', }
- List of events that should trigger an update of all dropbars in current nvim session
- Default:
{ 'DirChanged', 'VimResized', }
- Whether to highlight the symbol under the cursor
- This feature requires
to be enabled - Default:
:dropbar_source_t[]|fun(buf: integer, win: integer): dropbar_source_t[]
- List of sources to show in the winbar
- If a function is provided, it will be called with the current bufnr and winid and should return a list of sources
- Default:
function(buf, _) local sources = require('dropbar.sources') local utils = require('dropbar.utils') if[buf].ft == 'markdown' then return { sources.path, sources.markdown, } end if[buf].buftype == 'terminal' then return { sources.terminal, } end return { sources.path, utils.source.fallback({ sources.lsp, sources.treesitter, }), } end
- For more information about sources, see
:{ left: number, right: number }
- Padding to use between the winbar and the window border
- Default:
{ left = 1, right = 1 }
- Pivots to use in pick mode
- Default:
- Whether to truncate the winbar if it doesn't fit in the window
- Default:
These options live under
and are used to control the behavior of the
- When on, automatically set the cursor to the closest previous/next
clickable component in the direction of cursor movement on
- Default:
- When on, automatically set the cursor to the closest previous/next
clickable component in the direction of cursor movement on
:{ left: number, right: number }
- Padding to use between the menu entry and the menu border
- Default:
{ left = 1, right = 1 }
- Whether to enable previewing for menu entries
- Default:
- Whether to highlight the symbol under the cursor
- This feature requires
to be enabled - Default:
:table<string, function|string|table<string, function>|table<string, string>>
- Buffer-local keymaps in the menu
- Use
<key> = <function|string>
to map a key in normal mode in the menu buffer, or use<key> = table<mode, function|string>
to map a key in specific modes. - Default:
{ ['q'] = '<C-w>q', ['<Esc>'] = '<C-w>q', ['<LeftMouse>'] = function() local menu = if not menu then return end local mouse = vim.fn.getmousepos() local clicked_menu ={ win = mouse.winid }) -- If clicked on a menu, invoke the corresponding click action, -- else close all menus and set the cursor to the clicked window if clicked_menu then clicked_menu:click_at({ mouse.line, mouse.column - 1 }, nil, 1, 'l') return end'close')'update_current_context_hl') if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(mouse.winid) then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(mouse.winid) end end, ['<CR>'] = function() local menu = if not menu then return end local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor( local component = menu.entries[cursor[1]]:first_clickable(cursor[2]) if component then menu:click_on(component, nil, 1, 'l') end end, ['<MouseMove>'] = function() local menu = if not menu then return end local mouse = vim.fn.getmousepos() if then end if then end end, ['i'] = function() local menu = if not menu then return end menu:fuzzy_find_open() end, },
:table<string, boolean>
- Scrollbar configuration for the menu.
- Default:
{ enable = true, -- if false, only the scrollbar thumb will be shown background = true }
:table<string, dropbar_menu_win_config_opts_t>
- Window configurations for the menu, see
:h nvim_open_win()
- Each config key in
accepts either a plain value which will be passes directly tonvim_open_win()
, or a function that takes the current menu (seedropbar_menu_t
) as an argument and returns a value to be passed tonvim_open_win()
. - Default:
{ border = 'none', style = 'minimal', row = function(menu) return menu.prev_menu and menu.prev_menu.clicked_at and menu.prev_menu.clicked_at[1] - vim.fn.line('w0') or 0 end, ---@param menu dropbar_menu_t col = function(menu) if menu.prev_menu then return menu.prev_menu._win_configs.width + (menu.prev_menu.scrollbar and 1 or 0) end local mouse = vim.fn.getmousepos() local bar = require('dropbar.api').get_dropbar( vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(menu.prev_win), menu.prev_win ) if not bar then return mouse.wincol end local _, range = bar:get_component_at(math.max(0, mouse.wincol - 1)) return range and range.start or mouse.wincol end, relative = 'win', win = function(menu) return menu.prev_menu and or vim.fn.getmousepos().winid end, height = function(menu) return math.max( 1, math.min( #menu.entries, vim.go.pumheight ~= 0 and vim.go.pumheight or math.ceil(vim.go.lines / 4) ) ) end, width = function(menu) local min_width = vim.go.pumwidth ~= 0 and vim.go.pumwidth or 8 if vim.tbl_isempty(menu.entries) then return min_width end return math.max( min_width, math.max(unpack(vim.tbl_map(function(entry) return entry:displaywidth() end, menu.entries))) ) end, zindex = function(menu) if menu.prev_menu then if menu.prev_menu.scrollbar and menu.prev_menu.scrollbar.thumb then return vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(menu.prev_menu.scrollbar.thumb).zindex end return vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(menu.prev_win).zindex end end, }
- Window configurations for the menu, see
These options live under opts.fzf
and are used to control the behavior and
appearance of the fuzzy finder interface.
