Parse, deparse and normalize SQL queries using the Postgres source code
Codd is a simple-to-use CLI tool that applies plain postgres SQL migrations atomically with strong and automatic cross-environment schema equality checks.
Automated code reviews via mutation testing - semantic code coverage.
Turn Ruby AST into semantically equivalent Ruby source
self(auto)- documenting encoders and decoders
High performance, concurrent functional programming abstractions
Typecheck, template and modularize your Github Action definitions with Dhall
A simple template and workflow for publishing books with Pandoc
User defined type-level bounded integral and textual types
🐊 Manage GitHub organization files, labels, issues
JSON Schema validation for PostgreSQL
data61 / xsd
Forked from skogsbaer/xsdFork of the discontinued xsd haskell package (
Forward build system with speculation and caching
Release with confidence, state-of-the-art property testing for Haskell.
AstBuilder is a tool to make it easier to work with and compose S-Expressions and other AST related tasks in Ruby