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hey, thanks for visiting ❀️! if you like this rice or even use it, can you drop a star please? i really appreciate it!





1. installing bspwm

on void:

$ xbps-install bspwm

on arch linux:

$ yay -S bspwm

(you can use another aur helper)

on gentoo:

$ emerge bspwm

on ubuntu or debian:

$ apt install bspwm

on fedora:

$ dnf install bspwm

2. installing eww

OBS: if you are a void user, you can use the eww-template

for first, install cargo πŸ¦€:

$ curl -sSf | sh

it will download a script, and start the installation. if everything goes well, you’ll see this appear: Rust is installed now. Great!

clone and cd into eww folder:

$ git clone && cd eww

now compile the eww binary:

$ cargo build --release -j $(nproc)

now move the binary to /usr/bin and give permissions:

$ sudo mv target/release/eww /usr/bin/ && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/eww

and finally done the installation of eww! 🌌

3. installing the packages

on arch linux:

$ yay -S alacritty sxhkd rofi ninja picom jgmenu

on gentoo:

$ emerge alacritty sxhkd rofi picom

installing jgmenu on gentoo:

$ git clone
$ cd jgmenu
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

on void:

$ xbps-install -S alacritty sxhkd rofi picom jgmenu

on fedora:

$ dnf install sxhkd alacritty rofi picom jgmenu

on ubuntu:

$ apt install sxhkd rofi picom jgmenu

to install alacritty in ubuntu you need run this:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aslatter/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install alacritty

finally install the dots!

$ git clone && cd dotfiles
$ git checkout bspwm-everblush
$ mv conf/bspwm ~/.config/
$ mv conf/eww ~/.config/
$ mv conf/jgmenu ~/.config/
$ mv conf/alacritty ~/.config/
$ mv conf/picom ~/.config/
$ mv conf/sxhkd ~/.config/
$ chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/*
$ chmod +x ~/.config/eww/bar/scripts/*

have a good time ricing! ❀️

gallery πŸ“·

simple horizontal bar

a menu with useful functions

custom rofi


AlphaTechnolog for help me a lot!! <3

saimoomedits for help me with eww bar

janleigh for the borders script and more

and thank you too! i hope you liked it.


MIT License. see LICENSE file.