- The keymaps that will apply in insert mode, in the fzf prompt buffer
- Same config as
- Default:
keymaps = { ['<LeftMouse>'] = function() ---@type dropbar_menu_t local menu = if not menu then return end local mouse = vim.fn.getmousepos() if not mouse then return end if mouse.winid ~= then local default_func =['<LeftMouse>'] if type(default_func) == 'function' then default_func() end menu:fuzzy_find_close(false) return elseif mouse.winrow > vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(menu.buf) then return end vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(, { mouse.line, mouse.column - 1 }) menu:fuzzy_find_click_on_entry(function(entry) return entry:get_component_at(mouse.column - 1, true) end) end, ['<MouseMove>'] = function() ---@type dropbar_menu_t local menu = if not menu then return end local mouse = vim.fn.getmousepos() if not mouse then return end -- If mouse is not in the menu window or on the border, end preview -- and clear hover highlights if mouse.winid ~= or mouse.line <= 0 or mouse.column <= 0 or mouse.winrow > #menu.entries then menu = menu:root() --[[@as dropbar_menu_t]] if menu then menu:finish_preview(true) if then menu:update_hover_hl() end end return end if then menu:preview_symbol_at({ mouse.line, mouse.column - 1 }, true) end if then menu:update_hover_hl({ mouse.line, mouse.column - 1 }) end end, ['<Up>'] = api.fuzzy_find_prev, ['<Down>'] = api.fuzzy_find_next, ['<C-k>'] = api.fuzzy_find_prev, ['<C-j>'] = api.fuzzy_find_next, ['<C-p>'] = api.fuzzy_find_prev, ['<C-n>'] = api.fuzzy_find_next, ['<CR>'] = api.fuzzy_find_click, ['<S-Enter>'] = function() api.fuzzy_find_click(-1) end, }
- Options passed to
:h nvim_open_win
. The fuzzy finder will use its parent window's config by default, but options set here will override those. - Same config as
- Default:
win_configs = { relative = 'win', anchor = 'NW', height = 1, win = function(menu) return end, width = function(menu) local function border_width(border) if type(border) == 'string' then if border == 'none' or border == 'shadow' then return 0 end return 2 -- left and right border end local left, right = 1, 1 if (#border == 1 and border[1] == '') or (#border == 4 and border[4] == '') or (#border == 8 and border[8] == '') then left = 0 end if (#border == 1 and border[1] == '') or (#border == 4 and border[4] == '') or (#border == 8 and border[4] == '') then right = 0 end return left + right end local menu_width = menu._win_configs.width + border_width(menu._win_configs.border) local self_width = menu._win_configs.width local self_border = border_width( ( M.opts.fzf.win_configs and M.eval(M.opts.fzf.win_configs.border, menu) ) or (menu.fzf_win_configs and M.eval( menu.fzf_win_configs.border, menu )) or menu._win_configs.border ) if self_width + self_border > menu_width then return self_width - self_border else return menu_width - self_border end end, row = function(menu) local menu_border = menu._win_configs.border if type(menu_border) == 'string' and menu_border ~= 'shadow' and menu_border ~= 'none' then return menu._win_configs.height + 1 elseif menu_border == 'none' then return menu._win_configs.height end local len_menu_border = #menu_border if len_menu_border == 1 and menu_border[1] ~= '' or (len_menu_border == 2 or len_menu_border == 4) and menu_border[2] ~= '' or len_menu_border == 8 and menu_border[8] ~= '' then return menu._win_configs.height + 1 else return menu._win_configs.height end end, col = function(menu) local menu_border = menu._win_configs.border if type(menu_border) == 'string' and menu_border ~= 'shadow' and menu_border ~= 'none' then return -1 end if type(menu_border) == 'table' and menu_border[#menu_border] ~= '' then return -1 end return 0 end, },
- Options passed to
- Prompt string that will be displayed in the statuscolumn of the fzf input window.
- Can include highlight groups
- Default:
prompt = '%#htmlTag# '
- Default:
char_pattern = '[%w%p]'
- Default:
- Default:
retain_inner_spaces = true
- Default:
- When opening an entry with a submenu via the fuzzy finder, open the submenu in fuzzy finder mode.
- Default:
fuzzy_find_on_click = true
These options live under opts.icons
and are used to configure the icons
used by the plugin:
- Whether to enable icons
- Default:
:fun(path: string): string, string?|string?
- Directory icon and highlighting getter, set to empty string to disable
- Default:
function(_) return M.opts.icons.kinds.symbols.Folder, 'DropBarIconKindFolder' end
:fun(path: string): string, string?|string?
- File icon and highlighting getter, set to empty string to disable
- Default:
function(path) return M.opts.icons.kinds.symbols.File, 'DropBarIconKindFile' end
:table<string, string>
- Table mapping the different kinds of symbols to their corresponding icons
- Default:
{ Array = ' ', BlockMappingPair = ' ', Boolean = ' ', BreakStatement = ' ', Call = ' ', CaseStatement = ' ', Class = ' ', Color = ' ', Constant = ' ', Constructor = ' ', ContinueStatement = '→ ', Copilot = ' ', Declaration = ' ', Delete = ' ', DoStatement = ' ', Element = ' ', Enum = ' ', EnumMember = ' ', Event = ' ', Field = ' ', File = ' ', Folder = ' ', ForStatement = ' ', Function = ' ', GotoStatement = ' ', H1Marker = ' ', -- Used by markdown treesitter parser H2Marker = ' ', H3Marker = ' ', H4Marker = ' ', H5Marker = ' ', H6Marker = ' ', Identifier = ' ', IfStatement = ' ', Interface = ' ', Keyword = ' ', List = ' ', Log = ' ', Lsp = ' ', Macro = ' ', MarkdownH1 = ' ', -- Used by builtin markdown source MarkdownH2 = ' ', MarkdownH3 = ' ', MarkdownH4 = ' ', MarkdownH5 = ' ', MarkdownH6 = ' ', Method = ' ', Module = ' ', Namespace = ' ', Null = ' ', Number = ' ', Object = ' ', Operator = ' ', Package = ' ', Pair = ' ', Property = ' ', Reference = ' ', Regex = ' ', Repeat = ' ', Return = ' ', RuleSet = ' ', Scope = ' ', Snippet = ' ', Specifier = ' ', Statement = ' ', String = ' ', Struct = ' ', SwitchStatement = ' ', Table = ' ', Terminal = ' ', Text = ' ', Type = ' ', TypeParameter = ' ', Unit = ' ', Value = ' ', Variable = ' ', WhileStatement = ' ', }
:table<string, string>
- Controls the icons used in the winbar UI
- Default:
{ separator = ' ', extends = '…', }
:table<string, string>
- Controls the icons used in the menu UI
- Default:
{ separator = ' ', indicator = ' ', }
These options live under opts.symbol
and are used to control the behavior of
the symbols:
:fun(symbol: dropbar_symbol_t, min_width: integer?, n_clicks: integer?, button: string?, modifiers: string?)|false?
