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Friendly Finite State Machine Syntax for Swift across Apple Platforms


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Friendly Finite State Machine Syntax for Swift on macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS

Inspired by Uncle Bob's SMC syntax, Swift FSM is a Swift DSL for specifying and operating a Finite State Machine (FSM).

This guide presumes familiarity with FSMs and specifically the SMC syntax linked above. Swift FSM makes liberal use of @resultBuilder blocks, operator overloads, callAsFunction(), and trailing closures, all in combination with one another - familiarity with these concepts is helpful.


Swift FSM is a Swift Package for all Apple platforms, available through the Swift Package Manager, and requires Swift 6 or later. It is limited to macOS 15, iOS 18, tvOS 18, and watchOS 11 or later.

Swift 6 Language Mode is recommended - it should work with projects still using Swift 5 language mode, however there will likely be warnings, and possibly compilation errors in some environments (see both Swift Concurrency, and Swift 6 Language Mode).

It has one dependency - Apple’s Algorithms.

Basic Syntax

We will mirror SMC’s examples using a subway turnstile system. This turnstile has two states: Locked, and Unlocked, and two events: Coin, and Pass.

The logic is as follows (from Uncle Bob, emphasis added):

  • Given we are in the Locked state, when we get a Coin event, then we transition to the Unlocked state and invoke the unlock action.
  • Given we are in the Locked state, when we get a Pass event, then we stay in the Locked state and invoke the alarm action.
  • Given we are in the Unlocked state, when we get a Coin event, then we stay in the Unlocked state and invoke the thankyou action.
  • GIven we are in the Unlocked state, when we get a Pass event, then we transition to the Locked state and invoke the lock action.


Initial: Locked
FSM: Turnstile
  Locked    {
    Coin    Unlocked    unlock
    Pass    Locked      alarm
  Unlocked  {
    Coin    Unlocked    thankyou
    Pass    Locked      lock

Swift FSM:

let turnstile = FSM<State, Event>(initialState: .locked)
try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
        when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | alarm

    define(.unlocked) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
        when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | lock

Swift FSM (with additional code for context):

import SwiftFSM

class MyClass: SyntaxBuilder {
    enum State { case locked, unlocked }
    enum Event { case coin, pass }

    let turnstile = FSM<State, Event>(initialState: .locked)

    func myMethod() async throws {
        try turnstile.buildTable {
            define(.locked) {
                when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
                when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | alarm

            define(.unlocked) {
                when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
                when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | lock

        await turnstile.handleEvent(.coin)
class MyClass: SyntaxBuilder {

The SyntaxBuilder protocol provides the methods define, when, and then needed to specify transition table. It has two associated types, State and Event, which must be Hashable & Sendable.

let turnstile = FSM<State, Event>(initialState: .locked)

FSM is generic over State and Event. Here we have used an enum to specify the initial state of the FSM as .locked.

try turnstile.buildTable {

turnstile.buildTable is a throwing function - though the type system will prevent various illogical statements, there are some semantic issues that can only be detected at runtime.

define(.locked) {

The define statement roughly corresponds to the ‘Given’ keyword in the natural language description of the FSM. It is expected however that you will only write one define per state.

define takes two arguments - a State, and a @resultBuilder block.

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

The | (pipe) operator binds when, then and actions into a discrete transition. It feeds the output of the left hand side into the input of the right hand side, as you might expect in a terminal.

As we are inside a define block, we take the .locked state as a given. We now list our transitions, line by line. when we receive a .coin event, we will then transition to the .unlocked state and call the function unlock.

As unlock is a reference to a function, it could also be declared as follows:

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | { unlock() //; otherFunction(); etc. }

Two types of functions are valid as Swift FSM actions:

@isolated(any) () async -> Void
@isolated(any) (Event) async -> Void

Actions that take an Event can be useful if you wish to pass an associated value along with an event enum to your callback function (see Using Events to Pass Values for more details on how to implement this, and Arrays of Actions for ways to combine lists of actions of differing types).

await turnstile.handleEvent(.coin)

As handleEvent may call an async action, handleEvent itself must also be async.

FSM will find the appropriate transition for its current state, call the associated function, and transition to the associated next state. In this case, we call the unlock function and transition to the unlocked state. If no transition is found, nothing will happen, and if compiled for debugging, a warning message will print to the console.

Arrays of Actions

If you pass an array of actions, you may wish to use the convenience & operator overload provided by Swift FSM to enable mixing and matching of different action signatures:

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | first & secondAsync & thirdWithEvent ...

This is equivalent (though not technically identical) to the more verbose, but equally valid:

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | { event in await first(); await secondAsync(); thirdWithEvent(event) ... }

Optional Arguments

Now let's add an Alarming state that must be reset by a repairman:


Initial: Locked
FSM: Turnstile
  Locked    {
    Coin    Unlocked    unlock
    Pass    Alarming    alarmOn
    Reset   -           {alarmOff lock}
  Unlocked  {
    Reset   Locked      {alarmOff lock}
    Coin    Unlocked    thankyou
    Pass    Locked      lock
  Alarming {
    Coin    -          -
    Pass    -          -  
    Reset   Locked     {alarmOff lock}

Swift FSM:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin)  | then(.unlocked) | unlock
        when(.pass)  | then(.alarming) | alarmOn
        when(.reset) | then()          | alarmOff & lock

    define(.unlocked) {
        when(.reset) | then(.locked)   | alarmOff & lock
        when(.coin)  | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
        when(.pass)  | then(.locked)   | lock

    define(.alarming) {
        when(.coin)  | then()
        when(.pass)  | then()
        when(.reset) | then(.locked)   | alarmOff & lock

then() with no argument means ‘no state change’ - the FSM remains in its current state. The actions pipe is also optional - if a transition performs no actions, it can be omitted.

