This my personal site, written with:
- Astro for static site generation,
- Tailwind for nicer CSS experience
- Rollup to minimize the FontAwesome icon bundle to the ones I need
The site is deployed using GitHub Pages behind Cloudflare's CDN for further protection and caching.
As you can tell I am still very much learning frontend..
- Project setup
- Astro
- Tailwind
- Deployment
- Image optimization
- FontAwesome optimization
- Redirects
- Brief about me page
- New favicon/META tags
- Server archives
- Basic page listing servers with download links
- Detail view with brief descriptions and all the images
- Technologies page
- Contacts page
- 404 page
- CV
- Basic blog (Markdown)
- Dark/light theme toggle
- Get the site to 100% in Lighthouse categories
If you'd like to make any changes or create your own, feel free to do so!
Here are some steps to get you started.
- Ensure you have Git, Node and NPM installed
- Clone the repository:
git clone
and open it in your favourite IDE. - Install the dependencies:
npm i
- Start the Astro dev process:
npm run dev
- You can access the site with live reloading at
If you need to make changes to what icons are included, do so in the rollup/fontawesome.js
and then run npm run rollup
Finally, if you want to build the site for production, use npm run build
and you can find the final product
under dist/