- Default function called when clicking or pressing
on the symbol - Default:
function(symbol) -- Update current context highlights if the symbol -- is shown inside a menu if symbol.entry and then elseif then end -- Determine menu configs local prev_win = nil ---@type integer? local entries_source = nil ---@type dropbar_symbol_t[]? local init_cursor = nil ---@type integer[]? local win_configs = {} if then -- If symbol inside a dropbar prev_win = entries_source = symbol.opts.siblings init_cursor = symbol.opts.sibling_idx and { symbol.opts.sibling_idx, 0 } if then ---@param tbl number[] local function tbl_sum(tbl) local sum = 0 for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do sum = sum + v end return sum end win_configs.relative = 'win' = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() win_configs.row = 0 win_configs.col = + tbl_sum(vim.tbl_map( function(component) return component:displaywidth() + end, vim.tbl_filter(function(component) return component.bar_idx < symbol.bar_idx end, )) end elseif symbol.entry and then -- If inside a menu prev_win = entries_source = symbol.opts.children end -- Toggle existing menu if then{ prev_win = prev_win, win_configs = win_configs, }) return end -- Create a new menu for the symbol if not entries_source or vim.tbl_isempty(entries_source) then return end local menu = require('') local configs = require('dropbar.configs') = menu.dropbar_menu_t:new({ prev_win = prev_win, cursor = init_cursor, win_configs = win_configs, ---@param sym dropbar_symbol_t entries = vim.tbl_map(function(sym) local menu_indicator_icon = local menu_indicator_on_click = nil if not sym.children or vim.tbl_isempty(sym.children) then menu_indicator_icon = string.rep(' ', vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(menu_indicator_icon)) menu_indicator_on_click = false end return menu.dropbar_menu_entry_t:new({ components = { sym:merge({ name = '', icon = menu_indicator_icon, icon_hl = 'dropbarIconUIIndicator', on_click = menu_indicator_on_click, }), sym:merge({ on_click = function() local root_menu = and if root_menu then root_menu:close(false) end if current_menu then current_menu:close(false) end sym:jump() end, }), }, }) end, entries_source), }) end,
- Default function called when clicking or pressing
:fun(win: integer, range: {start: {line: integer, character: integer}, end: {line: integer, character: integer}})
- Function to reorient the source window when previewing symbol given
the source window
and the range of the symbolrange
- Default:
function() end
- Function to reorient the source window when previewing symbol given
the source window
:fun(win: integer, range: {start: {line: integer, character: integer}, end: {line: integer, character: integer}})
- Function to reorient the source window after jumping to symbol given
the source window
and the range of the symbolrange
- Default:
function() end
- Function to reorient the source window after jumping to symbol given
the source window
These options live under opts.sources
and are used to control the behavior of
each sources.
- Maximum number of symbols to return
- A smaller number can help to improve performance in deeply nested paths
- Default:
:string|fun(buf: integer, win: integer): string
- The path to use as the root of the relative path
- If a function is provided, it will be called with the current buffer number and window id as arguments and should return a string to be used as the root of the relative path
- Notice: currently does not support
relative paths - Default:
function(_, win) -- Workaround for Vim:E5002: Cannot find window number local ok, cwd = pcall(vim.fn.getcwd, win) return ok and cwd or vim.fn.getcwd() end
:function(name: string): boolean
- A function that takes a file name and returns whether to include it in the results shown in the drop-down menu
- Default:
function(_) return true end
:function(sym: dropbar_symbol_t): dropbar_symbol_t
- A function that takes the last
in the result got from the path source and returns an alternative symboldropbar_symbol_t
to show if the current buffer is modified - Default:
function(sym) return sym end
- To set a different icon, name, or highlights when the buffer is modified,
you can change the corresponding fields in the returned
function(sym) return sym:merge({ name = .. '[+]', icon = ' ', name_hl = 'DiffAdded', icon_hl = 'DiffAdded', -- ... }) end
- A function that takes the last
:boolean|fun(path: string): boolean?|nil
- A boolean or a function that takes a file path and returns whether to preview the file under cursor
- Default:
- Maximum number of symbols to return
- A smaller number can help to improve performance in deeply nested trees (e.g. in big nested json files)
- Default:
- Vim regex used to extract a short name from the node text
- Default:
- A list of treesitter node types to include in the results
- Default:
{ 'block_mapping_pair', 'array', 'boolean', 'break_statement', 'call', 'case_statement', 'class', 'constant', 'constructor', 'continue_statement', 'delete', 'do_statement', 'element', 'enum', 'enum_member', 'event', 'for_statement', 'function', 'goto_statement', 'h1_marker', 'h2_marker', 'h3_marker', 'h4_marker', 'h5_marker', 'h6_marker', 'if_statement', 'interface', 'keyword', 'macro', 'method', 'namespace', 'null', 'number', 'operator', 'package', 'pair', 'property', 'reference', 'repeat', 'return_statement', 'rule_set', 'scope', 'specifier', 'struct', 'switch_statement', 'table', 'type', 'type_parameter', 'unit', 'value', 'variable', 'while_statement', 'declaration', 'field', 'identifier', 'object', 'statement', }
- Maximum number of symbols to return
- A smaller number can help to improve performance when the language server returns huge list of nested symbols
- Default:
- A list of LSP document symbols to include in the results
- Default:
{ 'File', 'Module', 'Namespace', 'Package', 'Class', 'Method', 'Property', 'Field', 'Constructor', 'Enum', 'Interface', 'Function', 'Variable', 'Constant', 'String', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'Array', 'Object', 'Keyword', 'Null', 'EnumMember', 'Struct', 'Event', 'Operator', 'TypeParameter', }
- Number of times to retry a request before giving up
- Default:
- Number of milliseconds to wait between retries
- Default:
- Maximum number of symbols to return
- Default:
- Number of lines to update when cursor moves out of the parsed range
- Default:
Thanks @willothy for implementing this.
:string|fun(buf: integer): string
- Icon to show before terminal names
- Default:
function(_) return M.opts.icons.kinds.symbols.Terminal or ' ' end
:string|fun(buf: integer): string
- Default:
- Easy to integrate with other plugins (for example, toggleterm.nvim):
name = function(buf) local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) -- the second result val is the terminal object local term = select(2, require("toggleterm.terminal").indentify(name)) if term then return term.display_name or else return name end end
- Default:
opts.sources.terminal.show_current: boolean
- Show the current terminal buffer in the menu
- Default:
exposes a few functions in lua/dropbar/api.lua
that can be
used to interact with the winbar or the drop-down menu:
preferget_dropbar(buf: integer?, win: integer): dropbar_t?
- Get the dropbar associated with the given buffer and window
- For more information about the
type, seedropbar_t
preferget_current_dropbar(): dropbar_t?
- Get the dropbar associated with the current buffer and window
preferget_dropbar_menu(win: integer): dropbar_menu_t?
