NuGet | Mux Docs | Mux API Reference
Mux is how developers build online video. This API encompasses both Mux Video and Mux Data functionality to help you build your video-related projects better and faster than ever before.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an early build of the Mux C# SDK, as evidenced by its pre-1.0 status, but we're reasonably certain of its stability and usability against the Mux API.. Documentation is currently best-effort, but it'll improve over time! Instead of contacting Mux Support, please file an issue on this repository or email Mux DevEx for assistance.
At this moment, this SDK is not suitable for parsing or modeling webhook payloads, due to some incompatibilities in our API spec and our SDK generation tooling. We are working on resolving these issues, but for now you should only use this SDK for Mux's REST APIs.
- API version: v1
- SDK version: 1.0.0
- .NET Core >=1.0
- .NET Framework >=4.6
- Mono/Xamarin >=vNext
- RestSharp - 106.11.4 or later
- Json.NET - 12.0.3 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.7.0 or later
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations - 4.7.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Generate the DLL using your preferred tool (e.g. dotnet build
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Api;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Client;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Model;
To use the API client with a HTTP proxy, setup a System.Net.WebProxy
Configuration c = new Configuration();
System.Net.WebProxy webProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://myProxyUrl:80/");
webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Api;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Client;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
config.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
config.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
var apiInstance = new AssetsApi(config);
var createAssetRequest = new CreateAssetRequest(); // CreateAssetRequest |
// Create an asset
AssetResponse result = apiInstance.CreateAsset(createAssetRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling AssetsApi.CreateAsset: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AssetsApi | CreateAsset | POST /video/v1/assets | Create an asset |
AssetsApi | CreateAssetPlaybackId | POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/playback-ids | Create a playback ID |
AssetsApi | CreateAssetStaticRendition | POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/static-renditions | Create a static rendition for an asset |
AssetsApi | CreateAssetTrack | POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/tracks | Create an asset track |
AssetsApi | DeleteAsset | DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID} | Delete an asset |
AssetsApi | DeleteAssetPlaybackId | DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} | Delete a playback ID |
AssetsApi | DeleteAssetStaticRendition | DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/static-renditions/{STATIC_RENDITION_ID} | Delete a single static rendition for an asset |
AssetsApi | DeleteAssetTrack | DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/tracks/{TRACK_ID} | Delete an asset track |
AssetsApi | GenerateAssetTrackSubtitles | POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/tracks/{TRACK_ID}/generate-subtitles | Generate track subtitles |
AssetsApi | GetAsset | GET /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID} | Retrieve an asset |
AssetsApi | GetAssetInputInfo | GET /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/input-info | Retrieve asset input info |
AssetsApi | GetAssetPlaybackId | GET /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} | Retrieve a playback ID |
AssetsApi | ListAssets | GET /video/v1/assets | List assets |
AssetsApi | UpdateAsset | PATCH /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID} | Update an asset |
AssetsApi | UpdateAssetMasterAccess | PUT /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/master-access | Update master access |
AssetsApi | UpdateAssetMp4Support | PUT /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/mp4-support | Update MP4 support |
DRMConfigurationsApi | GetDrmConfiguration | GET /video/v1/drm-configurations/{DRM_CONFIGURATION_ID} | Retrieve a DRM Configuration |
DRMConfigurationsApi | ListDrmConfigurations | GET /video/v1/drm-configurations | List DRM Configurations |
DeliveryUsageApi | ListDeliveryUsage | GET /video/v1/delivery-usage | List Usage |
DimensionsApi | ListDimensionValues | GET /data/v1/dimensions/{DIMENSION_ID} | Lists the values for a specific dimension |
DimensionsApi | ListDimensions | GET /data/v1/dimensions | List Dimensions |
DirectUploadsApi | CancelDirectUpload | PUT /video/v1/uploads/{UPLOAD_ID}/cancel | Cancel a direct upload |
DirectUploadsApi | CreateDirectUpload | POST /video/v1/uploads | Create a new direct upload URL |
