Great places are chosen by great chowists.
This is an application that replicates core features of Yelp, and adds a couple more bells and whistles.
Here are some key features:
- Homepage for marketing purposes
- Profile for customized experience
- Places as list and detail views
Click here to see a quick walkthrough of the application.
Here are some things to be aware of in development and production.
Install dependencies and create a virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run database migration:
python migrate
Finally, start up the Django development server:
python runserver
For local development, you can load some data:
python loaddemo .demo/places.json
Here are the loaded users for reference:
with passwordadmin
(Super user)john
with passwordjohn
(Normal user)jane
with passwordjane
(Normal user)
Complete local setup with Docker by running a single command:
docker-compose -f build/compose/compose.yml --project-directory=. up --build -d
For production, you will want to use gunicorn
for running the server:
gunicorn -w 4 chowist.wsgi
When using Gunicorn, remember to host the static files from a web server.