- Get the drop-down menu associated with the given window
- For more information about the
type, seedropbar_menu_t
preferget_current_dropbr_menu(): dropbar_menu_t?
- Get the drop-down menu associated with the current window
goto_context_start(count: integer?)
- Move the cursor to the start of the current context
- If
is 0 ornil
, go to the start of current context, or the start at previous context if cursor is already at the start of current context - If
is positive, goto the start ofcount
previous context
- Open the menu of current context to select the next context
pick(idx: integer?)
- Pick a component from current winbar
- If
, enter interactive pick mode to select a component - If
is a number, directly pick the component at that index if it exists
fuzzy_find_toggle(opts: table?)
- Toggle the fuzzy finder interface for the current dropbar menu
- Options override the default / config options for the fuzzy finder
fuzzy_find_click(component: number | (fun(entry: dropbar_menu_entry_t):dropbar_symbol_t)?)
- If
is anumber
, thecomponent
-nth symbol is selected, unless0
is supplied, in which case the first or last clickable component is selected, respectively. - If it is a
, it receives thedropbar_menu_entry_t
as an argument and should return thedropbar_symbol_t
that is to be clicked.
- If
fuzzy_find_navigate(direction: 'up'|'down'|integer)
- Navigate to the nth previous/next entry while fuzzy finding
- Navigate to the previous entry while fuzzy finding
- Navigate to the next entry while fuzzy finding
Here are some utility functions that can be handy when writing your customize your config:
Defined in lua/dropbar/utils/bar.lua
. (dropbar_t?)|table<integer, dropbar_t>|table<integer, table<integer, dropbar_t>>
- Get the dropbar(s) associated with the given buffer and window
- If only
is specified, return the dropbar attached the window; - If only
is specified, return all dropbars attached the buffer; - If both
are specified, return the dropbar attached the window that contains the buffer; - If neither
is specified, return all dropbars in the form oftable<buf, table<win, dropbar_t>> dropbar_t?
- Get the dropbar associated with the current buffer and window
Defined in lua/dropbar/utils/menu.lua
. (dropbar_menu_t?)|table<integer, dropbar_menu_t>
- Get dropbar menu
- If
is specified, return the dropbar menu attached the window; - If
is not specified, return all opened dropbar menus dropbar_menu_t?
- Get current dropbar menu
- any[], opts: table, on_choice: function(item, idx))
- Opt-in replacement for
- Supports non-string items by formatting via the
- Opt-in replacement for
defines the following highlight groups that, override them in
your colorscheme to change the appearance of the drop-down menu, the names
should be self-explanatory:
Highlight groups
Highlight group | Attributes |
DropBarCurrentContext | { link = 'Visual' } |
DropBarFzfMatch | { link = 'Special' } |
DropBarHover | { link = 'Visual' } |
DropBarIconKindDefault | { link = 'Special' } |
DropBarIconKindArray | { link = 'Operator' } |
DropBarIconKindBlockMappingPair | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindBoolean | { link = 'Boolean' } |
DropBarIconKindBreakStatement | { link = 'Error' } |
DropBarIconKindCall | { link = 'Function' } |
DropBarIconKindCaseStatement | { link = 'Conditional' } |
DropBarIconKindClass | { link = 'Type' } |
DropBarIconKindConstant | { link = 'Constant' } |
DropBarIconKindConstructor | { link = '@constructor' } |
DropBarIconKindContinueStatement | { link = 'Repeat' } |
DropBarIconKindDeclaration | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindDelete | { link = 'Error' } |
DropBarIconKindDoStatement | { link = 'Repeat' } |
DropBarIconKindElseStatement | { link = 'Conditional' } |
DropBarIconKindElement | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindEnum | { link = 'Constant' } |
DropBarIconKindEnumMember | { link = 'DropBarIconKindEnumMember' } |
DropBarIconKindEvent | { link = '@lsp.type.event' } |
DropBarIconKindField | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindFile | { link = 'DropBarIconKindFolder' } |
DropBarIconKindFolder | { link = 'Directory' } |
DropBarIconKindForStatement | { link = 'Repeat' } |
DropBarIconKindFunction | { link = 'Function' } |
DropBarIconKindGotoStatement | { link = '@keyword.return' } |
DropBarIconKindH1Marker | { link = 'markdownH1' } |
DropBarIconKindH2Marker | { link = 'markdownH2' } |
DropBarIconKindH3Marker | { link = 'markdownH3' } |
DropBarIconKindH4Marker | { link = 'markdownH4' } |
DropBarIconKindH5Marker | { link = 'markdownH5' } |
DropBarIconKindH6Marker | { link = 'markdownH6' } |
DropBarIconKindIdentifier | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindIfStatement | { link = 'Conditional' } |
DropBarIconKindInterface | { link = 'Type' } |
DropBarIconKindKeyword | { link = '@keyword' } |
DropBarIconKindList | { link = 'Operator' } |
DropBarIconKindMacro | { link = 'Macro' } |
DropBarIconKindMarkdownH1 | { link = 'markdownH1' } |
DropBarIconKindMarkdownH2 | { link = 'markdownH2' } |
DropBarIconKindMarkdownH3 | { link = 'markdownH3' } |
DropBarIconKindMarkdownH4 | { link = 'markdownH4' } |
DropBarIconKindMarkdownH5 | { link = 'markdownH5' } |
DropBarIconKindMarkdownH6 | { link = 'markdownH6' } |
DropBarIconKindMethod | { link = 'Function' } |
DropBarIconKindModule | { link = '@module' } |
DropBarIconKindNamespace | { link = '@lsp.type.namespace' } |
DropBarIconKindNull | { link = 'Constant' } |
DropBarIconKindNumber | { link = 'Number' } |
DropBarIconKindObject | { link = 'Statement' } |
DropBarIconKindOperator | { link = 'Operator' } |
DropBarIconKindPackage | { link = '@module' } |
DropBarIconKindPair | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindProperty | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindReference | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindRepeat | { link = 'Repeat' } |
DropBarIconKindReturnStatement | { link = '@keyword.return' } |
DropBarIconKindRuleSet | { link = '@lsp.type.namespace' } |
DropBarIconKindScope | { link = '@lsp.type.namespace' } |
DropBarIconKindSpecifier | { link = '@keyword' } |
DropBarIconKindStatement | { link = 'Statement' } |
DropBarIconKindString | { link = '@string' } |
DropBarIconKindStruct | { link = 'Type' } |
DropBarIconKindSwitchStatement | { link = 'Conditional' } |