DirectUploadsApi | GetDirectUpload | GET /video/v1/uploads/{UPLOAD_ID} | Retrieve a single direct upload's info |
DirectUploadsApi | ListDirectUploads | GET /video/v1/uploads | List direct uploads |
ErrorsApi | ListErrors | GET /data/v1/errors | List Errors |
ExportsApi | ListExports | GET /data/v1/exports | List property video view export links |
ExportsApi | ListExportsViews | GET /data/v1/exports/views | List available property view exports |
FiltersApi | ListFilterValues | GET /data/v1/filters/{FILTER_ID} | Lists values for a specific filter |
FiltersApi | ListFilters | GET /data/v1/filters | List Filters |
IncidentsApi | GetIncident | GET /data/v1/incidents/{INCIDENT_ID} | Get an Incident |
IncidentsApi | ListIncidents | GET /data/v1/incidents | List Incidents |
IncidentsApi | ListRelatedIncidents | GET /data/v1/incidents/{INCIDENT_ID}/related | List Related Incidents |
LiveStreamsApi | CreateLiveStream | POST /video/v1/live-streams | Create a live stream |
LiveStreamsApi | CreateLiveStreamPlaybackId | POST /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/playback-ids | Create a live stream playback ID |
LiveStreamsApi | CreateLiveStreamSimulcastTarget | POST /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets | Create a live stream simulcast target |
LiveStreamsApi | DeleteLiveStream | DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID} | Delete a live stream |
LiveStreamsApi | DeleteLiveStreamNewAssetSettingsStaticRenditions | DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/new-asset-settings/static-renditions | Delete a live stream's static renditions setting for new assets |
LiveStreamsApi | DeleteLiveStreamPlaybackId | DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} | Delete a live stream playback ID |
LiveStreamsApi | DeleteLiveStreamSimulcastTarget | DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets/{SIMULCAST_TARGET_ID} | Delete a live stream simulcast target |
LiveStreamsApi | DisableLiveStream | PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/disable | Disable a live stream |
LiveStreamsApi | EnableLiveStream | PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/enable | Enable a live stream |
LiveStreamsApi | GetLiveStream | GET /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID} | Retrieve a live stream |
LiveStreamsApi | GetLiveStreamPlaybackId | GET /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} | Retrieve a live stream playback ID |
LiveStreamsApi | GetLiveStreamSimulcastTarget | GET /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets/{SIMULCAST_TARGET_ID} | Retrieve a live stream simulcast target |
LiveStreamsApi | ListLiveStreams | GET /video/v1/live-streams | List live streams |
LiveStreamsApi | ResetStreamKey | POST /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/reset-stream-key | Reset a live stream's stream key |
LiveStreamsApi | SignalLiveStreamComplete | PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/complete | Signal a live stream is finished |
LiveStreamsApi | UpdateLiveStream | PATCH /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID} | Update a live stream |
LiveStreamsApi | UpdateLiveStreamEmbeddedSubtitles | PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/embedded-subtitles | Update a live stream's embedded subtitles |
LiveStreamsApi | UpdateLiveStreamGeneratedSubtitles | PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/generated-subtitles | Update a live stream's generated subtitles |
LiveStreamsApi | UpdateLiveStreamNewAssetSettingsStaticRenditions | PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/new-asset-settings/static-renditions | Update live stream static renditions for new assets |
MetricsApi | GetMetricTimeseriesData | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/timeseries | Get metric timeseries data |
MetricsApi | GetOverallValues | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/overall | Get Overall values |
MetricsApi | ListAllMetricValues | GET /data/v1/metrics/comparison | List all metric values |
MetricsApi | ListBreakdownValues | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/breakdown | List breakdown values |
MetricsApi | ListInsights | GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/insights | List Insights |
MonitoringApi | GetMonitoringBreakdown | GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_METRIC_ID}/breakdown | Get Monitoring Breakdown |
MonitoringApi | GetMonitoringBreakdownTimeseries | GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_METRIC_ID}/breakdown-timeseries | Get Monitoring Breakdown Timeseries |
MonitoringApi | GetMonitoringHistogramTimeseries | GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_HISTOGRAM_METRIC_ID}/histogram-timeseries | Get Monitoring Histogram Timeseries |
MonitoringApi | GetMonitoringTimeseries | GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_METRIC_ID}/timeseries | Get Monitoring Timeseries |
MonitoringApi | ListMonitoringDimensions | GET /data/v1/monitoring/dimensions | List Monitoring Dimensions |
