I'm a passionate developer with a strong focus on React and Node.js. My GitHub repositories showcase a variety of projects that reflect my journey and growth in web development.
NextJS-openAI: A foundational CRUD application built with Next.js, demonstrating my skills in building server-side rendered React applications.
MERN_APP: An engaging application developed using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), incorporating several practical libraries to enhance functionality.
foodie: A delightful web application crafted with React and Node.js, showcasing my ability to integrate various libraries for a seamless user experience.
RacjonalnePolowanie: One of my earliest commercial web projects, holding significant sentimental value. This project marks a pivotal point in my development journey, highlighting the skills and expertise I've acquired over time.
WeedingHouseWebSite: Another early commissioned website that I hold dear. It serves as a testament to my growth and the evolution of my web development capabilities.
Feel free to explore these repositories to get a deeper insight into my work and the technologies I specialize in. I'm always open to feedback and collaboration opportunities.
Let's build something amazing together! 🚀