Super States

Notice the duplication of the Reset transition. In all three states the Reset event does the same thing. It transitions to the Locked state and it invokes the lock and alarmOff actions. This duplication can be eliminated by using a Super State as follows:


Initial: Locked
FSM: Turnstile
  // This is an abstract super state.
  (Resetable)  {
    Reset       Locked       {alarmOff lock}
  Locked : Resetable    { 
    Coin    Unlocked    unlock
    Pass    Alarming    alarmOn
  Unlocked : Resetable {
    Coin    Unlocked    thankyou
    Pass    Locked      lock
  Alarming : Resetable { // inherits all it's transitions from Resetable.

Swift FSM:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    let resetable = SuperState {
        when(.reset) | then(.locked)  | alarmOff & lock

    define(.locked, adopts: resetable) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
        when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | alarmOn

    define(.unlocked, adopts: resetable) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
        when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | lock

    define(.alarming, adopts: resetable)

SuperState takes the same @resultBuilder as define, but without a starting state. The starting state is taken from the define statement to which it is passed. define will then add the transitions declared in each of the SuperState instances before the other transitions declared in the define.

If a SuperState instance is passed to define, the @resultBuilder argument is optional.

SuperState instances can adopt other SuperState instances, and will combine them together as with define:

let s1 = SuperState { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock  }
let s2 = SuperState { when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | alarmOn }

let s3 = SuperState(adopts: s1, s2)

// s3 is equivalent to:

let s4 = SuperState {
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
    when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | alarmOn

Overriding SuperStates

Transitions declared in a SuperState cannot be overridden by their adopters. The following code is therefore assumed to in error and throws:

let s1 = SuperState { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock  }

let s2 = SuperState(adopts: s1) { 
    when(.coin) | then(.locked) | beGrumpy // 💥 error: clashing transitions

define(.locked, adopts: s1) {
    when(.coin) | then(.locked) | beGrumpy // 💥 error: clashing transitions

To override a SuperState transition, you must make use an overriding { } block:

let s1 = SuperState { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock  }

let s2 = SuperState(adopts: s1) {
    overriding { 
        when(.coin) | then(.locked) | beGrumpy // ✅ overrides inherited transition

define(.locked, adopts: s1) {
    overriding { 
        when(.coin) | then(.locked) | beGrumpy // ✅ overrides inherited transition

As multiple inheritance is allowed, overrides replace all matching transitions:

let s1 = SuperState { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | doSomething     }
let s2 = SuperState { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | doSomethingElse }

define(.locked, adopts: s1, s2) {
    overriding { 
        when(.coin) | then(.locked) | doYetAnotherThing // ✅ overrides both inherited transitions

If overriding is used where there is nothing to override, the FSM will throw:

define(.locked) {
    overriding { 
        when(.coin) | then(.locked) | beGrumpy // 💥 error: nothing to override

Writing overriding in the parent rather than the child will throw:

let s1 = SuperState {
    overriding { 
        when(.coin) | then(.locked) | beGrumpy

let s2 = SuperState(adopts: s1) { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock }

// 💥 error: overrides are out of order

Attempting to override within the same SuperState { } or define { } will throw:

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) | then(.locked) | doSomething
    overriding { 
        when(.coin) | then(.locked) | doSomethingElse

// 💥 error: duplicate transitions

In this scope, the word override has no meaning and is therefore ignored by the error handler. What remains is duplicate transitions, resulting in an error.

Override Chains

Overrides follow the usual rules of inheritance. In a chain of overrides, it is the final transition that takes precedence:

let s1 = SuperState { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | a1  }
let s2 = SuperState(adopts: s1) { overriding { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | a2 } }
let s3 = SuperState(adopts: s2) { overriding { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | a3 } }
let s4 = SuperState(adopts: s3) { overriding { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | a4 } }

define(.locked, adopts: s4) {
    overriding { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | a5 } // ✅ overrides all others

turnstile.handleEvent(.coin) // 'a5' is called

Entry and Exit Actions

In the previous example, the fact that the alarm is turned on every time the Alarming state is entered and is turned off every time the Alarming state is exited, is hidden within the logic of several different transitions. We can make it explicit by using entry actions and exit actions.


Initial: Locked
FSM: Turnstile
  (Resetable) {
    Reset       Locked       -
  Locked : Resetable <lock     {
    Coin    Unlocked    -
    Pass    Alarming    -
  Unlocked : Resetable <unlock  {
    Coin    Unlocked    thankyou
    Pass    Locked      -
  Alarming : Resetable <alarmOn >alarmOff   -    -    -

Swift FSM:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    let resetable = SuperState {
        when(.reset) | then(.locked)

    define(.locked, adopts: resetable, onEntry: lock*) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
        when(.pass) | then(.alarming)

    define(.unlocked, adopts: resetable, onEntry: unlock*) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
        when(.pass) | then(.locked)

    define(.alarming, adopts: resetable, onEntry: alarmOn*, onExit: alarmOff*)

onEntry and onExit specify arrays of actions to be performed when entering or leaving the defined state. These require array syntax rather than more convenient varargs, owing to limitations in Swift’s matching algorithm for functions that take multiple closure arguments.

As the array is heterogeneous (it can include either of the two action types), a special postfix operator * is provided to convert a single one of these into an array of AnyAction.

