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- hip-service Public
“Health Information Provider” refers to clinical establishments which generate or store customer data in digital form. These include hospitals, primary or secondary health care centres, nursing homes, diagnostic centres, clinics, medical device companies and other such entities as may be identified by regulatory authorities from time to time
- health-information-user Public
“Health information User” refers to an entity that wishes to consume the services of the Health Data Consent Manager and obtain aggregated health information for providing services to the Customer .
- consent-manager Public
The Health Data Consent Manager is an entity that acts as a consent collector for the Customer and mediates the Health Information data flows from the HIP to the recipient HIU or the Customer.
- Jataayu Public
Project EKA is an endeavour to create reference solutions for exchanging patient health information upon patient’s consent in Indian Healthcare context. Jataayu, is one of the key elements of ProjectEKA which is essentially an android app for the patients to use.
- Client-Registry Public
- Public