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VectorMath library based on Sony's Math library (Write new, not mod, cause different from origin version)

"Buy Me A Coffee"


Features and Design philosophy

  • Scalar math for graphics/game: int32_t, uint32_t, float
  • Vector math for graphics/game: vec2, vec3, vec4, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, quat, mat2, mat3, mat4
  • Column-major matrix
  • Same API for both C and C++
  • Data structure is plain-old-data, no copy constructor costs
  • Parameter pass-by-value, return as value (only few functions use pass-by-pointer for multi-return purpose)
  • Swizzle-like functions (easier to implement vs C++ properties)
  • C++ operators overloading
  • Data constructor with same name as data type (for cleaner code, GLSL-like, implementation avoid abstraction costs)
  • (Only clang) vector-extensions, swizzle properties, operators overloading
  • Component-wise computing, specific computing for graphics math, only functions
  • Seperate data types and functions in headers, support better compile speed, only include what needed
  • Find out more in docs/

Import/include instructions

  • This library is headers only, you can easily import to your projects
  • Use scripts/vectormath.genie.lua (WIP) to import to projects that support GENie
  • Use scripts/vectormath.premake5.lua to import to projects that support premake5

Build instructions (examples and tests projects)

  • Run premake5 or GENie (WIP) to generate projects
  • Build with your chosen build system
  • (WIP) Planning to add cmake


All pull requests are welcome:

  • Add more examples
  • Reporting and fixing bugs
  • Unit tests
  • Add functions implementations: NEON (other simd intrinsics), handedness, reverse z-order, turns
  • Add docs, fixing typo
  • Find contributing guides as

Small taste

// C

vec3 position = vec3_new(100.0f, 200.0f, 10.0f);    // equals to vec3(100.0f, 200.0f, 10.0f)
quat rotation = quat_from_euler(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vec3 scale    = vec3_new1(1.0f);                    // equals to vec3(1.0f)
mat4 model    = mat4_mul(mat4_mul(mat4_translation_vec3(position),

// Perspective matrix with 45 degrees field-of-view, right handed, row-major
mat4 proj = mat4_perspective_rh(float_deg2rad(45), WIDTH / HEIGHT, 0.0f, 100.0f);

// ... apply matrix to render, should convert to other systems (handed, row/column major) ...
// C++

vec3 position = vec3(100.0f, 200.0f, 10.0f);
quat rotation = quat_from_euler(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // no quat(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) because this is hidden what it does behind the scene
vec3 scale    = vec3(1.0f);
mat4 model    = mat4_translation_vec3(position) * mat4_rotation_quat(rotation) * mat4_scalation_vec3(scale);
             // maybe some function overloading: mat4_translation(position) * mat4_rotation(quat) * mat4_scalation(scale) is appreciated

// Perspective matrix with 45 degrees field-of-view, right handed, row-major
mat4 proj = mat4_perspective_rh(float_deg2rad(45), WIDTH / HEIGHT, 0.0f, 100.0f);

// ... apply matrix to render, should convert to other systems (handed, row/column major) ...
// GLSL-like (require Clang with vector extensions support)

vec2 position;
vec2 texcoord;

vec4 vert2d;
vert2d.xy = position; = texcoord;

vec4 red_color;
color.r = 1.0f;
color.g = 0.0f;
color.b = 0.0f;
color.a = 1.0f;

vec3 red_color_3f = red_color.rgb;

Showcase examples

Language bindings

Language bindings only prefer transpiling language like Haxe (maybe only), that use C++ code to compile, which may using the advantages of inlining optimization. Other languages may need FFI, C ABI to call functions (not inlining), so other languages you should use the libraries written specifily for thoses languages. (Like Zig have zmath, Odin have native support for vector/matrix types)

  • Haxe Reflaxe.CPP (bindgen with nodejs script)
  • Carbon was said that can include C++ header without changing the source code. No experiment yet.
  • Luau (with support native Vector4 in languages). And I'm written a simple, light library to bindings Luau and Lua runtime in C.


  • Why another math library? I'm a big fan of The-Forge renderer, when I read the source, discovered Sony's Math library. But the Sony's Math was support C++ only, then I write a port to support both C and C++ for learning purposes.

  • Why Unlicense? Mostly source codes were re-written from The-Forge's VectorMath library, so I don't own the code. (I found the code with the same design with this library, but older:

  • Where the functions docs, and tutorials? WIP. All functions should got a simple description for the works.

  • Advance usages, configs, build flags docs? Find out in build_flags.

  • More examples on some popular renderers (bgfx, The-Forge)? Learning.

  • I want to use it with Raylib?

    • Solution 1: replace struct definition of VectorX with typedef and it will work. Matrix should be converted.
    • Solution 2: create some helper functions to convert between two types, fear not about performance penalty, compiler will do the work for you. This work for other framework too. Recommended.
  • More about performance? Not the fastest, but enough to use with small projects.

  • Is it stable yet? No. But the API will stable soon (which is still missing needed features).


  • Version: v0.9.0-dev (nearly stable)
  • License: UNLICENSED
  • Copyright: MaiHD @ 2022 - 2025