Want to use this portfolio? Click the fork button above!
Want to build from (almost) scratch, with all the boring stuff configured? Check out this starter template.
This portfolio has been rewritten in TypeScript, revamped with responsiveness & accessibility in mind, and to try out some new libraries.
Changes from V2.0:
- ποΈ TypeScript
- π Search bar, powered by Fuse.js
- β¨οΈ Keyboard navigation
- ποΈ Added a certificates section under about
- π Updated with the latest trendy UI libraries (shadcn, tailwindcss, vite)
- π Fixed some jittering bugs, like in the Experience section
See previous versions of my portfolio:
- V2.0: github, deployment (Chakra-UI, frontend PWA)
- V1.0: github (react-bootstrap, client/server)
- Clone the latest code on the master branch
- Install dependencies
pnpm i
- Run the web server!
pnpm dev
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173 on your browser
Import your project into Vercel. It will now have automated deployments on push.
The design of the site was heavily influenced by a lot of awesome portfolios out there, such as:
- Brittany Chiang
- Matthew Williams
- Chris Dermody
- Jacek Jeznach (link is dead)
(still on the fence about re-adding...)
- More projects section?
- Contact section?