I have created a new discord server to help support R8 Control users. Please help me build the server by joining and helping in the effort. If you need help or if you can provide help to other users, we want and need you there. Run 8 is also supported on the server for convenience. To join the server, CLICK HERE.
We released version 1.1.1 of R8 Control today (12/6/24) and made a few changes in our release process. You will notice that we released two types of packages for installing the application. One of the packages is a regular zip file containing all the files needed to run R8C. That's how the program has been released up until now. We have also added a new Inno Setup install file that a user may run on his desktop to automate the installation process.
The runtime files in both packages are identical, so the user can choose either to install R8C on his system.
We plan to check out ways to sign the packages so users can trust that the packages come from us and haven't been modified. It took us a while to get to this point because the automated deployment we implemented presented us with many twists and turns. Hopefully, the next step won't be quite as difficult
R8 Control (R8C) is an external Run 8 controller offering precise throttle control and many other features. It is designed for use on multiple-screen systems where Run 8 is viewed in full-screen mode, and R8C is viewed on another. However, it is possible to view Run 8 in window mode and have both programs operating on a single screen.
Run 8 already supports Rail Driver and has a keyboard and mouse interface. Why should you consider using R8C with Run 8? There are several reasons. First and foremost, Rail Driver and keyboard inputs are imprecise, making fine control of the train throttle and brakes difficult. R8C, on the other hand, allows precise increments and decrements of the throttle and brake controls, making it much easier to find "sweet spots" where everything balances out and trains run themselves.
Each slider control in the Driver 1 window (except for the Reverser) can be adjusted by increments of 1 out of 256 possible values. That's as precise as it gets and is impossible within Run 8 alone.
Also, keyboard shortcuts can be complex to remember, especially where many exist. You will still use some shortcuts while using R8C, but less often. R8C has buttons and sliders for all of the following functions (plus some):
- The throttle.
- Dynamic brakes.
- Air brakes (aka train brakes).
- The independent (Indy) brakes.
- The reverser.
- The parking brakes.
- The horn.
- The bell.
- Alert recognition.
- Slow speed start and stop.
- Set and release the parking brakes.
- The sander.
- EOT Emergency Stop.
- All of the auto start/configuration options.
- All of the manual start/configuration options (for realism).
- DPU controls.
- Traction Motors.
- Radio controls.
- Light controls.
You saw some of the controls for these functions above. Here are The other input controls are laid out for you to see.
You might also appreciate seeing the previous signal's type and the next signal's type. That's not available even in Run 8 by itself.
In addition to these and other features, you will find in R8C, the program is free and open source. When I tire of updating the code to keep up with Run 8 and add new features, another developer may come along with his own branch and pick up where I've stopped.
So, download a copy for yourself, and enjoy!