DropBarIconKindTable | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindTerminal | { link = 'Number' } |
DropBarIconKindType | { link = 'Type' } |
DropBarIconKindTypeParameter | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindUnit | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindValue | { link = 'Number' } |
DropBarIconKindVariable | { link = 'DropBarIconKindDefault' } |
DropBarIconKindWhileStatement | { link = 'Repeat' } |
DropBarIconUIIndicator | { link = 'SpecialChar' } |
DropBarIconUIPickPivot | { link = 'Error' } |
DropBarIconUISeparator | { link = 'Comment' } |
DropBarIconUISeparatorMenu | { link = 'DropBarIconUISeparator' } |
DropBarMenuCurrentContext | { link = 'PmenuSel' } |
DropBarMenuFloatBorder | { link = 'FloatBorder' } |
DropBarMenuHoverEntry | { link = 'IncSearch' } |
DropBarMenuHoverIcon | { reverse = true } |
DropBarMenuHoverSymbol | { bold = true } |
DropBarMenuNormalFloat | { link = 'NormalFloat' } |
DropBarMenuSbar | { link = 'PmenuSbar' } |
DropBarMenuThumb | { link = 'PmenuThumb' } |
DropBarPreview | { link = 'Visual' } |
DropBarKindArray | undefined |
DropBarKindBoolean | undefined |
DropBarKindBreakStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindCall | undefined |
DropBarKindCaseStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindClass | undefined |
DropBarKindConstant | undefined |
DropBarKindConstructor | undefined |
DropBarKindContinueStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindDeclaration | undefined |
DropBarKindDelete | undefined |
DropBarKindDoStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindElseStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindElement | undefined |
DropBarKindEnum | undefined |
DropBarKindEnumMember | undefined |
DropBarKindEvent | undefined |
DropBarKindField | undefined |
DropBarKindFile | undefined |
DropBarKindFolder | undefined |
DropBarKindForStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindFunction | undefined |
DropBarKindH1Marker | undefined |
DropBarKindH2Marker | undefined |
DropBarKindH3Marker | undefined |
DropBarKindH4Marker | undefined |
DropBarKindH5Marker | undefined |
DropBarKindH6Marker | undefined |
DropBarKindIdentifier | undefined |
DropBarKindIfStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindInterface | undefined |
DropBarKindKeyword | undefined |
DropBarKindList | undefined |
DropBarKindMacro | undefined |
DropBarKindMarkdownH1 | undefined |
DropBarKindMarkdownH2 | undefined |
DropBarKindMarkdownH3 | undefined |
DropBarKindMarkdownH4 | undefined |
DropBarKindMarkdownH5 | undefined |
DropBarKindMarkdownH6 | undefined |
DropBarKindMethod | undefined |
DropBarKindModule | undefined |
DropBarKindNamespace | undefined |
DropBarKindNull | undefined |
DropBarKindNumber | undefined |
DropBarKindObject | undefined |
DropBarKindOperator | undefined |
DropBarKindPackage | undefined |
DropBarKindPair | undefined |
DropBarKindProperty | undefined |
DropBarKindReference | undefined |
DropBarKindRepeat | undefined |
DropBarKindRuleSet | undefined |
DropBarKindScope | undefined |
DropBarKindSpecifier | undefined |
DropBarKindStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindString | undefined |
DropBarKindStruct | undefined |
DropBarKindSwitchStatement | undefined |
DropBarKindTerminal | undefined |
DropBarKindType | undefined |
DropBarKindTypeParameter | undefined |
DropBarKindUnit | undefined |
DropBarKindValue | undefined |
DropBarKindVariable | undefined |
DropBarKindWhileStatement | undefined |
local dropbar = require('dropbar')
local sources = require('dropbar.sources')
local utils = require('dropbar.utils')
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'DropBarFileName', { fg = '#FFFFFF', italic = true })
local custom_path = {
get_symbols = function(buff, win, cursor)
local symbols = sources.path.get_symbols(buff, win, cursor)
symbols[#symbols].name_hl = 'DropBarFileName'
if[buff].modified then
symbols[#symbols].name = symbols[#symbols].name .. ' [+]'
symbols[#symbols].name_hl = 'DiffAdded'
return symbols
bar = {
sources = function(buf, _)
if[buf].ft == 'markdown' then
return {
if[buf].buftype == 'terminal' then
return {
return {
utils.source.fallback {
bar = {
enable = function(buf, win, _)
not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf)
or not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(win)
or vim.fn.win_gettype(win) ~= ''
or vim.wo[win].winbar ~= ''
or[buf].ft == 'help'
return false
local stat = vim.uv.fs_stat(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf))
if stat and stat.size > 1024 * 1024 then
return false
return[buf].ft == 'markdown'
or[buf].ft == 'oil' -- enable in oil buffers
or[buf].ft == 'fugitive' -- enable in fugitive buffers
or pcall(vim.treesitter.get_parser, buf)
or not vim.tbl_isempty(vim.lsp.get_clients({
bufnr = buf,
method = 'textDocument/documentSymbol',
sources = {
path = {
relative_to = function(buf, win)
-- Show full path in oil or fugitive buffers
local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
vim.startswith(bufname, 'oil://')
or vim.startswith(bufname, 'fugitive://')
local root = bufname:gsub('^%S+://', '', 1)
while root and root ~= vim.fs.dirname(root) do
root = vim.fs.dirname(root)
return root
local ok, cwd = pcall(vim.fn.getcwd, win)
return ok and cwd or vim.fn.getcwd()
│winbar at win 1000│ {k}th symbol clicked
│ contaning buf 1 ├──────────────────────┐
└───────┬─▲────────┘ │
▼ │ │
_G.dropbar() │
│ ▲ │
┌──────────────┐ ┌──────▼─┴──────┐ │
│sources │ │_G.dropbar.bars│ │
│ ┌───┐ │ └──────┬─▲──────┘ │
│ │lsp│ │ ┌───────┬──▼─┴──┬───────┐ │
│ └───┘ │ ┌─▼─┐ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ ... │
│ ┌──────────┐ │ │[1]│ │[2]│ │[3]│ │
│ │treesitter│ │ └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘ │
│ └──────────┘ │ │ ... ... │
│ ... │ └──┬─▲─────────────┬──────┐ │
└─────┬─▲──────┘ ┌─▼─┴──┐ ┌──┴───┐ ... │
│ │ │[1000]│ │[1015]│ │
│ │ └─┬─▲──┘ └──────┘ │
│ │ __call() │ │ return string cache │
│ │ ┌───▼─┴───┐ ┌──────────────▼──────────────┐
│ │ │dropbar_t├────────────────────▶ _G.dropbar.callbacks │
│ │ On update events └───┬─▲───┘ register symbol └──────────────┬──────────────┘
│ │ get_symbols(1, 1000, <cursor>) │ │ on_click() callbacks │
│ └─────────────────────────────────┘ │ ┌──────────┬────▼─────┬─────────┐
└─────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌───▼────┐ ┌───┴────┐ ┌───┴────┐ ...