_ = unlock* // preferred syntax, same as...
_ = Array(unlock) // same as...
_ = [AnyAction(unlock)]

_ = unlock & thankyou // preferred syntax, same as...
_ = AnyAction(unlock) & thankyou // same as...
_ = AnyAction(unlock) & AnyAction(thankyou) // same as...
_ = [AnyAction(unlock), AnyAction(thankyou)]

SuperState instances also accept entry and exit actions:

let resetable = SuperState(onEntry: lock*) {
    when(.reset) | then(.locked)

define(.locked, adopts: resetable) {
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    when(.pass) | then(.alarming)

// equivalent to:

define(.locked, onEntry: lock*) {
    when(.reset) | then(.locked)
    when(.coin)  | then(.unlocked)
    when(.pass)  | then(.alarming)

SuperState instances also inherit entry and exit actions from their superstates:

let s1 = SuperState(onEntry: unlock*)  { when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) }
let s2 = SuperState(onEntry: alarmOn*) { when(.pass) | then(.alarming) }

let s3 = SuperState(adopts: s1, s2)

// s3 is equivalent to:

let s4 = SuperState(onEntry: [unlock, alarmOn]) { 
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    when(.pass) | then(.alarming)

Configuring Entry and Exit Actions Behaviour

In SMC, entry and exit actions are always invoked even if the state does not change. The unlock entry action would therefore always be called on all transitions into the Unlocked state.

Swift FSM’s default behaviour is to invoke entry and exit actions only if there is a state change. In the example above, this means that, in the .unlocked state, after a .coin event, unlock is not called.

Swift FSM will match SMC if you pass .executeAlways to FSM.init. The default is .executeOnChangeOnly and is not required.

FSM<State, Event>(initialState: .locked, actionsPolicy: .executeAlways)

Syntax Order

All statements must be made in the form define { when | then | actions }. See Expanded Syntax for exceptions to this rule.

Syntactic Sugar

when statements accept vararg Event instances for convenience.

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin, or: .pass, ...) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

// equivalent to:

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
    when(.pass) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

Passing Values in Events

Actions can receive the event that resulted in them being called. SwiftFSM requires a special struct FSMValue<T> and protocol EventWithValues that work together to enable you to do this.

enum Event: EventWithValues {
    case .coin(FSMValue<Int>), ...

    var coinValue: Int? {
        guard case .coin(let amount) = event else { return nil }
        return amount.wrappedValue

func main() throws {
    try turnstile.buildTable(initialState: .locked) {
        define(.locked) {
            when(.coin(.any)) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
            // here we use .any to match any value

    try turnstile.handleEvent(.coin(50))
    // here we pass a specific value that will be matched by .any

func verifyPayment(_ event: Event) {
    // here we receive the actual value passed to handleEvent: .coin(50)
    if let amount = event.coinValue {
        if amount >= requiredAmount {
        } else {
            insufficientPayment(shortfall: requiredAmount - amount)

when(.coin(.any)) works polymorphically, matching against any value inside .coin(someValue) and passing someValue on to the verifyPayment function.

Without the combination of EventWithValues and FSMValue<T>, the table would have to be written as follows:

try turnstile.buildTable(initialState: .locked) {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin(1)) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
        when(.coin(2)) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
        when(.coin(3)) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
        when(.coin(4)) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
        ... // and so on for all relevant values

By using EventWithValues.any, the transition to .verifyingPayment will be activated when a .coin event is received, no matter the wrapped value. That wrapped value is then passed into the verifyPayment function where it can be examined. FSMValue provides a convenience var wrappedValue: T?, which returns an optional value (potentially nil if it is called on a .any instance or if T is optional and nil).

Literal Expression Implementations

FSMValue conforms to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, ExpressibleByFloatLiteral, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral, ExpressionByNilLiteral, and ExpressionByStringLiteral forwarding to the wrapped type where relevant. It also forwards conformances to Equatable, Comparable, and AdditiveArithmetic where relevant, as well as RandomAccessCollection and its parent protocols for Arrays, and subscript access for Dictionaries. It forwards CustomStringConvertible, which also covers most uses of ExpressibleByStringInterpolation.

A few examples:

let s: FSMValue<String> = "1" // equivalent to .some("1")
let i: FSMValue<Int> = 1 // equivalent to .some(1)
let ai: FSMValue<[Int]> = [1] // equivalent to .some([1])

_ = s + "1" // "11"
_ = i + 1 // 2
_ = ai[0] // 1
_ = ai[0] == i // true
_ = ai[0] > i // false
_ = "\(i)\(s)" // "11"

Warning: where forward operations are available on the wrapped type, be aware that this will crash if you attempt to access a value on a .any instance (much like force unwrapping a nil optional - in this sense, .any is a null value). .any should therefore only appear inside a define statement - there are no circumstances in which it would be useful or meaningful to pass such an event with FSMValue.any to handleEvent.

You should always unwrap FSMValue<T> instances before continuing - indeed, all convenience methods that return a value return an instance of T and not of FSMValue<T>.

Limitations of @resultBuilder Implementation

The @resultBuilder blocks in SwiftFSM do not support control flow logic. Though is it possible to enable such logic, it would be misleading:

define(.locked) {
    if something { // ⛔️ does not compile
        when(.pass) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
    } else {
        when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | alarmOn

If the if/else block were evaluated by the FSM at transition time, this would be useful. However what we are doing is compiling our state transition table (SMC stands for State Machine Compiler). The use of if and else in this manner is akin to using #if and #else - only one transition or the other will be compiled.

