Githooks: 🦎 Githooks: per-repo and shared Git hooks with version control and auto - update.
Vim Motions In A Nutshell: What you really need to know when learning Vim motions.
Best Practices at SDSC: Contributions to developer enablement, development practices, documentation tooling and CI setup.
dotfiles, astronvim: My config files for my programming setup and NixOS configuration.
NixOS Workshop: A small workshop aiming to get you started with a modern flake-based NixOS configuration setup, exploring NixOS in a VM and deploying it.
Rust Workshop: Part 1: A 4 days workshop in 2024 about learning the latest basic foundation of the Rust programming language (with small focus on coming from python).
ExecutionGraph: Execution graph with a GUI frontend. Unfortunately unfinished and not maintained anymore. It was more a study framework than a serious project.
RsFluid: Rust learning project implementing a fluid simulation.
Markdown2PDF: Rust learning project implementing a full-stack micro-service (kubernetes) architectured web-app which converts Markdown files/projects into PDF in the backend, using all best tools available so far in 2024.
Ki-Kist: Rust learning project implementing a REST client & server architecture (kubernetes) to store asymmetric encryption keys for signing documents.
Quitsh: A component-based build tool which aims at treating build tooling code as normal code with typed, fast-compilable language
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RsBuckPlayground: Building a Rust project with Buck2. Nix acts as a toolchain provider before
is involved.
Technical-Markdown: Pandoc tooling framework to generate technical documentation and even whole theses ([PDF], [HTML]).
Technical-Presentation: Fork of
fork with tooling to generate presentations in HTML/PDF output. See demo presentation and C++ presentation.
- ApproxMVBB: Fast algorithms to compute approximation of 3d minimal bounding boxes.
- GRSFramework: Granular rigid body simulation framework.
- Woodpecker: Non-smooth mechanics
benchmark problem computed in a
notebook converted to a SVG animation.