tldraw Public
Forked from tldraw/tldrawa very good whiteboard
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 12, 2023 -
nhslogin Public
Forked from nhsconnect/nhsloginNHS login - developer documentation
Nunjucks UpdatedJul 7, 2022 -
etl-rest-server Public
Forked from AMPATH/etl-rest-serverThis project hosts scripts to generate flat tables used for reporting purposes.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 27, 2022 -
senaite-docker Public
Forked from mekomsolutions/senaite-dockerResource files to build Docker images for SENAITE
Python UpdatedDec 14, 2021 -
openmrs-esm-core Public
Forked from openmrs/openmrs-esm-coreThe core modules of the OpenMRS Frontend system
TypeScript Other UpdatedOct 14, 2021 -
bahmni-docker-compose Public
Forked from mekomsolutions/bahmni-docker-composeDocker Compose project to run Bahmni
Shell UpdatedSep 28, 2021 -
OpenELIS-Global-2 Public
Forked from DIGI-UW/OpenELIS-Global-2OpenELIS 2.X is a rewrite of the original OpenELIS global with updated components and technology
Java Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedSep 9, 2021 -
kibana Public
Forked from elastic/kibanaYour window into the Elastic Stack
TypeScript Other UpdatedSep 8, 2021 -
patient-nav-formatter Public
Forked from AMPATH/patient-nav-formatterA kibana field formatter for navigating to a patient dashboard from a kibana visualization
JavaScript UpdatedAug 11, 2021 -
kibana-enhanced-table Public
Forked from fbaligand/kibana-enhanced-tableKibana visualization like a Data Table, but with enhanced features like computed columns, filter bar, and “Split Cols” bucket
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2021 -
docker-elk Public template
Forked from deviantony/docker-elkThe Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
Shell MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2021 -
HealthTools.API Public
Forked from CodeForAfrica/HealthTools.APIHealthTools API to retrieve, structure and return data being used by the health tools. Accessible at https://api.healthtools.codeforafrica.org/
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2021 -
openelisglobal-core Public
Forked from openelisglobal/openelisglobal-coreGlobal OpenELIS (Enterprise Laboratory Information System) is an initiative to provide laboratory information systems for resource-constrained international clinical and reference laboratories.
Java Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedMar 15, 2021 -
redcap-docker-compose Public
Forked from 123andy/redcap-docker-composeA docker-compose script for building REDCap with Mailhog
PHP UpdatedDec 28, 2020 -
openmrs-fhir-analytics Public
Forked from google/fhir-data-pipesA collection of tools for extracting OpenMRS data as FHIR resources and analytics services on top of that data. [NOTE: WIP/not production ready].
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2020 -
commcare-android Public
Forked from Aviro-Health/commcare-androidOffline First Android software client for CommCare, the world's largest platform for designing, managing, and deploying robust mobile applications to frontline workers worldwide
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 5, 2020 -
anc-pregnancy-loss-lbw-study Public
Forked from kimaina/anc-pregnancy-loss-lbw-studyAntenatal care (ANC) Pregnancy Loss (PL) and Low Birth Weight (LBW) study
UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
mailcow-dockerized Public
Forked from mailcow/mailcow-dockerizedmailcow: dockerized - 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕
PHP GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 30, 2020 -
django-rest-framework-crud Public
Forked from juanbeniteza/django-rest-framework-crudSimple CRUD REST API with Python Django Rest Framework
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2020 -
dbtojson Public
Forked from bmamlin/dbtojsonGenerate OpenMRS database schemas in json
Groovy UpdatedJun 10, 2020 -
netdata Public
Forked from netdata/netdataReal-time performance monitoring, done right! https://www.netdata.cloud
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 18, 2020 -
healert-app Public
Forked from Healert/healert-appReact Native App for Healert
TypeScript UpdatedApr 13, 2020 -
jira Public
Forked from teamatldocker/jiraDockerized Atlassian Jira
Shell MIT License UpdatedMar 19, 2020 -
amrs-slackfeedback-server Public
Forked from AMPATH/amrs-slackfeedback-serverJavaScript UpdatedMar 6, 2020 -
docker-jira Public
Docker-compose file for deployment of Jira
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 5, 2020