See Expanded Syntax for an alternative system for evaluating conditional statements at runtime rather than compile time.

Swift Concurrency

Swift FSM does not make demands on its clients’ concurrency handling. The public methods on the FSM class are polymorphically isolated to the caller’s Actor (if there is one), or no Actor at all. This is achieved by including the argument isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation in all public method signatures.

Swift FSM works transparently in any concurrency or non-concurrency environment. It is however technically possible (though impractical) to call each of the FSM class’ public methods from a different actor, as actor polymorphism currently works at an individual function level, rather than at a class level.

FSM has an optional runtime concurrency checker that fails a precondition check if you try to call its methods from conflicting concurrency environments. The can be enabled by passing the enforceConcurrency: true to FSM.init. This check only runs when building for debugging.

class MyClass {
    let fsm: FSM<Int, Int>
    init(fsm: FSM<Int, Int>) {
        self.fsm = fsm
    func one() async { await fsm.handleEvent(1) }
    func two() async { await fsm.handleEvent(1) }

let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1, enforceConcurrency: true)
let c = MyClass(fsm: fsm)

try fsm.buildTable {
    define(1) { when(2) | then() }
// ✅ First call sets the actor for future calls
// ✅ Same 'NonIsolated' as first call
await c.two() 
// 💥 Concurrency violation: handleEvent called by MainActor (expected NonIsolated)

Working on the Main Actor

Though FSM runs on the main actor if its methods are called from it, until Swift provides a way of unifying polymorphic actor behaviour across an entire class, Swift FSM also provides a convenience wrapper FSM<State, Event>.OnMainActor, annotated @MainActor to allow the compiler to enforce isolation without having to use the optional runtime checker.

In most situations however, there will be no difference between the behaviour of FSM or FSM.OnMainActor in a main actor context - OnMainActor simply guards against an unlikely edge case at compile time.

Some of the nuances of the system (when compiled in Swift 6 Language Mode):

class MyMainActorClass {
    func myMethod() {
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let mainActorFSM = FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)
    func myAsyncMethod() async {
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let mainActorFSM = FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)

class MyNonIsolatedClass {
    func myMethod() {
        // ✅ Called without isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ⛔️ Call to main actor-isolated initializer 'init(type:initialState:actionsPolicy:)' in a synchronous nonisolated context
        let mainActorFSM = FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)
    func myAsyncMethod() async {
        // ✅ Called without isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let mainActorFSM = await FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)
    func myMainActorMethod() {
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let mainActorFSM = FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)

actor MyCustomActor {
    func myMethod() {
        // ✅ Called with MyCustomActor isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ⛔️ Call to main actor-isolated initializer 'init(type:initialState:actionsPolicy:)' in a synchronous nonisolated context
        let mainActorFSM = FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)
    func myAsyncMethod() async {
        // ✅ Called with MyCustomActor isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let mainActorFSM = await FSM.OnMainActor<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
    func myMainActorMethod() {
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let fsm = FSM<Int, Int>(initialState: 1)
        // ✅ Called with Main Actor isolation
        let mainActorFSM = FSM<Int, Int>.OnMainActor(initialState: 1)

Runtime Errors

Most Swift FSM function calls and initialisers take additional ‘magic’ parameters file: String = #file and line: Int = #line. Some also take isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation.

As these cannot be hidden, note that there is unlikely to be any reason to override these default arguments with alternate values.

Empty Blocks

All blocks must contain at least one statement:

try turnstile.buildTable { } //💥 error: empty table
try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) { } // 💥 error: empty block

Duplicate Transitions

Transitions are duplicates if they share the same start state, event, and next state:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | lock

// 💥 error: duplicate transitions

Logical Clashes

Transitions clash when they share the same start state and event, but their next states differ:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
        when(.coin) | then(.locked)   | lock

// 💥 error: logical clash

Though the two transitions are distinct, they cannot co-exist - the .coin event must lead either to the .unlocked state or to the .locked state. It cannot lead to both.

FSMValue - incorrect use of .any

Because .any matches all cases, the following would throw:

try turnstile.buildTable(initialState: .locked) {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin(.any)) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
        when(.coin(50)    | then(.unlocked)         | pass

//💥 error: logical clash

The .any case already includes all cases, creating ambiguity. It would be possible to write the following:

try turnstile.buildTable(initialState: .locked) {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin(20) | then(.verifyingPayment) | verifyPayment
        when(.coin(50) | then(.unlocked)         | pass

// ✅ transitions are logically distinct

Duplicate buildTable Calls

Additional calls to turnstile.buildTable { } will throw a TableAlreadyBuiltError.


Each call to handleEvent() has O(1) performance. Nevertheless, it still has 2-3x the operating overhead of an equivalent nested switch case statement. Swift FSM trades performance for convenience, and is not suitable for resource constrained environments.

Expanded Syntax

Whilst Swift FSM matches most of the syntax of SMC, it also introduces some new possibilities of its own.


Let’s imagine an extension to our turnstile rules: at some times, we want to enforce the ‘everyone pays’ rule by entering the alarming state if a .pass is detected while still .locked . In others, perhaps at rush hour, we want to be more permissive.

We could implement a time of day check elsewhere in the system, perhaps like this:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | handleAlarm

// elsewhere in the system...

enum Enforcement: Predicate { case weak, strong }

let enforcement = Enforcement.weak

func handleAlarm() {
    switch enforcement {
    case .weak: smile()
    case .strong: defconOne()

But we now have some aspects of our state transition logic declared inside the transition table, and other aspects declared elsewhere. And we still transition to the .alarming state, regardless of the Enforcement policy. What if different policies called for entirely different transitions?

