- Beijing, China
- 8h ahead
Library with search algorithms for task and path planning for multi robot/agent systems
This is a multi-agent path planning(also known as Multi-Agent Path Finding, MAPF) algorithm package for ROS
mqtt_bridge provides a functionality to bridge between ROS and MQTT in bidirectional
High-quality and streaming Speech-to-Speech interactive agent in a single file. 只用一个文件实现的流式全双工语音交互原型智能体!
This is a ROS package for lidar odometry implementation using rotation optimization method.
Autoware - the world's leading open-source software project for autonomous driving
simple ndt slam, quick deploy on mobile robot, support mapping and localization (origin from autoware.ai); 简易slam包 快速部署使用
A simple, clean NDT licalization ROS package.
Public version of the Advanced Open3d SLAM framework
Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
Full-python LiDAR SLAM using ICP and Scan Context
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/micropolis
PlantsVsZombies on Linux developed by cocos2dx (C++)
basic kernel driver for ft9201 usb fingerprint rdr with product id 0x9338 IE gpd win 4
This package provides localization in a pre-built map using ICP and odometry (or the IMU measurements).