Here you can find all my website projects. Enjoy! π
A Flutter application designed for efficient school management, centralizing student, teacher, assistant, and parent interactions. It provides real-time attendance tracking, class management, and seamless communication.
Stack: Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Firestore, Google Play Console
A modern and dynamic website that provides match schedules, rankings, and statistics for the Swiss National Ice Hockey League. The platform ensures an intuitive user experience with up-to-date content.
Stack: Vue.js, API
A web application that allows students to book rooms while enabling owners to rent out their spaces.
Stack: Vue.js, Django REST, SQLite
A live dashboard simulating API calls from Petzi, providing real-time insights and data visualization.
Stack: Python, Flask, MongoDB
A small project to test SQL Injection vulnerabilities. It includes a test website as a target and a Python script to evaluate various payloads.
Stack: Python, PHP, HTML/CSS/JS
A project to test deployment using Docker on a Synology NAS with DuckDNS for domain management. It includes a Flask backend, a static frontend, and an Nginx reverse proxy, orchestrated with Docker Compose.
Stack: Python (Flask), HTML/CSS/JS, Docker, Nginx, Docker Compose