My name's Igor Halfeld and I'm a problem solver building Ext. Contabilidade Online, I was by three years Microsoft MVP, and I have been organizing Vue.js SP since 2017. (I also organized a 2-day conference called Vue.js Summit in 2018, a Node.js (@nodebr) and Javascript (@jssp) group at Sao Paulo)
I enjoy creating products, and addicted to the philosophy of build&learn in public. Recently created
Storyseed is an app that lets you create content for your social network or blog in minutes with ChatGPT.
I've been in the technology field for over 10 years and creating products within startups for over 8 years.
I've worked with several technologies between backend, frontend and mobile. The languages I currently mostly use are Javascript, Golang and Python.
Do you have any ideas about startups, tech or products? Send me a DM on my Twitter
Check out my website