A framework for distributed systems verification, with fault injection
🚀一款轻量级云原生多数据源监控告警引擎, 支持 AI 智能告警分析, 快来用它升级你们的监控系统架构吧!帮忙点个免费的Star 😊~
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud
The auto log tool for java.(java 自动日志输出,基于字节码,兼容 spring)
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
CAT 作为服务端项目基础组件,提供了 Java, C/C++, Node.js, Python, Go 等多语言客户端,已经在美团点评的基础架构中间件框架(MVC框架,RPC框架,数据库框架,缓存框架等,消息队列,配置系统等)深度集成,为美团点评各业务线提供系统丰富的性能指标、健康状况、实时告警等。
Distributed monitoring system based on Prometheus
Excalidraw-CN 是支持中文手写和多画布的 Excalidraw 白板工具。Excalidraw-CN is a whiteboard supporting Chinese hand draw font and multi-canvas based on Excalidraw.
nlp-keyword based on segment.(基于分词的 NLP keyword 关键词) 支持关键词提取,自动摘要生成,文本相似度计算。
webfunny是一款轻量级的前端性能监控和埋点系统,私有化部署,简单易用。Webfunny is a lightweight front-end performance monitoring system and a burying point system, which is privatized and easy to use.
spring boot (springboot 3+) oauth2 server sso 单点登录 认证中心 JWT,独立部署,用户管理 客户端管理
🧰 记录每一个与运维相关的优秀项目,⚗️ 项目内表格通过 GitHub Action 自动生成,📥 当前收录项目 525 个。
High performance web mvc framework for java.(高性能 java web mvc 框架)
SpringBoot SSO 单点登录 权限认证,OAuth2实现,支持跨域、前后端分离、分布式部署
📚IExcel is a java tool for create and read excel easy.(excel 读取和写入,解决 excel OOM 问题。)
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
CMDB: configuration and management of IT resources
AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.