each source returns dropbar_symbol_t[] │['buf1']│ │['buf2']│ │['buf3']│
dropbar_t adds symbols as its components └───┬────┘ └───┬────┘ └───┬────┘
dropbar_t flushes string cache │ ... ...
┌─────▼─────┐ ┌─────┴─────┐ ...
│['win1000']│ │['win1015']│
└─────┬─────┘ └─────┬─────┘
│ ...
┌───┴───┐ ... ┌────┴────┐ ...
│['fn1']│ │['fn{k}']│
└───────┘ └────┬────┘
invoke _G.dropbar.bars[1][1000].components[k]:on_click()
open drop-down menu, goto symbol, etc
Declared and defined in lua/dropbar/bar.lua
is a class that represents a winbar.
It gets symbolsdropbar_symbol_t[]
and renders them to a
string. It is also responsible for registering on_click
callbacks of each
symbol in the global table _G.dropbar.callbacks
so that nvim knows
which function to call when a symbol is clicked.
has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
buf |
integer |
the buffer the dropbar is attached to |
win |
integer |
the window the dropbar is attached to |
sources |
dropbar_source_t[] |
sourcesdropbar_source_t[] that provide symbols to the dropbar |
separator |
dropbar_symbol_t |
separatordropbar_symbol_t between symbols |
padding |
{left: integer, right: integer} |
padding to use between the winbar and the window border |
extends |
dropbar_symbol_t |
symboldropbar_symbol_t to use when a symbol is truncated |
components |
dropbar_symbol_t[] |
symbolsdropbar_symbol_t[] to render |
string_cache |
string |
string cache of the dropbar |
in_pick_mode |
boolean? |
whether the dropbar is in pick mode |
symbol_on_hover |
dropbar_symbol_t |
The previous symboldropbar_symbol_t[] under mouse hovering in the dropbar |
last_update_request_time |
float? |
timestamp of the last update request in ms, see :h |
has the following methods:
Method | Description |
dropbar_t:new(opts: dropbar_opts_t): dropbar_t |
constructor of dropbar_t |
dropbar_t:del() |
destructor of dropbar_t |
dropbar_t:displaywidth(): integer |
returns the display width of the dropbar |
dropbar_t:truncate() |
truncates the dropbar if it exceeds the display width *side effect: changes dropbar components dropbar_symbol_t[] |
dropbar_t:cat(plain: boolean?): string |
concatenates the dropbar components into a string with substrings for highlights and click support if plain is not set; else returns a plain string without substrings for highlights and click support |
dropbar_t:redraw() |
redraws the dropbar |
dropbar_t:update() |
update dropbar componentsdropbar_symbol_t[] and redraw the dropbar afterwards |
dropbar_t:pick_mode_wrap(fn: fun(...): T?, ...): T? |
executes fn with parameters ... in pick mode |
dropbar_t:pick(idx: integer?) |
pick a component from dropbar in interactive pick mode if idx is not given; else pick the idx th component directly |
dropbar_t:update_current_context_hl(bar_idx: integer) |
Update the current context highlight hl-DropBarCurrentContext and hl-DropBarIconCurrentContext assuming the bar_idx th symbol is clicked in the winbar |
dropbar_t:update_hover_hl(col: integer?) |
Highlight the symbol at col as if the mouse is hovering on it |
dropbar_t:__call(): string |
meta method to convert dropbar_t to its string representation |
Declared and defined in lua/dropbar/bar.lua
is a class that represents a symbol in a dropbar. It is the
basic element of dropbar_t
and dropbar_menu_entry_t
has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
name |
string |
name of the symbol |
icon |
string |
icon of the symbol |
name_hl |
string? |
highlight of the name of the symbol |
icon_hl |
string? |
highlight of the icon of the symbol |
win |
integer? |
the source window the symbol is shown in |
buf |
integer? |
the source buffer the symbol is defined in |
view |
table? |
The original view of the source window, created by winsaveview() , used to restore the view after previewing the symbol |
bar |
dropbar_t? |
the dropbardropbar_t the symbol belongs to, if the symbol is shown inside a winbar |
menu |
dropbar_menu_t? |
menudropbar_menu_t associated with the symbol, if the symbol is shown inside a winbar |
entry |
dropbar_menu_entry_t? |
the dropbar menu entrydropbar_menu_entry_t the symbol belongs to, if the symbol is shown inside a menu |
children |
dropbar_symbol_t[]? |
children of the symbol (e.g. a children of a function symbol can be local variables inside the function) |
siblings |
dropbar_symbol_t[]? |
siblings of the symbol (e.g. a sibling of a symbol that represents a level 4 markdown heading can be other headings with level 4) |
bar_idx |
integer? |
index of the symbol in the dropbardropbar_t |
entry_idx |
integer? |
index of the symbol in the menu entrydropbar_menu_entry_t |
sibling_idx |
integer? |
index of the symbol in the siblings |
range |
{start: {line: integer, character: integer}, end: {line: integer, character: integer}} |
range of the symbol in the source window |
on_click |
fun(this: dropbar_symbol_t, min_width: integer?, n_clicks: integer?, button: string?, modifiers: string?)|false? |
callback to invoke when the symbol is clicked, force disable on_click when the value if set to false |
callback_idx |
integer? |
idx of the on_click callback in _G.dropbar.callbacks[buf][win] , use this to index callback function because bar_idx could change after truncate |
opts |
dropbar_symbol_opts_t? |
options passed to winbar_symbol_t:new() when the symbols is created |
data |
table? |
any extra data associated with the symbol |
has the following methods:
Method | Description |
dropbar_symbol_t:new(opts: dropbar_symbol_t?): dropbar_symbol_t |
constructor of dropbar_symbol_t |
dropbar_symbol_t:del() |
destructor of dropbar_symbol_t |
dropbar_symbol_t:merge(opts: dropbar_symbol_t) |
create a new dropbar_symbol_t by merging opts into the current dropbar_symbol_t |
dropbar_symbol_t:cat(plain: boolean?): string |
concatenates the symbol into a string with substrings for highlights and click support if plain is not set; else returns a plain string without substrings for highlights and click support |
dropbar_symbol_t:displaywidth(): integer |
returns the display width of the symbol |
dropbar_symbol_t:bytewidth(): integer |
returns the byte width of the symbol |
dropbar_symbol_t:jump() |
jump to the start of the range of the dropbar symbol |
dropbar_symbol_t:preview(orig_view: table?) |
preview the symbol in the source window, use orig_view as the original view of the source window (to restore win view after preview ends) |
dropbar_symbol_t:preview_restore_hl() |
clear the preview highlights in the source window |
dropbar_symbol_t:preview_restore_view() |
restore the view in the source window after previewing the symbol |
dropbar_symbol_t:swap_field(field: string, new_val: any) |
temporarily change the content of a dropbar symbol |
dropbar_symbol_t:restore() |
restore the original value of the fields of a dropbar symbol changed in dropbar_symbol_t:swap_field() |
Declared and defined in lua/dropbar/menu.lua
is a class that represents a drop-down menu.
