py Total Activation (pyTA) implements the Total Activation approach (ie deconvolution via a spatial and temporal total variation constraint for fMRI data).
[1] F. I. Karahanoglu, C. Caballero Gaudes, F. Lazeyras, D. Van De Ville, "Total Activation: FMRI Deconvolution through Spatio-Temporal Regularization", NeuroImage, vol. 73, pp. 121-134, 2013
- Official source code repo:
- Original Matlab implementation:
- numpy >= 1.14.0
- numba >= 0.48.0
- scipy >= 1.0.0
- joblib >= 0.11
- prox_tv
- carpet
- matplotlib >= 2.1.2 (for examples)
In order to perform the installation, run the following command from the pyTA directory:
pip install -r 'joblib>=0.11' 'numpy>=1.14.0' 'scipy>=1.0.0' 'scikit-learn>=0.19.2' 'matplotlib>=2.1.2' 'prox_tv' 'carpet' python install --user
In order to perform the unit tests, run the following command from the pyTA directory:
pip install pytest --user pytest
You can check the latest sources with the command:
git clone