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- DeviousJDA Public Forked from discord-jda/JDA
JDA fork with devious experimental and hacky features for big bots™
- nirn-proxy Public Forked from germanoeich/nirn-proxy
Distributed transparent REST proxy for the Discord API, handles ratelimits for you, multi-bot support, dynamic, version agnostic
- DirectDiscordCdn Public
🔗 A small micro-service that serves Discord CDN files with the proper Content-Type, used to open txt files on Discord CDN's directly on the browser
- FloppaPower Public
🐈 "Go away, selfbots!" - Elite Penguin Force's private bot that allows server admins to find, track, report and automatically ban selfbots/userbots/scambots from their servers.
- InteraKTionsUnleashed Public
👾 Discord Interactions, Unleashed! - Kotlin Library for Handling Discord Interactions with JDA
- DiscordInteraKTions Public archive
👾 Kotlin Library for Receiving and Handling Discord Interactions via Web Servers/Gateway with Kord