Greeting a User by choosing a greeting message from a predefined set of messages, based on the time of the day.
Requesting a greeting message early in the morning
When a User with the name Joe request a greeting message
And the time is early in the morning
Then the system will reply with a customized message that says:
"Good morning, Joe! The sun is high and shining!"
List of predefined messages based on the time
- Morning (from 7 AM to 11 AM) βοΈ
Good morning, {User}! The sun is high and shining!
Hey {User}, nice to see you here!
{User} welcome back!
Have a splendid day {User}.
- The rest of the day (from 12 PM to 8 PM) π
Hello {User}!
You are great {User}
- Night (from 9 PM to 6 AM) π€
Have a good night, {User}
Wish you sweet dreams {User} ...
It was a great day! {User} it's time to relax!