Aves is a gallery and metadata explorer app, built for Android with Flutter.
A microsite overview of all Android 🤖 versions and their corresponding API/SDK levels, version codes, codenames, and market shares.
💾 Simplify Android Storage Access Framework for file management across API levels.
Android client for local file sharing via and self-hosted snapdrop
Convert the Java(or kotlin) source code to Plantuml
Learn & Practise SQL by running SQL queries in your phone
Ça reste ouvert - the collaborative map of open places during the lockdown
Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder
A productivity app that combines pomodoro timers and flow techniques to boost focus and efficiency.
A Java library for zip files and streams
If you build software, keep a changelog.
Janhouse / sap-commerce-integration-intellij-idea-plugin
Forked from unshare/hybris-integration-intellij-idea-pluginPlugin to integrate SAP Commerce within Intellij IDEA
App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android
Backport of Java 9 API for Android Studio 3.x D8 / desugar toolchain, forked from
A client-side image transcoding library.
A drop-in replacement for Google Play services location APIs for Android
🙏 Android Runtime Permissions made easy and compact, for Kotlin and AndroidX. With coroutines support!
A Doclet that allows the use of Markdown in JavaDoc comments.
Android Timetracker with remote-intend-api for llama
Library for reading and writing metadata in media files