We might introduce extra events to differentiate between the new policies:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.passWithEnforcement)    | then(.alarming) | defconOne
        when(.passWithoutEnforcement) | then(.locked)   | smile

Now we can call different functions and transition to different states, depending on the enforcement policy, whilst keeping our logic inside the transition table.

Every transition that originally responded to the .pass event now needs to be written twice, once for each of the two new versions of this event, even if they are both identical. The state transition table is going to become unmanageably long, and littered with duplication.

The Swift FSM Solution

import SwiftFSM

class MyClass: ExpandedSyntaxBuilder {
    enum State { case locked, unlocked }
    enum Event { case coin, pass }
    enum Enforcement: Predicate { case weak, strong }

    let fsm = FSM<State, Event>(initialState: .locked)

    func myMethod() throws {
        try turnstile.buildTable {
            define(.locked) {
                matching(Enforcement.weak)   | when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | smile
                matching(Enforcement.strong) | when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | defconOne
                when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
       turnstile.handleEvent(.pass, predicates: Enforcement.weak)

We have introduced the function matching, and two protocols, ExpandedSyntaxBuilder and Predicate.

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak)   | when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | smile
    matching(Enforcement.strong) | when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | defconOne
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

Given that we are in the .locked state:

  • If Enforcement is .weak, when we get a .pass, transition to .locked and smile
  • If Enforcement is .strong, when we get a .pass, transition to .alarming and defconOne
  • Regardless of Enforcement, when we get a .coin, transition to .unlocked and unlock

Only those statements that depend upon the Enforcement policy know it has been added - preexisting statements continue to work unchanged.

ExpandedSyntaxBuilder and Predicate

ExpandedSyntaxBuilder implements SyntaxBuilder with the same requirements. Predicate requires the conformer to be Hashable, Sendable and CaseIterable. It is possible to use any type, but in practice, the CaseIterable requirement is likely to limit Predicate to Enums without associated types.

Implicit Matching Statements

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)

When Predicate is specified, it is inferred from the transition’s context. The scope for inference is between the braces of turnstile.buildTable { }. This is one reason why this function can only be called once.

In our example, the type Enforcement appears in a matching statement elsewhere in the table, and Swift FSM will infer the absent matching statements:

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)

// is inferred to mean:

matching(Enforcement.weak)   | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
matching(Enforcement.strong) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)

Transitions are are therefore Predicate agnostic by default, matching any Predicate unless otherwise specified. matching is an optional modifier that constrains the transition to one or more specific Predicate cases.

Multiple Predicates

There is no limit to the number of Predicate types that can be used (see Predicate Performance for practical limitations).

enum Enforcement: Predicate { case weak, strong }
enum Reward: Predicate { case positive, negative }

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        matching(Enforcement.weak)   | when(.pass) | then(.locked)   | lock
        matching(Enforcement.strong) | when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | alarmOn
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

    define(.unlocked) {
        matching(Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
        matching(Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | idiot

        when(.pass) | then(.locked) | lock

await turnstile.handleEvent(.pass, predicates: Enforcement.weak, Reward.positive)

The same inference rules still apply:

when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

// types Enforcement and Reward appear elsewhere in context
// when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) is now equivalent to:

matching(Enforcement.weak,   and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
matching(Enforcement.strong, and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
matching(Enforcement.weak,   and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock
matching(Enforcement.strong, and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | unlock

The result of the call to handleEvent , assuming the current state is .locked, will be to stay in the .locked state and call the lock function.

Compound Matching Statements

Multiple predicates can be combined in a single matching statement, by populating the and: Predicate... and or: Predicate... arguments.

enum A: Predicate { case x, y, z }
enum B: Predicate { case x, y, z }
enum C: Predicate { case x, y, z }

matching(A.x, or: A.y)... // if A.x OR A.y
matching(A.x, or: A.y, A.z)... // if A.x OR A.y OR A.z

matching(A.x, and: B.x)... // if A.x AND B.x
matching(A.x, and: B.x, C.x)... // if A.x AND B.x AND C.x

matching(A.x, or: A.y, A.z, and: B.x, C.x)... // if (A.x OR A.y OR A.z) AND B.x AND C.x

matching(A.x, or: B.x)...  // ⛔️ does not compile: OR types must be the same
matching(A.x, and: A.y)... // 💥 error: cannot match A.x AND A.y simultaneously

turnstile.handleEvent(.coin, predicates: A.x, B.x, C.x)

matching(and:) means that we expect both predicates to be present at the same time, whereas mathing(or:) means that we expect any and only one to be present.

Swift FSM expects exactly one instance of each Predicate type present in the table to be passed to handleEvent, as in the example, where turnstile.handleEvent(.coin, predicates: A.x, B.x, C.x) contains a single instance of types A, B and C. Accordingly, A.x AND A.y should never occur - only one can be present. Therefore, predicates passed to matching(and:) must all be of a different type.

matching(or:) specifies multiple possibilities for a single Predicate type. Predicates joined by or must therefore all be of the same type, and attempting to pass different Predicate types to matching(or:) will not compile (see Implicit Clashes for more information on this limitation).