has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
buf |
integer |
buffer number of the menu |
win |
integer |
window id of the menu |
is_opened |
boolean? |
whether the menu is currently opened |
entries |
dropbar_menu_entry_t[] |
entries in the menu |
win_configs |
table |
window configuration, value can be a function, see menu configuration options |
_win_configs |
table? |
evaluated window configuration |
cursor |
integer[]? |
initial cursor position |
prev_win |
integer? |
previous window, assigned when calling new() or automatically determined in open() |
prev_buf |
integer? |
previous buffer, assigned when calling new() or automatically determined in open() |
sub_menu |
dropbar_menu_t? |
submenu, assigned when calling new() or automatically determined when a new menu opens |
prev_menu |
dropbar_menu_t? |
previous menu, assigned when calling new() or automatically determined in open() |
clicked_at |
integer[]? |
last position where the menu was clicked, 1,0-indexed |
prev_cursor |
integer[]? |
previous cursor position in the menu |
symbol_previewed |
dropbar_symbol_t? |
symbol begin previewed in the menu |
has the following methods:
Method | Description |
dropbar_menu_t:new(opts: dropbar_menu_t?): dropbar_menu_t |
constructor of dropbar_menu_t |
dropbar_menu_t:del() |
destructor of dropbar_menu_t |
dropbar_menu_t:root(): dropbar_menu_t? |
get the root menu (menu without prev_menu ) |
dropbar_menu_t:eval_win_configs() |
evaluate window configurations dropbar_menu_t.win_configs and store the result in dropbar_menu_t._win_configs |
dropbar_menu_t:get_component_at(pos: integer[], look_ahead: boolean?): dropbar_symbol_t?, { start: integer, end: integer }? |
get the componentdropbar_symbol_t at position pos and its range it occupies in the entry it belongs to |
dropbar_menu_t:click_at(pos: integer[], min_width: integer?, n_clicks: integer?, button: string?, modifiers: string?) |
simulate a click at pos in the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:click_on(symbol: dropbar_symbol_t, min_width: integer?, n_clicks: integer?, button: string?, modifiers: string?) |
simulate a click at the component symbol dropbar_symbol_t of the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:update_hover_hl(pos: integer[]) |
update the hover highlights (DropBarMenuHover* ) assuming the cursor/mouse is hovering at pos in the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:update_current_context_hl(linenr: integer?) |
update the current context highlight (hl-DropBarMenuCurrentContext ) assuming the cursor is at line linenr in the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:make_buf() |
create the menu buffer from the entriesdropbar_menu_entry_t , must be called after self:eval_win_configs() |
dropbar_menu_t:make_win() |
open the menu window with self._win_configs and set menu options, must be called after self:make_buf() |
dropbar_menu_t:override(opts: dropbar_menu_t?) |
override menu options |
dropbar_menu_t:preview_symbol_at(pos: integer[], look_ahead: boolean?) |
preview the componentdropbar_symbol_t at position pos in the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:finish_preview(restore_view: boolean?) |
finish previewing the symbol, always clear the preview highlights in the source buffer, restore the original view of the source window if restore_view is true or nil |
dropbar_menu_t:quick_navigation(new_cursor: integer[]) |
nagivate the cursor to the neartest clickable component on the current menu entry in the direction of cursor movement |
dropbar_menu_t:open(opts: dropbar_menu_t?) |
open the menu with options opts |
dropbar_menu_t:close(restore_view: boolean?) |
close the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:toggle(opts: dropbar_menu_t?) |
toggle the menu |
dropbar_menu_t:fuzzy_find_restore_entries() |
restore menu buffer and entries in their original order before modified by fuzzy search |
dropbar_menu_t:fuzzy_find_close() |
stop fuzzy finding and clean up allocated memory |
dropbar_menu_t:fuzzy_find_click_on_entry(component: number|fun(dropbar_menu_entry_t):dropbar_symbol_t) |
click on the currently selected fuzzy menu entry, choosing the component to click according to component |
dropbar_menu_t:fuzzy_find_open(opts: table?) |
open the fuzzy search menu, overriding fzf configuration with opts argument |
dropbar_menu_t:fuzzy_find_navigate(direction: 'up'|'down'|integer) |
navigate to the nth previous/next entry while fuzzy finding |
Declared and defined in lua/dropbar/menu.lua
is a class that represents an entry (row) in a
drop-down menu. A dropbar_menu_t
instance is made up of
multiple dropbar_menu_entry_t
instances while a
instance can contain multiple
has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
separator |
dropbar_symbol_t |
separator to use in the entry |
padding |
{left: integer, right: integer} |
padding to use between the menu entry and the menu border |
components |
dropbar_symbol_t[] |
componentsdropbar_symbol_t[] in the entry |
virt_text |
string[][]? |
list of virtual text chunks to display below the entry |
menu |
dropbar_menu_t? |
the menu the entry belongs to |
idx |
integer? |
the index of the entry in the menu |
has the following methods:
Method | Description |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:new(opts: dropbar_menu_entry_t?): dropbar_menu_entry_t |
constructor of dropbar_menu_entry_t |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:del() |
destructor of dropbar_menu_entry_t |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:cat(): string, dropbar_menu_hl_info_t |
concatenate the components into a string, returns the string and highlight infodropbar_menu_hl_info_t |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:displaywidth(): integer |
calculate the display width of the entry |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:bytewidth(): integer |
calculate the byte width of the entry |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:first_clickable(offset: integer?): dropbar_symbol_t?, { start: integer, end: integer }? |
get the first clickable componentdropbar_symbol_t and its range in the dropbar menu entry starting from offset , which defaults to 0 |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:get_component_at(col: integer, look_ahead: boolean?): dropbar_symbol_t?, { start: integer, end: integer }? |
get the componentdropbar_symbol_t at column position col and the range it occupies in the menu entry |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:prev_clickable(col: integer): dropbar_symbol_t?, { start: integer, end: integer }? |
get the previous clickable componentdropbar_symbol_t and its range in the dropbar menu entry given current column position col |
dropbar_menu_entry_t:next_clickable(col: integer): dropbar_symbol_t?, { start: integer, end: integer }? |
get the next clickable componentdropbar_symbol_t and its range in the dropbar menu entry given current column position col |
Declared and defined in lua/dropbar/menu.lua
is a class that represents a highlight range in a
single line of a drop-down menu.
