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A lightweight but versatile mini-lib to parse color strings, objects, or numbers, returning a simple rgba array, and related string utilities. This was developed as part of the basic APCA distro.


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CoLoR🎨 PaRsLeY🌿

color parsley logo


A lightweight but versatile color parsing utility with no dependencies

Current Version: 0.1.8

NEW in 0.1.8: colorToHex and colorToRGB now round by default, and input strings using CSS color() have output array values multiplied by 255 for consistency with all other arrays.. NEW in 0.1.7: output array will now always have an alpha value, with the default as 1 for inputs that lack an alpha. "Failed" parsings will return an alpha of 0.

ColoR PaRsLeY is a spin off of the SAPC/APCA project. It is a lightweight but powerful tool for parsing color values out of various string types. It supports HEX, RGB INT, HTML & CSS Named Colors, and a variety of additional color models.

ColoR PaRsLeY returns a simple four element array of RGBA INT for HEX or RGB INT inputs, but longer arrays are available for the specialty category.


NPM Install: npm i colorparsley


"colorParsley()" send it a string, it returns an rgba INT array:

    let textColor = colorParsley('#111111');
    let backgroundColor = colorParsley('rgb(123,23,233,1.0)');

    console.log(textColor); // [17,17,17,1,true,'sRGB']
    console.log(backgroundColor); // [123,23,233,1,true,'sRGB']
    returnedArray = [R,G,B,A,isValidBool,colorspaceString]

The following are the available input types for colorParsley(). All are automatically recognized:


  • No Alpha
    • '#abc' or 'abc' (interpreted as 'aabbcc')
    • '#abcdef' or 'abcdef' (hash is ignored)
    • 'rgb(123, 45, 67)' or '123,45,67'
    • 'aquamarine' or 'magenta' (full CSS4 named colors list)
    • 'color(srgb 0.765 0.89 0.556)'
  • With Alpha
    • '#abcf' or 'abcf' (interpreted as 'aabbccff')
    • '#123456ff' or '123456ff' (hash is ignored)
    • 'rgba(123, 45, 67, 1.0)'
    • 'color(srgb 0.765 0.89 0.556 / 1)'
  • Greyscale Shorthand
    • '#ab' or 'ab' (interpreted as if'ababab')
    • '123,'(interpreted as if'rgb(123, 123, 123)')
    • '87%'(interpreted as if 'rgb(87%, 87%, 87%)' = [221.85,221.85,221.85])


  • CSS 4 compatible changes:
    • INTs changed to NUMBER (i.e. 123 can now be 123.9586)
    • Added support for color(srgb 0.765 0.89 0.556 / 1)
  • HSL and HWB now!
    • hsl(310,40%,60%, 1) (alpha optional)
  • NEW export utilities for hex and rgb strings
    • colorToHex(colorParsley('rgb(170,187,204)')) returns abc
    • colorToRGB(colorParsley('abc')) returns rgb(170,187,204)
  • Better error handling—now errors return [0,0,0,'',false,'<error message>']
  • Send it an object containing {r: g: b:} or {red: green: blue:}
  • Send it a simple array [r,g,b,a]
  • Greyscale shortcuts!
    • For HEX, just two digits: a7 means #a7a7a7
    • For INT, 1-3 digits followed by a comma: 123, means rgb(123,123,123)
    • For PCT, 1-3 digits followed by a %: 87% means rgb(87%,87%,87%)
      • and is output as [221.85,221.85,221.85,'',...]
  • "More better" regex validations and input type steering
    • Each RGB value must be 0.0-255.0. Alpha is 0.0-1 or 0% to 100%
    • Alpha values with percent symbol are converted to 0.0-1.0
    • RGB Color values in percent are converted to 0.0-255.0
  • regex parsing for lch, hsv, luv, etc.
    • first 3-5 characters defines the color type
    • minimal verification and maximum flexibility for different color space and color model types.
    • Supports INT, float, and percentage with % symbol.
    • All values with percent symbol are converted to 0.0-1.0
    • NOTE: at this time, these are not processed into an rgba array and
    • other than percentage, values are left as is, and
    • the color type is returned as the sixth element in the array