MonitoringApi | ListMonitoringMetrics | GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics | List Monitoring Metrics |
PlaybackIDApi | GetAssetOrLivestreamId | GET /video/v1/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} | Retrieve an asset or live stream ID |
PlaybackRestrictionsApi | CreatePlaybackRestriction | POST /video/v1/playback-restrictions | Create a Playback Restriction |
PlaybackRestrictionsApi | DeletePlaybackRestriction | DELETE /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID} | Delete a Playback Restriction |
PlaybackRestrictionsApi | GetPlaybackRestriction | GET /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID} | Retrieve a Playback Restriction |
PlaybackRestrictionsApi | ListPlaybackRestrictions | GET /video/v1/playback-restrictions | List Playback Restrictions |
PlaybackRestrictionsApi | UpdateReferrerDomainRestriction | PUT /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID}/referrer | Update the Referrer Playback Restriction |
PlaybackRestrictionsApi | UpdateUserAgentRestriction | PUT /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID}/user_agent | Update the User Agent Restriction |
RealTimeApi | GetRealtimeBreakdown | GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics/{REALTIME_METRIC_ID}/breakdown | Get Real-Time Breakdown |
RealTimeApi | GetRealtimeHistogramTimeseries | GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics/{REALTIME_HISTOGRAM_METRIC_ID}/histogram-timeseries | Get Real-Time Histogram Timeseries |
RealTimeApi | GetRealtimeTimeseries | GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics/{REALTIME_METRIC_ID}/timeseries | Get Real-Time Timeseries |
RealTimeApi | ListRealtimeDimensions | GET /data/v1/realtime/dimensions | List Real-Time Dimensions |
RealTimeApi | ListRealtimeMetrics | GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics | List Real-Time Metrics |
SigningKeysApi | CreateSigningKey | POST /system/v1/signing-keys | Create a signing key |
SigningKeysApi | DeleteSigningKey | DELETE /system/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} | Delete a signing key |
SigningKeysApi | GetSigningKey | GET /system/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} | Retrieve a signing key |
SigningKeysApi | ListSigningKeys | GET /system/v1/signing-keys | List signing keys |
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi | CreateTranscriptionVocabulary | POST /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies | Create a Transcription Vocabulary |
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi | DeleteTranscriptionVocabulary | DELETE /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies/{TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY_ID} | Delete a Transcription Vocabulary |
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi | GetTranscriptionVocabulary | GET /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies/{TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY_ID} | Retrieve a Transcription Vocabulary |
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi | ListTranscriptionVocabularies | GET /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies | List Transcription Vocabularies |
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi | UpdateTranscriptionVocabulary | PUT /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies/{TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY_ID} | Update a Transcription Vocabulary |
URLSigningKeysApi | CreateUrlSigningKey | POST /video/v1/signing-keys | Create a URL signing key |
URLSigningKeysApi | DeleteUrlSigningKey | DELETE /video/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} | Delete a URL signing key |
URLSigningKeysApi | GetUrlSigningKey | GET /video/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} | Retrieve a URL signing key |
URLSigningKeysApi | ListUrlSigningKeys | GET /video/v1/signing-keys | List URL signing keys |
VideoViewsApi | GetVideoView | GET /data/v1/video-views/{VIDEO_VIEW_ID} | Get a Video View |
VideoViewsApi | ListVideoViews | GET /data/v1/video-views | List Video Views |
WebInputsApi | CreateWebInput | POST /video/v1/web-inputs | Create a new Web Input |
WebInputsApi | DeleteWebInput | DELETE /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID} | Delete a Web Input |
WebInputsApi | GetWebInput | GET /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID} | Retrieve a Web Input |
WebInputsApi | LaunchWebInput | PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/launch | Launch a Web Input |
WebInputsApi | ListWebInputs | GET /video/v1/web-inputs | List Web Inputs |
WebInputsApi | ReloadWebInput | PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/reload | Reload a Web Input |
WebInputsApi | ShutdownWebInput | PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/shutdown | Shut down a Web Input |
WebInputsApi | UpdateWebInputUrl | PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/url | Update Web Input URL |
- Model.AbridgedVideoView
