Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
the only javascript runtime to hit no.1 on techempower 🔥
PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement
Branch of the spec repo scoped to discussion of GC integration in WebAssembly
A compiled-away, type-safe, readable RegExp alternative
Multiple per-module memories for Wasm
A Zig package manager with an index, build runner, and build dependencies.
Learn the Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
A type-level Brainfuck interpreter in TypeScript
A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API.
TypeScript grammar for tree-sitter
Developing, testing, and defining the runtime Web APIs for Edge infrastructure.
A lightweight, memory-protected, message-passing kernel for deeply embedded systems.
Use PageRank to find the most important files in your codebase.
A rollup plugin to generate .d.ts rollup files for your typescript project
Neo4j + vis.js = neovis.js. Graph visualizations in the browser with data from Neo4j.
MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
Simple, expressive & portable programming language for efficient scripting
Visual Studio Code Extension for Tauri apps development
WITX code and documentation generator for AssemblyScript, Zig, Rust and more.
Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode. The game was inspired by Settlers II™ (© Bluebyte) but has significantly more variety an…
The most customizable typing website with a minimalistic design and a ton of features. Test yourself in various modes, track your progress and improve your speed.
A simple, expressive, embeddable programming language