has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
start |
integer |
start column of the higlighted range |
end |
integer |
end column of the higlighted range |
hlgroup |
string |
highlight group to use for the range |
ns |
integer? |
namespace to use for the range, nil if using default namespace |
Declared in lua/dropbar/sources/init.lua
is a class that represents a source of a drop-down menu.
has the following field:
Field | Type | Description |
get_symbols |
function(buf: integer, win: integer, cursor: integer[]): dropbar_symbol_t[] |
returns the symbolsdropbar_symbol_t[] to show in the winbar given buffer number buf and cursor position cursor |
Declared in lua/dropbar/utils/menu.lua
is a class that represents the options passed to
with some extensions).
has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
prompt |
string? |
determines what will be shown at the top of the select menu. |
format_item |
fun(item: any): string, string[][]? |
formats the list items for display in the menu, and optionally formats virtual text chunks to be shown below the item. |
preview |
fun(self: dropbar_symbol_t, item: any, idx: integer) |
previews the list item under the cursor. |
preview_close |
fun(self: dropbar_symbol_t, item: any, idx: integer) |
closes the preview when the menu is closed. |
A dropbar_source_t
instance is just a table with
field set to a function that returns an array of
instances given the buffer number, the
window id, and the cursor position.
We have seen a simple example of a custom source in the default config of
where the second source is set to a combination
of lsp/treesitter/markdown sources using the utils.source.fallback()
function, which simply returns a table containing a get_symbols()
where each source passed to utils.source.fallback()
is queried and the first
non-empty result get from the sources is returned as the result of the combined
Here is another example of a custom source that will always return two symbols
saying 'Hello' and 'dropbar' with highlights 'hl-Keyword'
and 'hl-Title'
and a smiling face shown in 'hl-WarningMsg'
at the start of the first symbol;
clicking on the first symbol will show a notification message saying 'Have you
smiled today?', followed by the smiling face icon used in the in dropbar symbol:
local bar = require('')
local custom_source = {
get_symbols = function(_, _, _)
return {
icon = ' ',
icon_hl = 'WarningMsg',
name = 'Hello',
name_hl = 'Keyword',
on_click = function(self)
vim.notify('Have you smiled today? ' .. self.icon)
name = 'dropbar',
name_hl = 'Title',
Add this source to
table to see it in action:
bar = {
sources = {
The following example shows how to make a source that returns two symbols with the first symbol having a drop-down menu with a single entry saying 'World':
local bar = require('')
local menu = require('')
local custom_source = {
get_symbols = function(_, _, _)
return {
icon = ' ',
icon_hl = 'WarningMsg',
name = 'Hello',
name_hl = 'Keyword',
on_click = function(self) = menu.dropbar_menu_t:new({
entries = {
components = {
icon = ' ',
icon_hl = 'WarningMsg',
name = 'World',
name_hl = 'Keyword',
on_click = function(sym)
vim.notify('Have you smiled today? ' .. sym.icon)
name = 'dropbar',
icon = ' ',
name_hl = 'Special',
icon_hl = 'Error',
defines a default on_click()
callback if non is provided.
The default on_click()
callback will look for these fields in the symbol
instance and create a drop-down menu accordingly on click, for more information
about these fields see dropbar_symbol_t
For creating the drop-down menu:
For jumping to the symbol or previewing it:
The following example shows a source that utilizes the default on_click()
local bar = require('')
local custom_source = {
get_symbols = function(buf, win, _)
return {
name = 'Section 1',
name_hl = 'Keyword',
siblings = {
name = 'Section 2',
name_hl = 'WarningMsg',
name = 'Section 3',
name_hl = 'Error',
name = 'Section 4',
name_hl = 'String',
children = {
buf = buf,
win = win,
name = 'Section 4.1',
name_hl = 'String',
-- Will jump to line 3, col 4 (0-indexed) when clicked in the
-- menu
range = {
start = { line = 3, character = 4 },
['end'] = { line = 5, character = 6 },
To see this source in action add it to
bar = {
sources = {
If the symbol fields siblings
or children
are expensive to compute, you can
use meta-tables to lazy-load them, so that they are only computed when a menu
is opened:
local bar = require('')
local custom_source = {
get_symbols = function(_, _, _)
return {
name = 'Section 1',
name_hl = 'Keyword',
}, {
__index = function(self, key)
if key == 'siblings' then
self[siblings] = -- [[ compute siblings ]]
return self[siblings]
if key == 'children' then
self[children] = -- [[ compute children ]]
return self[children]
-- ...
To see concrete examples of lazy-loading see