Generate massive amounts of fake (but realistic) data for testing and development with Faker.js.
- Type
for Windows orCMD+SHIFT+P
for MacOS to launch command palette; - Type
Faker.js: <command>
and pressEnter
to run Faker.js method.
- Type
for Windows orCMD+SHIFT+P
for MacOS to launch command palette; - Type
Extensions: Install Extensions
and pressEnter
to open marketplace (a.k.a extension view); - Search
extension and install it.
- Type
for Windows orCMD+SHIFT+P
for MacOS to launch command palette; - Type
Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)
and pressEnter
to opensetting.json
file; - Pick locale:
"faker-js.locale": "en"
Specifies a syntax of fake data. If set to *
, the serialization changes dynamically depending on a programming language. Otherwise (if set to a particular language), a fixed serialization will be used for all languages. If no serialization class was found, then it uses JavaScript syntax for everything.
"faker-js.syntax": "*"
Following options provide additional control over how to insert data. This can be useful if you use a particular language version or formatter options. For example, in some versions of ECMAScript, big integer 123n
(as literal) is not allowed, but BigInt(123)
(as object wrapper) is permitted.
"faker-js.go.bigint.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.go.string.quotationMark": "...",
"faker-js.go.string.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.go.array.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.javascript.bigint.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.javascript.string.quotationMark": "...",
"faker-js.javascript.string.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.php.null.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.php.boolean.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.php.bigint.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.php.string.quotationMark": "...",
"faker-js.php.string.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.php.array.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.python.bigint.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.python.string.quotationMark": "...",
"faker-js.python.string.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.ruby.bigint.insertMode": "...",
"faker-js.ruby.string.quotationMark": "...",
"faker-js.ruby.string.insertMode": "..."
- airline.aircraftType
- airline.airline
- airline.airplane
- airline.airport
- airline.flightNumber
- airline.recordLocator
- animal.bear
- animal.bird
- animal.cetacean
- animal.cow
- animal.crocodilia
- animal.insect
- animal.lion
- animal.petName
- animal.rabbit
- animal.rodent
- animal.snake
- animal.type
- book.format
- book.genre
- book.publisher
- book.series
- book.title
- color.cmyk
- color.colorByCSSColorSpace
- color.cssSupportedFunction
- color.cssSupportedSpace
- color.hsl
- color.human
- color.hwb
- color.lab
- color.lch
- color.rgb
- commerce.department
- commerce.isbn
- commerce.price
- commerce.product
- commerce.productAdjective
- commerce.productDescription
- commerce.productMaterial
- commerce.productName
- company.buzzAdjective
- company.buzzNoun
- company.buzzPhrase
- company.buzzVerb
- company.catchPhrase
- company.catchPhraseAdjective
- company.catchPhraseDescriptor
- company.catchPhraseNoun
- database.collation
- database.column
- database.engine
- database.mongodbObjectId
- database.type
- datatype.boolean
- date.anytime
- date.between
- date.betweens
- date.birthdate
- date.future
- date.month
- date.past
- date.recent
- date.soon
- date.timeZone
- date.weekday
- finance.accountName
- finance.accountNumber
- finance.amount
- finance.bic
- finance.bitcoinAddress
- finance.creditCardCVV
- finance.creditCardIssuer
- finance.creditCardNumber
- finance.currency
- finance.currencyCode
- finance.currencyName
- finance.currencyNumericCode
- finance.currencySymbol
- finance.ethereumAddress
- finance.iban
- finance.litecoinAddress
- finance.maskedNumber
- finance.routingNumber
- finance.transactionDescription
- finance.transactionType
- food.adjective
- food.description
- food.ethnicCategory
- food.fruit
- food.ingredient
- food.meat
- food.spice
- food.vegetable
- git.branch
- git.commitDate
- git.commitEntry
- git.commitMessage
- git.commitSha
- hacker.abbreviation
- hacker.adjective
- hacker.ingverb
- hacker.noun
- hacker.phrase
- hacker.verb
- helpers.arrayElement
- helpers.arrayElements
- helpers.enumValue
- helpers.fake
- helpers.fromRegExp
- helpers.maybe
- helpers.multiple
- helpers.mustache
- helpers.objectEntry
- helpers.objectKey
- helpers.objectValue
- helpers.rangeToNumber
- helpers.replaceCreditCardSymbols
- helpers.replaceSymbols
- helpers.shuffle
- helpers.slugify
- helpers.uniqueArray
- helpers.weightedArrayElement
- image.avatar
- image.avatarGitHub
- image.avatarLegacy
- image.dataUri
- image.personPortrait
- image.url
- image.urlLoremFlickr
- image.urlPicsumPhotos
- image.urlPlaceholder
- internet.color
- internet.displayName
- internet.domainName
- internet.domainSuffix
- internet.domainWord
- internet.emoji
- internet.exampleEmail
- internet.httpMethod
- internet.httpStatusCode
- internet.ip
- internet.ipv4
- internet.ipv6
- internet.jwt
- internet.jwtAlgorithm
- internet.mac
- internet.password
- internet.port
- internet.protocol
- internet.url
- internet.userAgent
- internet.username
- internet.userName
- location.buildingNumber
- location.cardinalDirection
- location.continent
- location.countryCode
- location.county
- location.direction
- location.language
- location.latitude
- location.longitude
- location.nearbyGPSCoordinate
- location.ordinalDirection
- location.secondaryAddress
- location.state
- location.street
- location.streetAddress
- location.timeZone
- location.zipCode
- lorem.lines
- lorem.paragraph
- lorem.paragraphs
- lorem.sentence
- lorem.sentences
- lorem.slug
- lorem.text
- lorem.word
- lorem.words
- music.album
- music.artist
- music.genre
- music.songName
- number.bigInt
- number.binary
- number.float
- number.hex
- number.octal
- number.romanNumeral
- person.firstName
- person.fullName
- person.gender
- person.jobArea
- person.jobDescriptor
- person.jobTitle
- person.jobType
- person.lastName
- person.middleName
- person.prefix
- person.sexType
- person.suffix
- person.zodiacSign
- phone.imei
- phone.number
- science.chemicalElement
- science.unit
- string.alpha
- string.alphanumeric
- string.binary
- string.fromCharacters
- string.hexadecimal
- string.nanoid
- string.numeric
- string.octal
- string.sample
- string.symbol
- string.ulid
- string.uuid
- system.commonFileExt
- system.commonFileName
- system.commonFileType
- system.cron
- system.directoryPath
- system.fileExt
- system.fileName
- system.filePath
- system.fileType
- system.mimeType
- system.networkInterface
- system.semver
- vehicle.bicycle
- vehicle.color
- vehicle.fuel
- vehicle.manufacturer
- vehicle.model
- vehicle.type
- vehicle.vehicle
- vehicle.vrm
- word.adjective
- word.adverb
- word.conjunction
- word.interjection
- word.noun
- word.preposition
- word.sample
- word.verb
- word.words