This is the github repository for our Software Engineering class project.
To get this working, just clone the repo and run bundle install --without production Then rails s will load the site
To get the database populated with buildings (in case it gets wiped or anything like that), there is a script in /scripts called addBuildings script. Load the console with "rails c" and then run the command "load 'addBuildingScript.rb'"(don't include double quotes). To load buildings on heroku deployment (currently, just type "heroku run rails c" first to access the console
Initial admin has credentials: password
==================== Implementing Ratings Branch ======================
Changes in this branch are predicated on the idea that "Closed" is the final state for a work order.
Summary of changes:
Made a work order review form for the user, the link for which shows up under a resolved workorder
Added total_workorders_completed and average_workorder_rating columns to the worker model--need rake db:migrate. When a new worker is created these values are set to 0 by default. Also, since these attributes will initially be undefined for existing workers, values of 0 may have to be made manually in the console for all workers, something like:
Worker.all.each do |worker| worker.update_attributes(average_workorder_rating: 0.0) worker.update_attributes(total_workorders_completed: 0) end
Made it so that all closed workorders show up on their own page. Also added several partials.
Created new links in the navbar for both users and workers to show their completed workorders. Accordingly, this involved making changes to routes.rb.
Made it so that users can't add comments/updates to a closed workorder since that should be its final state.
Simple if-else in workorders/show.html.erb if you want to revert -
Made the worker stat page under the admin view display the worker average.
Had to add another migration to Workorder model as a workaround for the fact that work orders can be closed by both admins and users--only want ratings to show up for users.
It was necessary to make a change to the Worker model's password_confirmation validation so that it only does the validation when a new worker is created. This is important because without this change I can't get the worker rating to save with update_attributes. Worker can still edit password correctly. We might want to make this change to User model also ( User.first.valid? returns false)
Note: There might be a discrepancy between the completed work order statistic in the admin view and the total_workorders_completed attribute of the Worker model. The former treats 'Resolved' as a qualifying state while the latter treats 'Closed' as that state.
Also: if the close_workorder method in the workorders.rb admin controller is a method that is in use, the closed_by_user attribute of the workorder will have to be set to false in that method. It didn't seem as if that method is being used for anything.