My name is Sefiane, Lyes ( Lyes Sefiane ), Algerian Citizen Native π©πΏ and Canadian Citizen by Naturalization π¨π¦ since 2024-05-07 with 02 Master's degrees from two different Paris universities (Paris 8 University and Paris Dauphine University) and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Tizi-Ouzou in Computer Science.
Software Engineer 3 π with 8+ years experience developing software using the Java ecosystem technologies such as Java 17+, Spring Framework 6+, JUnit, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Docker, Postman, Openapi/Swagger to develop Desktop, RESTful Webservices and Microservices by applying Agile Scrum methodology.
Please refer to my LinkedIn and Gravatar profiles for more information.
- Managing the software development and engenieering team(s).
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