A self-hosted personal finance app.
- PHP 8.1+
- Laravel v10.0+
- Laravel Livewire v3.0+
- Composer
If you don't have php installed in your computer, download it from php.new
Run the following commands in your terminal to clone the repository-
git clone git@github.com:milon/takakori.git takakori
Then go to the directory and run the install command-
cd takakori
If you are using bulk import functionality, run the queue worker from the project background using this command-
php artisan queue:work
# or running it for a single queue
php artisan queue:work --once
# running it in listener mode, adhere any changes in the code without restarting the worker
php artisan queue:listen
You can also run the following command to do everything at once-
composer run dev
Alternatively you can run this app with docker. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed in your computer. We used a tool called Laravel Sail, which is a wrapper around docker-compose
. To install the docker dependency run the following command-
php artisan sail:install
As we would use the
command a lot, it makes sense to have an alias setup for it-alias sail='sh $([ -f sail ] && echo sail || echo vendor/bin/sail)'
Then run the following command to spin up docker containers-
./vendor/bin/sail up
# or run it in detached mode
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
And to start or stop the containers, run this-
# start
./vendor/bin/sail start
# stop
./vendor/bin/sail stop
To remove the containers, run the following command-
./vendor/bin/sail down
Then visit http://localhost to visit the site.
By default the app runs on Port
. If the port is used by other services, you can override it by changing the value ofAPP_PORT
You can see the screenshots here.