- 👋 Hi, I’m a computer nerd from Switzerland.
- 📫 You can reach me via email (amelia.dobis@princeton.edu).
- ✨ You can find my favorite stuff pinned on my profile, as well as on personal my website.
Overview: I'm currently looking into rethinking hardware description languages to utilize stronger type-systems and more dataflowy constructs. I use NixOS and will hopefully also share nix files with everything I do (please message me if I forget to do so).
- Most of my work is usually on a compiler or a compiler-like verification tool, fo which I typically use MLIR.
- I will sometimes dable in something completely unrelated, so always keep your eyes open for that ;).
- I like reasoning about hardware, but I am an awful hardware engineer ^^".
- Most of my work here will be on the languages people use to implement and verify their designs.
- I'm a frequent contributor to CIRCT and sometimes Chisel.
- Godot is great, lightweight, easy to use, and FOSS.