Implicit Clashes

Between-Predicates Clashes

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    matching(Reward.negative)  | when(.coin) | then(.locked)

// 💥 error: implicit clash

The two transitions appear to be different, however:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak) | when(.coin) ...
// inferred as:
    matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) ...
    matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) ... // 💥 clash 

    matching(Reward.negative) | when(.coin) ...
// inferred as:
    matching(Enforcement.weak,   and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) ... // 💥 clash
    matching(Enforcement.strong, and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) ...

We can break the deadlock by disambiguating at least one of the statements:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    matching(Reward.negative)                        | when(.coin) | then(.locked)

// ✅ inferred as:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak,   and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
//  matching(Enforcement.weak,   and: Reward.negative) ... removed by disambiguation

    matching(Enforcement.weak,   and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.locked)
    matching(Enforcement.strong, and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.locked)

In some cases, Swift FSM can break the deadlock without disambiguation:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    matching(Enforcement.weak)                       | when(.coin) | then(.locked)

// ✅ inferred as:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.positive) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.locked)

Swift FSM prioritises the statement that specifies the greatest number of predicates - in this case, the first statement matching(Enforcement.weak, and: Reward.positive) specifies two predicates, trumping the second statement’s single predicate matching(Enforcement.weak).

In essence, Reward.positive has already been ‘claimed’ by the more explicit transition, leaving only the leftover Reward.negative for the less explicit transition.

Within-Predicates Clashes

Connecting different types by ‘OR’ is not allowed:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak, or: Reward.negative) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)

// ⛔️ does not compile, because it implies:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak) | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
    matching(Reward.negative)  | when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)

// 💥 error: implicit clash

Deduplication With Context Blocks

matching(Enforcement.weak)   | when(.pass) /* duplication */ | then(.locked)
matching(Enforcement.strong) | when(.pass) /* duplication */ | then(.alarming)

when(.pass) is duplicated. We can factor this out using a context block:

when(.pass) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak)   | then(.locked)
    matching(Enforcement.strong) | then(.alarming)

The full example would now be:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.pass) {
            matching(Enforcement.weak)   | then(.locked)
            matching(Enforcement.strong) | then(.alarming)
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)

then and matching also support context blocks:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        then(.unlocked) {
            when(.pass) {
                matching(Enforcement.weak)   | doSomething
                matching(Enforcement.strong) | doSomethingElse

// or identically:

    define(.locked) {
        when(.pass) {
            then(.unlocked) {
                matching(Enforcement.weak)   | doSomething
                matching(Enforcement.strong) | doSomethingElse
try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        matching(Enforcement.weak) {
            when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | somethingWeak
            when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | somethingElseWeak

        matching(Enforcement.strong) {
            when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | somethingStrong
            when(.pass) | then(.alarming) | somethingElseStrong

actions is also available for context blocks:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        actions(someCommonFunction) {
            when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
            when(.pass) | then(.alarming)

Chaining Blocks

matching(predicate) { 
    // everything in scope matches 'predicate'

when(event) { 
    // everything in scope responds to 'event'

then(state) { 
    // everything in scope transitions to 'state'

actions(functionCalls) { 
    // everything in scope calls 'functionCalls'

Context blocks divide into two groups - those that can be logically chained (or AND-ed), and those that cannot.

Discrete Blocks - when and then

A transition responds to a single event and transitions to a single state. Therefore multiple when { } and then { } statements cannot be AND-ed together.

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) {
        when(.pass) { } // ⛔️ does not compile
        when(.pass) | ... // ⛔️ does not compile

        matching(.something) | when(.pass) | ... // ⛔️ does not compile

        matching(.something) { 
            when(.pass) { } // ⛔️ does not compile
            when(.pass) | ... // ⛔️ does not compile

    then(.unlocked) {
        then(.locked) { } // ⛔️ does not compile
        then(.locked) | ... // ⛔️ does not compile

        matching(.something) | then(.locked) | ... // ⛔️ does not compile

        matching(.something) { 
            then(.locked) { } // ⛔️ does not compile
            then(.locked) | ... // ⛔️ does not compile

There is a specific combination of when { } and then that does not compile, as there is no situation where, in response to a single event (in this case, .coin), there could then be a transition to more than one state, unless a different Predicate is given for each.

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) {
        then(.unlocked) | action // ⛔️ does not compile
        then(.locked)   | action // ⛔️ does not compile

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) {
        matching(Enforcement.weak)   | then(.unlocked) | action // ✅
        matching(Enforcement.strong) | then(.locked)   | otherAction // ✅

Chainable Blocks - matching and actions

These can be built up in a chain as follows:

define(.locked) {
    matching(Enforcement.weak) {
        matching(Reward.positive) { } // ✅ matches Enforcement.weak AND Reward.positive
        matching(Reward.positive) | ... // ✅ matches Enforcement.weak AND Reward.positive

    actions(doSomething) {
        actions(doSomethingElse) { } // ✅ calls doSomething and doSomethingElse
        ... | doSomethingElse // ✅ calls doSomething and doSomethingElse

Nested actions blocks sum the actions and perform all of them.

Nested matching statements are combined by AND-ing them together, which makes it possible inadvertently to create conflicts.

define(.locked) {
    matching(A.x) {
        matching(A.y) {
            // 💥 error: cannot match A.x AND A.y simultaneously 

matching(or:) statements are also combined using AND:

define(.locked) {
    matching(A.x, or: A.y) {
        matching(A.z) {
            // 💥 error: cannot match A.x AND A.z simultaneously
            // 💥 error: cannot match A.y AND A.z simultaneously  

Valid nested matching(or:) statements are combined as follows:

define(.locked) {
    matching(A.x, or: A.y) {
        matching(B.x, or: B.y) {
            // ✅ logically matches (A.x OR A.y) AND (B.x OR B.y)

            // internally translates to:

            // 1. matching(A.x, and: B.x)
            // 2. matching(A.x, and: B.y)
            // 3. matching(A.y, and: B.x)
            // 4. matching(A.y, and: B.y)

Mixing blocks and pipes

Pipes can and must be used inside blocks, whereas blocks cannot be opened after pipes.

