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Yet another command-line tool for converting JSON strings into Golang struct definitions. It’s designed to be flexible, allowing for JSON input from both files and pipes, and it handles pointer types for nested structures when specified.


  • Supports both inline and outline Golang structs definitions
  • Support options that change the interpretation of json null
  • Receives JSON strings directly or from a file
  • Outputs formatted Golang structs use gofmt
  • Option to define struct and array fields as pointers
  • Flexible with file extensions (no need for .json)
  • Option to disable the pager for larger outputs


To install kirke, clone the repository and build the binary:

git clone
cd kirke
make install

Alternatively, use go install:

go install

Quick Start

curl -s | kirke

Zsh and Bash Completion file

git clone
cd kirke
source ./misc/completion/




Receives a JSON string and outputs it as a Golang struct definition.


Option Description Default
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --version Show version and exit
-n, --name <root-name> Specify the name of the root struct. Converts to camel case automatically. AutoGenerated
-f, --file <json-file> Specify the input file containing JSON. Accepts files without .json extension.
-a, --null-as <null-type-name> Specify the null-type name. Used to replace null type from json. interface{}
-j, --json <json-string> Specify the JSON string to be converted to a struct.
-p, --pipe Receive JSON from a pipe instead of a direct argument above all else. false
--pointer-struct, --pointer <on|off> Define struct and array fields as pointers. off
--auto-pager, --pager <on|off> Prevents usage of a pager even if output exceeds terminal size. on
-o, --outline Defines struct and array fields as outline struct. (default: true). true
-i, --inline Defines struct and array fields as inline struct. (default: false) false


  • <root-name>: Used as the name of the root struct in the output. Automatically converted to camel case.
  • <json-file>: File containing JSON data. Can be read even if the extension is not .json.
  • <json-string>: Direct JSON string input.
  • <null-type-name>: The type name used to replace null type from json.


Environment Description Default
KIRKE_DEFAULT_ROOT_NAME Specified default used <root-name>. AutoGenerated
KIRKE_DEFAULT_NULL_AS Specified default used <null-type-name>. interface{}
KIRKE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_MODE Specified the default used output mode. Only outline and inline are valid. outline
KIRKE_DEFAULT_POINTER_STRUCT_MODE Specified default <pointer-struct> option. Only on and off are valid.(default: "off") off
KIRKE_DEFAULT_AUTO_PAGER_MODE Specified default <auto-pager> option. Only on and off are valid.(default: "on") on


Example 1: Direct JSON string input

Convert a JSON string to a struct without using a pager and with a specified root name:

kirke -j '{"key": "value"}' --pager off --name MyStruct

Example 2: JSON from a file

Convert JSON data from a specified file to a struct with a specified root name:

kirke -f ./path/to/example.json --name MyExample

Example 3: JSON input from a pipe

Read JSON data from a pipe, use pointers for nested fields, and output as a struct:

echo '{"key": "value"}' | kirke --pointer on

Example 4: JSON input from a pipe force.

Read JSON data from a pipe, use pointers for nested fields, and output as a struct (-j option is ignored.):

echo '{"key": "value"}' | kirke --pipe --pointer on -j '{"key2": "value2"}'

Example 5: JSON null as *string in GO struct.

Read JSON data from a pipe, use pointers for nested fields, and output as a struct (-j option is ignored.):

echo '{"key": "value", "obj": {"address": null} }' | kirke -a "*string"


MIT License