- 1 follower
- San Francisco, California
- http://www.einsteindb.com
- @einstdb
- karl@einsteindb.com
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- EinsteinDB Public
In a nutshell, EinsteinDB is a persistent indexing scheme based off of LSH-KVX that exploits the distinct merits of hash index and B+-Tree index to support range scan and avoids long NVM writes for maintaining consistency; thus improving on LSH’s performance guarantees for skewed data and adopts ordered-write consistency to ensure crash consiste…
- foundationdb Public Forked from apple/foundationdb
FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
- VioletaBFT Public
Byzantine Fault Tolerant relativistic WAL consensus protocol for EinsteinDB written in Haskell compiling to Rust. VioletaBFT is a PoET embedded pBFT (optimistic timestamp) written with relativistic programming principles: Merkle Trees with Critical Sections; VioletaBFT employs Post-Quantum Cryptographic Digital Signature and Key Exchange protoco…
- einsteindb-prod Public Forked from whtcorpsinc/einsteindb-prod
EinsteinDB is a Hybrid memory system consisting of DRAM and Non-Volatile Memory configured to persist data fast.