Sending as a NUMBER:

  • As hex
    • 0xabcdef
  • As integer
    • 11259375

No alpha parsing for numbers


  • All hex and rgb() inputs return a 6 element rgba NUMBER array

    • [255,255,255,1,true,'sRGB']
  • A value input with a percentage symbol % is divided by 100.0

  • Values are assumed to be 8bit unless a decimal point is found.

  • The "isValid" boolean is the 5th element in the return array.

  • The 6th array element is colorspace or model (i.e. hsl) (default sRGB)

    • [255,255,255,1,true,'sRGB']


Passthrough values to be added to the array to be returned.

  • An optional 7th array element is the gamma or TRC (default sRGB or per table)
    • [322,0.7,0.5,1,'hsv',2.2]
  • An optional 8th array element is the bitdepth (default 8bit per channel)
    • [0.95,1.1,0.76,1,'RGB','1.0','32.0f','D65']
  • An optional 9th array element is the whitepoint (default D65)
    • [123,123,123,1,'ProPhoto','1.8','D50']

Thoughts? Discuss at the repo!


The following code snippet is useful for auto-enter entry fields where you want instant response. This function cleans up entry keys as needed — adjust the keys to allow for your interface.

Here the function just calls colorParsley(), but of course add whatever calls you need.

    // Entry Key Cleanup for better UX with auto-enter
  function entryKeys(colorString,e) {
    if (
      (e.which >= 48 && e.which <= 57 && event.shiftKey == false) || // 0-9
      (e.which >= 65 && e.which <= 90) ||  // a-z
      (e.which >= 96 && e.which <= 105) // num keypad
      ) ||
      e.which === 13 || // enter
      e.which === 9 || // tab key
      e.which === 188 || // comma key
      e.which === 194 || // comma num keypad key
      //e.which === 8  || // backspace
      //e.which === 17 || // ctrl
      //e.which === 46 || // delete
      //(e.which >= 91 && e.which <= 93) ||  // OS key
      (e.which === 48 && event.shiftKey == true) // close parenthesis
    ) {
      let myNewColor = colorParsley(colorString);
      showMeTheColor(myNewColor); // the function to do on entry.

Then in your input field, use onkeyup = (or other appropriate event)

    <input  id="inputColorString"


the color parsley regex flowchart

Regex flow chart svg created at

Reference code from CSS

//* // hslToRgb() hwbToRgb() from CSS shown here only as a reference

/////  Æ’  hslToRgb()  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //// Unused, built into the string parser, here for reference
function hslToRgb (hue, sat, light) { // CSS4 reference implementation
    hue = hue % 360;
    if (hue < 0) { hue += 360; }
    sat /= 100.0;
    light /= 100.0;
    function f(n) {
        let k = (n + hue/30) % 12;
        let a = sat * Math.min(light, 1 - light);
        return light - a * Math.max(-1, Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1));
    return [f(0), f(8), f(4)]; // returns  0.0 - 1.0

/////  Æ’  hwbToRgb()  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //// Unused, built into the string parser, here for reference
function hwbToRgb(hue, white, black) {  // CSS4 reference implementation
    white /= 100.0;
    black /= 100.0;
    if (white + black >= 1) {
        let gray = white / (white + black);
    return [gray, gray, gray];
    let rgb = hslToRgb(hue, 100.0, 50.0);
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        rgb[i] *= (1 - white - black);
        rgb[i] += white;
    return rgb; // returns  0.0 - 1.0
// */


A lightweight but versatile mini-lib to parse color strings, objects, or numbers, returning a simple rgba array, and related string utilities. This was developed as part of the basic APCA distro.







Contributors 3
