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- WhatsApp_Status_Saver Public Forked from GauthamAsir/WhatsApp_Status_Saver
WhatsApp Status Downloader, preview and save files. Android 11 support
- APPMOBILE_TAC Public Forked from matryxxx02/Libeery
Application Android projet Master1 E-Services - binôme : Genart Valentin - Fernandes Nicolas
- Material-Smart-Rating Public Forked from vimalcvs/material-smart-rating
😍⭐⭐Material Smart Rating App - An Android library that encourages users to rate the app on Google Play.⭐⭐😘
- Awesome-Android-UI Public Forked from vimalcvs/Awesome-Android-UI
😎😍Android libs and UI from GitHub or other websites. android libs from Github
- WhatsApp-Stickers-Emoji-App Public Forked from vimalcvs/WhatsApp-Stickers-Emoji-App
😎😌😎Whatsapp Stickers Store App is a mobile Whatsapp Stickers 😍😍system that runs under the Android platform that used for your own Whatsapp Stickers application. With powerful features and beautiful design and Responsive Admin Panel can manage Videos, Images, Gifs, Quote, categories, users, notifications, languages, Earning Payments, and others. …
- Day-Night-Switch Public Forked from vimalcvs/Day-Night-Switch
🌜☀🌝 Day-Night Switch Mode - A loading view that switches between day and night (Dark/Light Mode).
- Mobuys-Application-Template-React-Native Public Forked from vimalcvs/Mobuys-Application-Template-React-Native
😎😎😎Application Template with react native 0.59.9,😍 Realm database 2.26.1, Export-import to excel