- Model.Asset
- Model.AssetErrors
- Model.AssetGeneratedSubtitleSettings
- Model.AssetMaster
- Model.AssetNonStandardInputReasons
- Model.AssetRecordingTimes
- Model.AssetResponse
- Model.AssetStaticRenditions
- Model.BreakdownValue
- Model.CreateAssetRequest
- Model.CreateLiveStreamRequest
- Model.CreatePlaybackIDRequest
- Model.CreatePlaybackIDResponse
- Model.CreatePlaybackRestrictionRequest
- Model.CreateSimulcastTargetRequest
- Model.CreateStaticRenditionRequest
- Model.CreateStaticRenditionResponse
- Model.CreateTrackRequest
- Model.CreateTrackResponse
- Model.CreateTranscriptionVocabularyRequest
- Model.CreateUploadRequest
- Model.CreateWebInputRequest
- Model.DRMConfiguration
- Model.DRMConfigurationResponse
- Model.DeliveryReport
- Model.DeliveryReportDeliveredSecondsByResolution
- Model.DimensionValue
- Model.DisableLiveStreamResponse
- Model.EnableLiveStreamResponse
- Model.Error
- Model.ExportDate
- Model.ExportFile
- Model.FilterValue
- Model.GenerateTrackSubtitlesRequest
- Model.GenerateTrackSubtitlesResponse
- Model.GetAssetInputInfoResponse
- Model.GetAssetOrLiveStreamIdResponse
- Model.GetAssetOrLiveStreamIdResponseData
- Model.GetAssetOrLiveStreamIdResponseDataObject
- Model.GetAssetPlaybackIDResponse
- Model.GetLiveStreamPlaybackIDResponse
- Model.GetMetricTimeseriesDataResponse
- Model.GetMonitoringBreakdownResponse
- Model.GetMonitoringBreakdownTimeseriesResponse
- Model.GetMonitoringHistogramTimeseriesResponse
- Model.GetMonitoringHistogramTimeseriesResponseMeta
- Model.GetMonitoringTimeseriesResponse
- Model.GetOverallValuesResponse
- Model.GetRealTimeBreakdownResponse
- Model.GetRealTimeHistogramTimeseriesResponse
- Model.GetRealTimeHistogramTimeseriesResponseMeta
- Model.GetRealTimeTimeseriesResponse
- Model.Incident
- Model.IncidentBreakdown
- Model.IncidentNotification
- Model.IncidentNotificationRule
- Model.IncidentResponse
- Model.InputFile
- Model.InputInfo
- Model.InputSettings
- Model.InputSettingsOverlaySettings
- Model.InputTrack
- Model.Insight
- Model.LaunchWebInputResponse
- Model.ListAllMetricValuesResponse
- Model.ListAssetsResponse
- Model.ListBreakdownValuesResponse
- Model.ListBreakdownValuesResponseMeta
- Model.ListDRMConfigurationsResponse
- Model.ListDeliveryUsageResponse
- Model.ListDimensionValuesResponse
- Model.ListDimensionsResponse
- Model.ListErrorsResponse
- Model.ListExportsResponse
- Model.ListFilterValuesResponse
- Model.ListFiltersResponse
- Model.ListFiltersResponseData
- Model.ListIncidentsResponse
- Model.ListInsightsResponse
- Model.ListLiveStreamsResponse
- Model.ListMonitoringDimensionsResponse
- Model.ListMonitoringDimensionsResponseData
- Model.ListMonitoringMetricsResponse
- Model.ListPlaybackRestrictionsResponse
- Model.ListRealTimeDimensionsResponse
- Model.ListRealTimeMetricsResponse
- Model.ListRelatedIncidentsResponse
- Model.ListSigningKeysResponse
- Model.ListTranscriptionVocabulariesResponse
- Model.ListUploadsResponse
- Model.ListVideoViewExportsResponse
- Model.ListVideoViewsResponse
- Model.ListWebInputsResponse
- Model.LiveStream
- Model.LiveStreamEmbeddedSubtitleSettings
- Model.LiveStreamGeneratedSubtitleSettings
- Model.LiveStreamResponse
- Model.LiveStreamStatus
- Model.Metric
- Model.MonitoringBreakdownTimeseriesDatapoint
- Model.MonitoringBreakdownTimeseriesValues
- Model.MonitoringBreakdownValue
- Model.MonitoringHistogramTimeseriesBucket
- Model.MonitoringHistogramTimeseriesBucketValues
- Model.MonitoringHistogramTimeseriesDatapoint
- Model.MonitoringTimeseriesDatapoint
- Model.NotificationRule
- Model.OverallValues
- Model.PlaybackID
- Model.PlaybackPolicy
- Model.PlaybackRestriction
- Model.PlaybackRestrictionResponse
- Model.RealTimeBreakdownValue
- Model.RealTimeHistogramTimeseriesBucket
- Model.RealTimeHistogramTimeseriesBucketValues
- Model.RealTimeHistogramTimeseriesDatapoint
- Model.RealTimeTimeseriesDatapoint
- Model.ReferrerDomainRestriction
- Model.ReloadWebInputResponse
- Model.Score
- Model.ShutdownWebInputResponse
- Model.SignalLiveStreamCompleteResponse
- Model.SigningKey
- Model.SigningKeyResponse
- Model.SimulcastTarget
- Model.SimulcastTargetResponse
- Model.StaticRendition
- Model.Track
- Model.TranscriptionVocabulary
- Model.TranscriptionVocabularyResponse
- Model.UpdateAssetMP4SupportRequest
- Model.UpdateAssetMasterAccessRequest
- Model.UpdateAssetRequest
- Model.UpdateLiveStreamEmbeddedSubtitlesRequest
- Model.UpdateLiveStreamGeneratedSubtitlesRequest
- Model.UpdateLiveStreamNewAssetSettings
- Model.UpdateLiveStreamNewAssetSettingsStaticRenditionsRequest
- Model.UpdateLiveStreamRequest
- Model.UpdateReferrerDomainRestrictionRequest
- Model.UpdateTranscriptionVocabularyRequest
- Model.UpdateUserAgentRestrictionRequest
- Model.UpdateWebInputUrlRequest
- Model.Upload
- Model.UploadError
- Model.UploadResponse
- Model.UserAgentRestrictionRequest
- Model.UserAgentRestrictionSettings
- Model.VideoView
- Model.VideoViewEvent
- Model.VideoViewResponse
- Model.WebInput
- Model.WebInputResponse
- Type: HTTP basic authentication