A simple tool that transforms any Deco site into an MCP server.
deno add @deco/mcp
Here's how to set up an MCP server with your Deco site:
- If you're using
as template
import { Deco } from "@deco/deco";
import { Hono } from "@hono/hono";
import manifest, { Manifest } from "./manifest.gen.ts";
import { mcpServer } from "@deco/mcp";
const app = new Hono();
const deco = await Deco.init<Manifest>({ manifest });
const envPort = Deno.env.get("PORT");
// Add MCP server middleware
app.use("/*", mcpServer(deco));
// optionally you can select tools
// app.use("/*", mcpServer<Manifest>(deco, { include: ["site/loaders/helloWorld.ts"] })); // only hello world will be available
// Handle all routes with Deco
app.all("/*", async (c) => c.res = await deco.fetch(c.req.raw));
// Start the server
handler: app.fetch,
port: envPort ? +envPort : 8000,
- If you're a fresh-based site // in your fresh.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { plugins } from "deco/plugins/deco.ts";
import manifest from "./manifest.gen.ts";
import { mcpServer } from "@deco/mcp";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: plugins({
htmx: true,
useServer: (deco, hono) => {
hono.use("/*", mcpServer(deco as any)); // some type errors may occur
Add the MCP server as a SSE endpoint using the production domain: https://sites-mcp.decocdn.com/mcp/sse

- Deno runtime
- A Deco site with a valid manifest