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) { } // ⛔️ does not compile
    when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | actions(doSomething) { } // ⛔️ does not compile
    matching(.something) | when(.coin) { } // ⛔️ does not compile

Condition Statements

Using Predicates is a versatile solution, however in some cases it may bring more complexity than is necessary to solve a given problem (see Predicate Performance for a description of matching overhead).

If you need to make a specific transition conditional at runtime, the condition statement may suffice.

define(.locked) {
    condition(complexDecisionTree) | when(.pass) | then(.locked) | lock 

complexDecisionTree() is a function that returns a Bool. If true, the transition is executed, and if not, nothing is executed.

condition is syntactically interchangeable with matching - it works with pipe and block syntax, and is chainable.

matching and condition can be combined freely:

define(.locked) {
    condition({ reward == .positive }) {
        matching(Enforcement.weak)   | then(.unlocked) | action
        matching(Enforcement.strong) | then(.locked)   | otherAction

condition is more limited than matching in the logic it can express:

define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) {
        matching(Enforcement.weak)   | then(.unlocked) | action
        matching(Enforcement.strong) | then(.locked)   | otherAction
} // ✅ all good here


define(.locked) {
    when(.coin) {
        condition { enforcement == .weak   } | then(.unlocked) | action
        condition { enforcement == .strong } | then(.locked)   | otherAction
} // 💥 error: logical clash

There is no way to distinguish different condition statements, as () -> Bool is opaque. What remains is two statements define(.locked) { when(.coin) | ... } that both transition to different states - the FSM has no way to decide which one to call, and will therefore throw.

Runtime Errors

To preserve performance, turnstile.handleEvent(event:predicates:) has no error handling. Therefore, passing in Predicate instances that do not appear anywhere in the transition table will not error. Nonetheless, the FSM will be unable to perform any transitions, as it will not contain any statements that match the unexpected Predicate. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that predicates passed to handleEvent and predicates used in the transition table are of the same type and number.

try turnstile.buildTable { } performs significant error handling to make sure the table is syntactically and semantically valid.

Expanded syntax also throws the following additional errors:

Matching Error

There are two ways to create an invalid matching statement. The first is with a single statement:

matching(A.a, and: A.b) // 💥 error: cannot match A.a AND A.b simultaneously
matching(A.a, or: B.a, and: A.b) // 💥 error: cannot match A.a AND A.b simultaneously

matching(A.a, and: A.a) // 💥 error: duplicate predicate
matching(A.a, or: A.a)  // 💥 error: duplicate predicate

matching(A.x, or: B.x)... // ⛔️ does not compile: OR types must be the same
matching(A.x, and: A.y)... // 💥 error: cannot match A.x AND A.y simultaneously

The second is AND-ing multiple matching statements in blocks:

matching(A.a, and: B.a) { // ✅
    matching(A.a) // 💥 error: duplicate predicate
    matching(A.b) // 💥 error: cannot match A.a AND A.b simultaneously

matching(A.a, or: A.b) { // ✅
    matching(A.a) // 💥 error: duplicate predicate
    matching(A.b) // 💥 error: duplicate predicate

Implicit Clash Error

See Implicit Clashes

Predicate Performance

Overview: operations per function call for a table with 100 transitions, 3 Predicate types, and 10 cases per Predicate

.eager .lazy Schedule
handleEvent 1 1-7 Every transition
buildTable 100,000 100 Once on app load


Adding predicates does not affect the performance of handleEvent(), but does slow the performance of fsm.buildTable { }. By default, the ‘eager’ FSM preserves handleEvent() runtime performance of O(1) by doing significant work ahead of time when creating the transition table, filling in missing transitions for all implied Predicate combinations.

fsm.buildTable { } is dominated by this ‘filling out’ of the table, assuming any predicates are used at all. Because all possible combinations of cases of all given predicates have to be calculated and filtered for each transition, performance is O(m^n*o) where m is the average number of cases per predicate, n is number ofPredicate types and o is the number of transitions.

Using threePredicate types with 10 cases each in a table with 100 transitions would therefore require 100,000 operations to compile. In most real-world use cases, this is unlikely to be a problem.

Note: there is no advantage to using the keyword matching less often. Once the word matching is used, and a Predicate instance is passed to handleEvent(), the performance implications for the whole table will be the same regardless of how many times it is used.

Lazy FSM

If your table is particularly large (see overview above), Swift FSM provides a more balanced alternative. Passing the .lazy argument to FSM<State, Event>(type: .lazy) does away with the look-ahead algorithm, resulting in smaller tables internally and faster table compile time. The cost is multiple table lookup operations at each call to handleEvent().

Performance of handleEvent() decreases from O(1) to O(n!), where n is the number of Predicate types used regardless of the number of cases. Conversely, performance of buildTable { } increases from O(m^n*o) to O(n), where n is the number of transitions.

Using three Predicate types with 10 cases each in a table with 100 transitions would now require 100 operations to compile (down from 100,000 for .eager). Each call to handleEvent() would need to perform between 1 and 3! + 1 or 7 operations (up from 1 for .eager). Using more than three Predicate types in this case is therefore not advisable as performance decreases factorially.

