GifTools is a suite of lightweight tools for editing GIFs. Whether you need to convert an MP4 video into a GIF or resize an existing GIF, GifTools has you covered!
- Convert MP4 to GIF: Transform your MP4 videos into high-quality GIFs quickly and easily.
- Resize GIF: Adjust the dimensions of your GIFs to fit your needs.
- Edit Gif Frames: Add frames or r emove Frames from any GIFs or Create GIFs from single images
- Add Text: Add text to spice up that meme!
- ffmpeg
- pillow
Download the executable:
Requires: ffmpeg
Download the executable:
Requires: ffmpeg
Download the executable:
Requires: ffmpeg
Download the executable: AddTextToGIF.exe
Requires: pillow
- Download the executable for the desired tool from the links above.
- Run the executable on your machine.
- Follow the on-screen options to complete your GIF editing task.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve GifTools
Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE License. See the LICENSE file for details.