In most cases, .eager is the preferred solution, with .lazy reserved for especially large numbers of transitions and/or Predicate cases.

If no predicates are used, both implementations are identical.


Though Swift FSM runtime errors contain verbose descriptions of the problem, little can be done to help with disambiguating compiler errors.

Familiarity with how @resultBuilder works, and the kinds of compile time errors it tends to generate will be helpful in understanding any errors you may encounter. Almost all Swift FSM-specific compile time errors will be produced by unrecognised arguments to the aforementioned @resultBuilder, and unrecognised arguments to the heavily overloaded | operator.

To help, here is a brief list of common errors you are likely to encounter if you try to build something that Swift FSM disallows at compile time:

Builder Issues

No exact matches in call to static method 'buildExpression’

This is a common compile time error in @resultBuilder blocks. It will occur if you feed the block an argument that it does not support. It is useful to remember that each line in such a block is actually an argument fed to a static method.

For example:

try turnstile.buildTable {
     actions(thankyou) { } 
// ⛔️ No exact matches in call to static method 'buildExpression'

Here an actions block is given as an argument to the hidden static function buildExpression on the @resultBuilder supporting the buildTable function. The define statement has been skipped, and actions returns a type not supported by this outer block, and therefore cannot compile.

Pipe Issues

Cannot convert value of type <T1> to expected argument type <T2>

This is common in situations where an unsupported argument is passed to a pipe overload.

For example:

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        then(.locked) | unlock
// ⛔️ Cannot convert value of type 'Internal.Then<TurnstileState>' to expected argument type 'Internal.MatchingWhenThen'
// ⛔️ No exact matches in call to static method 'buildExpression'

No matching and/or when statement precedes the call to then(.locked). There is no | overload that takes the output of then(.locked) on the left, and the block () -> () on the right, and therefore does not compile.

The error unfortunately spits out some internal implementation details that cannot be hidden (see below)

It also produces a secondary error - as it cannot work out what the output of then(.locked) | unlock is, it declares that there is no overload available for buildExpression. Fix the underlying | error and this error will also disappear.

Referencing operator function '|' on 'SIMD' requires that 'Internal.When<TurnstileEvent>' conform to 'SIMD’

try turnstile.buildTable {
    define(.locked) {
        when(.coin) | matching(P.a) | then(.locked) | unlock
// ⛔️ Referencing operator function '|' on 'SIMD' requires that 'Internal.When<TurnstileEvent>' conform to 'SIMD’

The order of when and matching is inverted and not supported. This is no different to the previous error, but the compiler interprets the problem differently. It selects a | overload from an unrelated module and declares that it is being misused.

The compiler cannot help identify which pipe in the chain is causing the problem. Often it’s simpler just to delete and rewrite the statement rather than trying to figure out what the complaint is.

Spurious Issues

try turnstile.buildTable {
    let resetable = SuperState {
        when(.reset) | then(.locked)

    define(.locked, adopts: resetable, onEntry: [lock]) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked)
        when(.pass) | then(.alarming)

    define(.unlocked, adopts: resetable, onEntry: [unlock]) {
        when(.coin) | then(.unlocked) | thankyou
        when(.pass) | then(.locked)

    define(.alarming, adopts: resetable, onEntry: [alarmOn], onExit: [🦤])

This is the original example from Entry and Exit Actions, with one small error inserted at the end. This may or may not produce an appropriate error next to the dodo:

Cannot find '🦤' in scope

What it will also do is generate multiple spurious errors and fixits in the SuperState declaration similar to this one:

Call to method ‘then’ in closure requires explicit use of ‘self’ to make capture semantics explicit

Reference ‘self.’ explicitly [ Fix ]

Capture 'self' explicitly to enable implicit 'self' in this closure

Ignore these errors, and if there is no other error shown, you may have to hunt about for the unrecognised argument.

Swift 6 Language Mode

This project is dominated by its need to capture client functions. The concurrency rules introduced through the latter part of Swift 5 evolution have increasingly restricted the ways in which this can be done in order to prevent of data races.

The rules have not been consistent, with Swift 5.10 behaving more restrictively than Swift 6.0 in some cases. Because of this, Swift FSM is only guaranteed to work as intended when using Swift 6 Language Mode.

Using Swift 5 Language Mode will likely work, however is not guaranteed.

Exposed Internals

In order to build up the syntax, each of the methods declared in SyntaxBuilder and ExpandedSyntaxBuilder needs to return an intermediate object used by the FSM to chain together each entry in the transition table. ‘Something’ has to be output by each call to |, even though that something is irrelevant to the user. Though their implementations are marked internal and should not be accessible or modifiable, you may see reference to some of these objects in compilation errors and autocomplete suggestions.

Code Quality

Swift FSM is written using test driven development, and as a non-UI framework maintains a requirement of 100% code coverage. Coverage does not guarantee test quality, however lack of coverage does guarantee lack of test quality.

The exception to the ‘100%’ rule is code that is not executed - Swift’s rejection of abstract classes still requires the fatalError("subclasses must implement") pattern where protocols either won’t do the job or won’t do it cleanly.

Nonetheless, the project still tries to respect standard Swift’s practices wherever possible, and wherever those practices do not impact testability or create duplication. If so, testability and deduplication always win. Over time, the goal is to refactor ‘non-Swifty’ solutions to ‘Swiftier’ solutions when a reasonable opportunity to do so presents itself.

If you do encounter executed code that is not covered by tests, please file an issue, as lack of coverage is a serious bug and process failure.